(The order is wrong, this is the fifth chapter.)

Travelers are not wanderers. They are called travelers not only because they travel, but also because they have a home.

Of course, it is not just an ordinary home.

“As a traveler, I want to have a home, a home that I created myself, a home that can accommodate us, a home where everyone can be happy.”

Wubie said his thoughts with a smile.

Gensokyo was the place he dreamed of, but the original Gensokyo was not beautiful, because the original Gensokyo was not a paradise.

Gensokyo is the final destination of the unconventional, a place where monsters, gods and other unconventional people hide from humans, so the original Gensokyo was not a paradise.

This is certainly not what Wubie expected, so he wants to build a Gensokyo that he wants, a real paradise.

「It is a fantasy land favored by the gods, where humans, monsters, gods, and other people of all races can live.

This is a paradise where all races can live in harmony.

People who live here may not be rich, but they will not be poor, will not worry about their livelihoods, and can also harvest their own happiness.

It is a paradise, a paradise favored by the gods.”

In the doubts of Yaoji and Youyouzi, Wubie began to perfect everything in Gensokyo, and described the beautiful scenery of Gensokyo vividly.

At the same time, he also told them about the happy life in Gensokyo.

Listening to Wubie’s wonderful description, it seemed as if such a paradise really existed. Yaoji and Youyouzi were also full of yearning for such a beautiful place.

It’s just too beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people feel it is impossible to achieve.

Yaoji shook his head and said

“It’s a really beautiful place, but such a beautiful place probably only exists in dreams. This kind of coexistence is almost impossible to achieve, at least in my opinion it is impossible to achieve”

“Yes, I know.”

He nodded, and did not refute Yaoji’s words.

Because what he just said was only beautiful, that monsters and humans could live together regardless of other factors.

Even if Wubie was naive, he knew that this was impossible.

“I know this is impossible, so from the beginning I didn’t want to create a fantasy town without disputes.

I just described the beauty, and disputes are allowed to exist in this beauty, because it is one of the laws of nature.”

People of the same race will go to war and kill because of different regions, different surnames, and different countries, not to mention different races.

It’s good enough without war and killing, and you still hope that they can coexist peacefully?

If someone really proposes that people let go of past hatred and start coexisting again, then it is estimated that this person is not far from death.

So Wubie shook his head and continued.

“Gensokyo allows disputes to exist, but does not allow killing. Humans and monsters do not need to coexist, they just need to maintain peace in designated places. True peace is impossible.”

“If this is the case, then the fantasy land in your heart will become empty talk. What is the difference between it and the outside world?”

“Therefore, it is necessary to select people and monsters who are allowed to enter Gensokyo. The most important thing is that they don’t like disputes and just want a place to live their daily lives.”

He smiled and explained how to build the Gensokyo in his mind.

Then he continued

“Even family members have disputes, not to mention humans and monsters, so they can only be reduced, so the monsters and humans who can enter Gensokyo need to be selected.

Then there is the issue of fighting. There are aggressive monsters, but aggressive people just need to vent, so it is better to relieve than to block.

Therefore, there is no need to stop fighting, just set rules, and add the character of living and working in peace and contentment, then paradise can be realized.”

There is no eternal paradise. If you really want to make the paradise eternal, you have to put in a lot of effort. Rules, environment and other factors are secondary. The most important thing is the character of the residents of the paradise.

The absence of internal worries is the key to the eternal survival of a group.

As for external troubles, to be honest, Gensokyo is not afraid of external enemies in the future. After all, Wubie can challenge the entire world alone.

What’s more, there are not many weak people among the people he plans to invite in the future.

After hearing Wubie’s explanation, Yaoji nodded. If this is the case, then it is indeed feasible.

In this way, it can solve the fights between monsters and humans, monsters and monsters, and prevent further development of conflicts.

If everyone doesn’t like fighting, then there will be no problem.

In this way, the problem of fighting can be solved, but this is not the only problem. There is another problem, that is

“Then what should humans do?”

Monsters eat people, this is common sense.

If fighting is allowed to exist, it means that Wubie allows monsters to eat people. In this case, how can the safety of humans be guaranteed?

Yaoji’s concerns are not unreasonable, so Wubie nodded and said

“This is indeed a problem. Gensokyo allows cannibalism because it is common sense and a law of survival. After all, it is like people eating pork.

However, it is impossible to let monsters run wild. Humans are necessary for monsters. Without humans, monsters cannot continue to exist.

So rules are set, where is a safe zone for humans, where should not go, or when can go.

People who follow the rules will not be harmed, and people who break the rules may become food for monsters.

And this is also a way to control the population. Gensokyo will not be too large to accommodate too many humans. Although it is a bit cruel, it is necessary.”

At the same time, because of the existence of monsters, powerless humans need the protection of others if they want to return safely when they go out.

These other people can be monsters that are friendly to humans, or gods that protect humans. This way, the survival of monsters and gods can be guaranteed.

Monsters need human fear, and gods also need human faith.

This is a cycle, a survival cycle that belongs to this world.

In this way, the most basic contradictions have been basically resolved. At the same time, whether it is humans, monsters, or gods, they are all necessary for Gensokyo.

As long as every factor can be guaranteed to be indispensable, there will be no destruction, and everyone can survive.

Hearing Wubie’s well-organized plan, Yaoji also said with admiration.

“If this is the case, then the fantasy town you describe may really exist, but it will be a difficult process.”

“Yes, of course I know, but I will work hard to make it happen. In the future, such a fantasy town will definitely come to this world.”

Wubie said with great confidence, as if she would definitely be born.

If you say it’s difficult before you do it, then don’t think about it. What’s more, this is the main purpose of coming to this world. As his biggest dream, how could he not make it come true?

Looking at Wubie’s confident look, Yaoji nodded.

“Well, I believe you. If you need my help in the future, please let me know. I will do my best to help you.”

“And I, Youyouzi, will help too.”

Youyouzi also jumped up and raised her hand. Although Youyouzi didn’t understand a lot of what Wubie said, it didn’t stop her from yearning for the beauty of Gensokyo.

And this is the home that Wubie wants to build. No matter what, she will try her best to help. She also has to help Wubie.

Seeing Youyouzi’s well-behaved appearance, Wubie also touched her head.

“Really? Then I’ll take care of you from now on. You too, Youyouko”

“Well, I will definitely help Brother Wubie. Oh, it’s getting late, Brother Wubie, let’s go see my father and let you be my teacher.”

I came to my senses and found that it was already dusk.

A lot of things happened today. Unknowingly, it was already dusk and the sun was about to set.

In order not to disturb others, Youyouzi wanted Wubie to meet his father as soon as possible. After confirming Wubie’s identity, they could be together forever.

However, just when Youyouzi was thinking happily, Wubie said

“I’m sorry, Youyouzi, I may not be able to be with you”


Hearing this, Youyouzi froze in her place.

Then a feeling of grievance surged into her heart, and at the same time, she felt cheated. Although it was not the first time, it was particularly different.

Looking at Youyouzi’s expression, she had no idea what she was thinking. Perhaps she had been lying to her from the beginning because she was leaving.

“I’m not deceiving you, Youyouzi.”

When she was extremely disappointed, Wubie reached out and touched her head.

“Even if I am not your teacher, I can always stay by your side and watch you grow up until one day you find me annoying.”

“I don’t think my brother is annoying.” She retorted loudly. At this time, Wubie also saw her slightly red eyes and wiped away her tears.

“OK, OK, I know Youyouzi won’t hate me, so if that’s the case, then I’ll stay with Youyouzi forever.”


She nodded heavily and threw herself into Wubie’s arms, hugging him as if she would never let go, which made Wubie smile helplessly.

But this was not the most helpless thing. What made Wubie even more helpless was Yaoji standing beside him. He turned his head and looked at him putting away his sword. He didn’t know what to say.

Noticing Wubie’s gaze, Yaoji was also a little embarrassed. After coughing twice, he asked

“No, then why don’t you want to see the master? Among humans, the master is also the most tolerant of monsters.”

“I know, I have heard a little about the head of the Saigyouji family, but my problem is different from other monsters’ problems.”

He shook his head and said with emotion

“Human beings are like this, because of the brevity of life, they shine with a light that attracts the attention of the world, but because of this, they will emit the deepest darkness.”

Old man Yaoji, you should know that life is often more terrifying than death. Everyone yearns for life, not death.”

His voice rang in the air like an alarm bell, which also awakened the confused Yaoji, and he understood his meaning, and at the same time knew the horror of no other.

It was not his own horror, but the horror of the influence he brought.

Influencing the lives of others, giving them a life that is not affected by death, this is a kind of immortality, and it is also the highest secret pursued by mankind.

The vast majority of humans have no way to resist the temptation of immortality, especially those who are powerful and in high positions.

Thinking of this in his heart, Yaoji nodded and said

“I understand. Indeed, if people knew that I had no other abilities, especially those of the master, it would cause countless troubles.”

“Demon taboo?”

“”Miss, you should know that it’s not just the master, all the Yin-Yang masters around the master are looking for a way to immortality, not to mention that the Celestial Empire across the ocean is also looking for a way to immortality.”

Youyouzi is very smart, and because of her situation, she has been exposed to some things much earlier than other children, so she nodded in understanding.

It’s no wonder that he is not suitable to be exposed to the crowd, especially to be known by others, so it’s no wonder that he hides the environment here.

“Okay, then I won’t force it. Yaoji and my father said that I don’t need a new teacher. Youyouzi will learn on her own.”


Nodding, Yao Ji left the backyard. It was better to tell them about this as soon as possible to avoid any problems.

After Yao Ji left, Youyouzi reached out and held Wubie’s face.

��Brother Wubie, let’s make a pact.”

“Agreement? What agreement?”

“You have to stay with me all the time, stay with me forever, don’t leave without saying anything, and don’t disappear without a reason.”You didn’t force Wubie to stay by her side, because he was a traveler, and he would embark on his journey sooner or later.

So she wouldn’t stop him, but he had to tell her before leaving.

Seeing Youyouzi’s serious look, Wubie put away his usual smile and looked at Youyouzi seriously.

“Okay, I promise you, but Youyouzi, how long will it be? Is it mine or yours?”

“is ours”


For some reason, Youyouzi said this word without any hesitation. Did she really understand the meaning of this word? Wubie didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. Since it had come to this, was there any reason for him to hesitate?

“OK, then we will stay together forever. No one can be absent from our future. It’s a deal.”

“Well, no one is allowed to be absent.”

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