Heian-kyō, at Saigyouji’s house.

It is still desolate here. The flowers that just bloomed are like a flash in the pan, and now they have returned to their original state.

But it’s just a trick. Wubie doesn’t want others to know the changes that have taken place here.

Everyone in Heian-kyō knows about the problem of Saigyouji Yuyuko, and everyone knows about the desolation of Saigyouji’s house.

If the originally dead environment becomes full of vitality, it means that a new force has appeared in Saigyouji’s house.

Either it is life that overwhelms death, or death that can be completely controlled, but either way is a power that makes people jealous.

If this kind of thing is known by others, it will be a troublesome thing. Although Wubie has the ability to protect the people around him, he hates trouble.

Ignorance is not a crime, but it doesn’t work in a world where the strong prey on the weak.

If too many troubles come to the door, even if it is Wubie, he will kill without hesitation. Greed has a price to pay.

But it’s better to have less trouble.

So he used a trick to hide everything in the courtyard. In the eyes of outsiders, this place is still a desolate place.

But in the eyes of Wubie and his friends, this place is a veritable paradise. Youyouzi is now happily playing outside.

Wubie sat cross-legged in the corridor, watching Youyouzi playing with a smile. At this time, Yaoji came to Wubie with a tribute plate. He sat down next to Wubie and poured him a cup of tea.

“Sir, tea please”

“Thank you, and don’t be so polite, just call me by my name, after all, I’m just staying here, what can I do for you, old man?”

In order to dispel Yaoji’s doubts, Wubie deliberately used a name that was not very respectful, but not too rude.

Yaoji himself was not a pretentious person, so since Wubie said so, he also agreed.

“Wubie, it’s nothing serious. Although I believe you have no ill intentions, I still want to ask, what is your purpose in coming to the Saigyouji family? There should be nothing here that you expect.”

If you have strength, you have money and power. Wubie’s strength means that it does not lack these two things.

In addition, the Saigyouji family can’t come up with anything else. The only special one is Saigyouji Youyouko.

However, Youyouko’s ability is dispensable to Wubie, so Yaoji is a little confused. Why would such a person come to Saigyouji?

Wubie did not directly answer Yaoji’s question, but after taking a sip of tea carefully, he looked at Youyouko not far away and said

“In fact, there are things I want, and I have already got them, but in the final analysis, I am just doing what I want to do.”

“Things you want to do……”

He pondered Wubie’s words carefully, and then looked in the direction he was looking at, and saw Youyouzi playing in the flowers.

At this moment, Youyouzi had a beautiful smile on her face. There was no doubt that even Yaoji, who had taken care of her for several years, had never seen such a beautiful smile before.

Seeing the smile that healed his soul, Yaoji seemed to understand, understood what Wubie wanted to get.

But even though he understood, he was still very surprised, and stroked his beard. He looked at Wubie in surprise and said

“I didn’t expect what you wanted to get was so simple”

“Is it easy? Actually, it is not. It is very difficult. But it is precisely because of the difficulty that it is so precious.”

“……You are right.”

Although it is a bit strange to regard other people’s smiles as treasures, Yao Ji can understand if it is Youyouzi, because he knows how precious it is for Youyouzi to show such a healing smile.

However, understanding is understanding, but it is still not proportional to what Wubie did. This kind of loss-making business is really……

“Haha, yes, this kind of loss-making business is really unimaginable. How could there be such a selfless and dedicated fool in this world?”

As if he saw through Yaoji’s thoughts, Wubie said self-deprecatingly.

However, Yaoji did not think that the boy in front of him was mocking him, because he never thought that he had done anything wrong from beginning to end, so his eyes did not change when he said these words.

Still gentle, still relieved.

Yaoji did not quite understand why, but he did not ask again, because the boy in front of him would give his own answer.

“In fact, you don’t have to think so complicated, you can also think about it from the perspective of benefits. Everything I do is for myself after all.”

He looked at Yao Ji with a smile, telling his own selfish thoughts.

“Just as you said, I have great strength, so I am not short of power and wealth, so these things are meaningless to me.

Since even these things have lost their meaning to me, I am afraid that I will not be able to live well if I don’t find other meaningful things.

So I want to find more precious treasures, and fortunately I found them.

Maybe in your eyes, I am just helping others for free, but isn’t this satisfying my own heart?

So there is no need to think too much, I am just doing it for myself, for my own selfishness, not for other things.”


Yaoji fell silent. Wubie said it very clearly. If he followed his words, then he was acting entirely for his own selfish reasons.

But is this really the case? Yaoji didn’t know, and it was difficult for him to judge.

Because if he really understood it according to Wubie’s words, then there would be no such thing as kindness in the world, and everything was just about interests.

Maybe it was not wrong, but as long as there was humanity, it would not be understood in this way.

Emotions often surpass rationality. This is human nature, and it is also the preciousness of human nature.

Therefore, Yaoji did not completely accept this statement. He shook his head and said to Wubie seriously and solemnly:

“No matter what your purpose is, thank you for everything you have done for the young lady.”

Looking at Yaoji’s serious look, Wubie was silent for a while, then shook his head and said helplessly

“……Oh, this is just what I should do.”

(After all, it is my dream. If I want a perfect dream, shouldn’t I pay for it?)

Of course, Wubie would not explain so much, because dreams are not important. I am the person in the dream, so the dream is reality.

While the two were chatting, Youyouzi, who was playing, also came over, looked at Yaoji’s serious look, and then asked with some doubts:

“Hey? Grandpa Yaoji, what are you and Brother Wubie talking about?”

“Ah, he didn’t say anything. He was just asking Wubie about his life experience. He was very curious about his race and why he came back here.”

He didn’t want Youyouzi to know the conversation between them. The words that Wubie used to reassure himself were not suitable for innocent children to hear.

What’s more, Youyouzi, who had just gained a happy childhood, should not be blinded by interests.

Therefore, Yaoji changed the subject very cleverly. He believed that Youyouzi must want to know about Wubie, and he just wanted to know.

Sure enough, after hearing what Yaoji said, Youyouzi ran to Wubie with shining eyes and asked curiously.

“Yes, Brother Wubie, you are not human, right? Then what race are you? And where are you from? What is your purpose in coming to Heian-kyō?”

As expected of a child, she is always so curious. Yaoji only asked one question, but she asked so many questions.

Seeing Youyouzi’s cute look when she asked questions, Wubie couldn’t help laughing, so he said softly in a gentle tone.

“As for me, there is nothing wrong with saying that I am human, but it is not wrong to say that I am human either.

Because I am a traveler, this is not a profession, but a race, a special race that belongs to the conceptual level.

Maybe there are different travelers in other worlds, but I am probably the only traveler, because I have a conceptual characteristic, and therefore I have gained very powerful strength.

And this characteristic is-anyone can become a traveler, and a traveler can also be anyone.”

In human terms, a traveler can be of any race.

As if to prove that what he said was true, a white cloud suddenly flew out from Wubie’s shoulder.

This is a half-human, half-spirit race, but it has just been born.

Looking at the half-spirit that jumped out of Wubie, Youyouzi also curiously reached out to grab it, and Wubie also controlled the half-spirit to fly to her hand.

Feeling the familiar touch and breath, Youyouzi could be sure that the one in her hand was indeed a half-spirit, so she said in surprise

“This… I originally thought that the realm monsters were magical enough, but I didn’t expect that there was such a magical race in this world.”

Looking at the familiar half-spirit, Yao Ji had to believe Wu Bie’s words.

It was just really unbelievable. Could such a race really exist in this world?

“Of course not, that’s why I say it’s a conceptual race.”

Wu Bie took a sip of tea and said directly.

A conceptual race is not a race that is naturally born in the world, but is deliberately created by one person.

Although Wu Bie didn’t explain it clearly, Yao Ji, who has lived for who knows how many years, still heard some clues from it.

So when Youyouzi was about to continue asking, Yao Ji reached out and pressed Youyouzi’s shoulder, and said seriously

“We got it. We won’t ask too much about this matter.”

Since they don’t even know what the other party’s race is, let alone what kind of person created this race.

Such a powerful person is not something they can speculate at will, so it is safest not to know at this time.

Although Youyouko didn’t understand why Yaoji would stop her, but the other party had been taking care of her growing up, she knew that Yaoji must be doing it for her.

So Youyouko, who returned, didn’t ask too much.

Since race is a problem that cannot be figured out, then there is naturally no way to tell about Wubie’s origins. So there is only one question left.

Coming to Saigyouji’s house is because of Youyouko, so what is the purpose of coming to Heian-kyo? It can’t be just for Youyouko.

Helping Youyouko solve the problem of ability is indeed one of the reasons, but of course not all. Wubie came to Heian-kyo, no, it should be said that there is probably only one purpose for choosing this world in the first place.

He just looked up at the sky and said slowly

“The purpose of coming here is to create a home.”

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