“Please wait here for a moment, sir.”

Holding the cherry blossom in his hand, Yaoji walked quickly into the backyard, his steps seemed a little impatient.

He even forgot to use the shrinking earth.

Looking at Yaoji who left in a hurry, Wubie shook his head helplessly, because he forgot to close the door.

But Wubie naturally couldn’t do something that would lose his favor, so he stood quietly at the door, observing the backyard of Saigyouji’s house. The backyard of Saigyouji’s house is very large, the entire backyard is hundreds of square meters, but it is extremely desolate. There are no plants in the yard, only a dead tree.

Apart from these, there are no other traces.

Therefore, the backyard is very empty. Standing at the door, you can have a panoramic view of the entire backyard, and naturally you can see Youyouzi waiting in the backyard.

After observing a circle, Wubie’s eyes fell on Youyouzi opposite him, and she was also looking at him.

The eyes of the two naturally met, so Wubie smiled and nodded to her.


The strange boy smiled at her, and Youyouzi, who had never been in contact with the opposite sex, blushed.

But despite being shy, she still smiled and nodded in response, and at this time Yaoji also came back to her side.

After Yaoji came back, Youyouzi naturally wanted to ask about the situation, but before she could ask, she was attracted by the cherry blossoms in Yaoji’s hand.

“Witch, this is……”

The beautiful cherry blossoms in this garden are so dazzling. This is a color that Youyouzi has never seen before.

“This is the gift that gentleman gave to the young lady.”

“Gifts are taboos, you know. If I come across them,……”

“Yes, I know, but that gentleman said confidently that as long as you accept it, you will change your original idea. I don’t know whether it is true or not, but I hope it is true.”


Looking at Yaoji’s expectant eyes, Youyouzi fell silent.

Youyouzi was very smart, so after hearing what Yaoji said, she knew what he was expecting.

He was expecting someone who could change his physical problems, even though he had already given up.

“……”Okay, I get it.”

With a helpless sigh, how could she refuse such concern, so Youyouzi reached out to touch the cherry blossom.

Although she didn’t want to hurt any life, because the worst result would be that the cherry blossom would wither, this was at least better than killing a person, wasn’t it?

As long as the cherry blossom withered, he would leave.

(Sakura:??? You are amazing! You are so noble!)

Youyouzi reached out and took the cherry blossom from Yaoji’s hand, just when she thought the cherry blossom was about to wither.

“How can this be?”


Looking at the still dreamy and beautiful cherry blossoms in their hands, the old and the child were both in shock.

Because of Youyouko’s touch, the beautiful cherry blossoms were still swaying slightly, as if showing off their beauty.

(Sakura: I’m so awesome.)

A miracle, a real miracle, and also a miracle that could save a child’s heart, a miracle that could make Youyouko cry with joy.

Therefore, before Youki could react, Youyouko rushed over first.

She wanted to know why this happened, and at the same time, she was also looking forward to whether the other party really had a way to solve her problem. She wanted to meet that person.

The dead heart began to beat again.

However, because of the miraculous beating of the heart, she forgot one thing, that is, she was still the embodiment of death.

At the same time, she was not sure whether Wubie was really immune to her ability. If not… by the time she reacted, she could no longer stop.

“”No, don’t come near me!”

Youyouzi screamed, and at the same time, she tried to twist her body, trying to avoid Wubie, but she would get hurt.

Looking at Youyouzi’s actions, Wubie, who was waiting, sighed at her kindness and also went forward. How could he let such a princess get hurt?

So, just when Youyouzi was about to fall, Wubie caught her in a princess hug and asked with concern,

“Princess, are you okay?”

“No, it’s okay, but are you okay?”

After shaking his head, Youyouzi also hurriedly checked Wubie’s physical condition. His worried look warmed Wubie’s heart.

Putting Youyouzi down from his arms, Wubie shook his head and said

“I’m fine, little princess.”

Pinching her little nose, Wubie also showed her his condition with a smile, not affected by her death at all.

Seeing that Wubie was fine and his vitality was not reduced, Youyouzi was relieved, but then said angrily

“Don’t do this next time. It’s very dangerous to have close contact with me. No one knows how much death you are immune to. What if something happens to you?”

“There is nothing I can do. I can’t bear to see a cute little girl get hurt. This is not my character.”

She spread her hands and disagreed with Youyouzi’s words.

Youyouzi’s worry was not unreasonable, because although Mubie had given Sakura a life that would not be affected by her death, he did not know the upper limit.

Just like there is no real invincibility in the world, the living cannot be completely immune to death. If it is ineffective, it can only be said that the upper limit has not been reached.

And Youyouzi’s death will accumulate infinitely.

Seeing that Mubie didn’t care, Youyouzi pouted even higher, and then turned her head away angrily.

“Humph! People are clearly concerned about you, but you don’t appreciate it.”

Good intentions are taken for granted, that’s probably what it means, but it’s a little exaggerated, Youyouzi is just sulking.

At this time, Yaoji, who had been observing from the side, also came over.

“Sorry, sir, the young lady is just concerned about you. Although you do have the ability to fight against the young lady’s death, we don’t know if you can really fight against death completely.”

“Of course I know this. Youyouko is a kind-hearted child. Otherwise, how could there be only two of you in this courtyard?”

He reached out and touched Youyouko’s soft pink hair, and shook his head at the same time, indicating that he was not angry.

Youyouko was also stunned when someone suddenly touched her head, and at the same time she recovered from her angry state, and did not let Wubie let go.

(This feels so comfortable…) It was the first time that she was treated like this by the opposite sex, and it was also the first time that she was touched on the head. A feeling that she had never experienced before surged into her heart.

This was the care from the elders, similar to the indifference of family members.

(It’s different from Yaoji, because he is not a servant, right?)

While thinking this, she subconsciously reached out and grabbed the warm big hand on her head, and at the same time looked up at Wubie. What came into view was that gentle smile.

After looking at it, Youyouko once again shyly lowered her head, but she did not let go of her hand, because she was very comfortable and at ease.

Seeing such a lovely Youyouko, Wubie’s heart felt like it was healed. He wanted to hug her, but it was a pity that the time was not right.

After stabilizing his mind, Wubie looked at Yaoji and said

“I know that a single cherry blossom cannot prove anything. That cherry blossom only tells you that I have the ability to solve Youyouko’s problem, and I will prove that I have that ability next.”

After saying that, he took Youyouko’s hand.

Although he didn’t know what Wubie was doing, Youyouko still held the gentle big hand obediently and came to the cherry tree with him.

Standing under the cherry tree, Wubie looked at the huge cherry tree with a diameter of more than two meters. If it bloomed, it would be quite spectacular.

With this thought in mind, he stretched out his left hand and placed it on the lifeless trunk of the cherry tree.

“It’s spring, and you should wake up from your sleep.”

The gentle voice was like a spring breeze, and the crisp words were full of vitality.

The laws of language created ripples in this dead space, and the pure vitality spread around with sound as the medium, centered on non-otherness. The dead air also blew a breeze, and the wind brought the breath of spring and began to nourish all things.

The dark clouds in the sky also began to dissipate with the vitality, and the sun shone through the thick dark clouds and sprinkled on the courtyard for the first time.

At the same time, under this sunshine, it began to drizzle.

The spring rain is silent, nourishing all things.

The gentle spring rain fell in the courtyard and on the cherry trees.

As the spring breeze swayed, the dead branches sprouted new buds in the spring rain, and the barren earth also began to emerge with stars of green, and then the cherry color appeared.

“This is it!”

Youyouzi and Yaoji were shocked to see what was happening before their eyes. In their shocked eyes, the withered cherry trees began to bloom.

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, the grass was reborn, and the flowers were blooming.

The butterflies and bees in the distance also felt the call of spring and flew over. The swallows also returned to their old homes at this moment.

What strange colors, what strange scenery, and all of this was brought about by an extremely familiar name.

Yes, spring is here.


Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, looking at this colorful world, Yuyuko Saigyouji smiled beautifully for the first time, a smile full of vitality.

She quietly held Wubie’s hand, staring blankly at everything in front of her.

She didn’t dare to speak, because she was afraid that all this was an illusion, and that the little animals would leave because of her voice, and her dream would be shattered.

However, the butterflies seemed to understand what she was afraid of, and flew to her side one after another.

They landed on her hair, arms, and clothes. The beautiful butterflies like a dream did not die, but just danced around her.

She held them carefully in her hands, observing each little life. She felt the beauty of life, and for the first time, she felt hope.

“It seems that we have met a noble person.”

Yaoji, who was watching everything quietly, stroked his beard and showed a relieved smile. The joy in his eyes could not be hidden.

The three of them did not speak, quietly feeling the beauty of spring, enjoying the peace of mind and vitality brought by nature.

After an unknown amount of time, Youyouzi, who had been holding Wubie’s hand, asked

“Aren’t you afraid of death? Aren’t you affected by it?”

“No, I’m not afraid, but it’s not like I won’t be affected.”

Wu Bie shook his head slightly, looking at the beautiful spring scenery in front of him, and said

“I chose to accept it, but at the same time I refused the coming of death. I will not reject death, but I don’t want it to hug me all the time.

After death comes rebirth, just believe it, and it will definitely come true.

Just like cherry blossoms, they are beautiful but fragile, representing withering, and symbolizing the same thing. Don’t be afraid, it’s just that the time has not come yet.”

Gently stroking Youyouzi’s little head, he looked up again.

After Youyouzi lowered her head to bear it, she also raised her head and looked at the beautiful cherry blossom tree. Youji also walked slowly and admired it with them, appreciating this tree – the tree of death and hope.

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