“Ms. Yue Yejian, it seems that you have lost.”

Wubie said with a smile.

The Yama in his hand was already on her neck, and a trace of scarlet blood flowed down the blade.

The pain from her neck made Yue Yejian understand the final result.

So, Yue Yejian, as one of the main gods of the pantheon, lowered his noble head for the first time and said

“Yes, I lost.”

This was not a fluke, nor was it a matter of equal strength.

In fact, from the very beginning, she was completely crushed by this man.

Weird body movements, fighting instincts, and…

Looking up, looking at the moon only one meter away from her head.

She felt deeply powerless, which was the reason why she really gave up resistance.

Her sovereignty over the moon told her all the time that that was the real moon.

However, she had no way to borrow the power from it.

And even if she could borrow it, what was the point.

Since the other party could create a moon, he could naturally create a second one. It was futile to leave it here.

“I lost, and I lost completely. You can kill me or chop me up, it’s all up to you.”

After hearing what the other party said, Wubie did not react, but looked at Kaguya in his arms.

Kaguya was still in a daze.

After all, everything that happened just now happened too quickly. Although she saw all the processes that happened, it was still too fast.

Just when Kaguya felt that she could accept it, Wubie suddenly summoned a real moon.

Kaguya originally thought it was just a trick, but looking at her mother’s appearance, she knew it was true.

In the end, in front of Wubie’s powerful strength, her mother, who had always been cold and ruthless, and at the same time extremely powerful, actually admitted defeat.

It all seemed like a dream, so she hasn’t come back to her senses for a long time. It wasn’t until she heard what Yue Yejian said that Kaguya relaxed.

After hearing what Yue Yejian said, the flame of revenge that had been suppressed in her heart instantly began to burn.

Looking at the flames burning in Kaguya’s eyes, Wubie shook his head helplessly.

He put away the Yama in his hand, and rubbed Kaguya’s head in the puzzled eyes of Yue Yejian and Kaguya.

“You can kill me or chop me up, haha, I won’t do that kind of thing. Although I’m not afraid of you, it will be very troublesome if Yuedu loses its master.”

Looking at Yue Yejian, Wubie laughed.

The sovereignty of the moon is still very important.

As the most important moon god in this dimension, if he is killed at will, the whole world may be in chaos.

After all, the meaning of the moon and the power of control are very important.

Otherwise, why do you think Hekatia and Chunhu have been deadlocked with Yuedu for so long?

Although Yuedu is very powerful, Chunhu and Hekatia are the top existences in the world, which cannot be made up by numbers.

There is only one Yue Yejian in Yuedu. Although Prince Dujiu and others are the souls of Yue Yejian, the gap is still very large.

And Yue Yejian is not Hekatia’s opponent.

It is estimated that only Shenqi and the mysterious dragon god can fight Hekatia in this dimension. They ca n’t even beat Hekatia, let alone there is a Chunhu who is only below these few people.

The two have been destroying Yuedu all the time, and have not endangered the foundation of Yuedu.

On the one hand, it is because what they are dealing with is not Yuedu, and on the other hand, Yuedu does have a meaning of existence.

Even if the way it exists is disgusting

“I don’t want to kill you and then find another owner for the moon. It’s not impossible, but it’s troublesome.”

Wu Bie gently lifted the baby in his arms.

People who don’t know the truth would think that Wu Bie was coaxing the child, but Yue Yejian, who knew the inside story, knew that Wu Bie was replying to her.

Seeing this, Yue Yejian fell silent.

Although she was not sure whether Wu Bie could do it, she didn’t dare to gamble.

She really didn’t know anything about the man in front of her.

Seeing Yue Yejian was silent, Wu Bie was too lazy to continue talking nonsense, so he said

“Okay, take your subordinates back. This time, I will spare your lives for the sake of Eirin and Kaguya.

After all, the child is still young, and it is not good to see blood so early.”

While speaking, the mirror flower and water moon were lifted.

Everyone was thrown out of the yard by Wubie, and then he carried Kaguya into the bamboo house.

Just as he was about to close the door, he stopped and said

“But this matter is not over yet. How I will deal with Yuedu in the future depends on Kaguya’s decision and your performance.”

After leaving this last sentence, Wubie closed the door.

As for what Yueye was going to do next, it was none of his business.

Instead of caring about the situation outside, it was better to comfort the child in his arms who was obviously unhappy.

Looking at Kaguya who was pouting in his arms, Wubie smiled and poked her cheek and said

“Okay, don’t look at me like that, think carefully, if I help you get revenge and kill them now, what will you do?”

After hearing Wubie’s words, Kaguya was stunned for a moment, and then began to think.

It should be said that as a child who grew up in the eyes of Eirin, Kaguya also guessed the ending based on everything that had just happened.

The worst ending is a complete breakup, and Wubie destroyed Yuedu.

The best ending is that Yuedu admits defeat, and then she, the Moon Princess who is related to Wubie, becomes the next Moon God.

Thinking of this, Kaguya also understood that she didn’t want to be the master of the cold Yuedu.

But she was still unhappy.

Although she could understand it, she was still unhappy. Why not take the opportunity to teach them a lesson.

Looking at Kaguya’s depressed expression, Wubie smiled and said

“The lesson has been given, didn’t you see it?”

What Kaguya hated most was the four princes.

And these four princes had been crippled by Wubie, and whether they could recover was still a question.

Because regardless of it, Yue Yejian also lost face here, and others also received corresponding lessons.

If it was just the degree of the lesson, it would be enough.

“And don’t forget that Yonglin is still in Yuedu. What will happen to Yonglin if something happens to everyone here?”


Kaguya suddenly remembered that, yes, Eirin was still in Moon City.

So Kaguya looked anxiously at Wubie.

“Okay, don’t be anxious. It’s not that I don’t want to bring Yonglin down, but is Yonglin really willing to come down?”

Hearing Wubie’s question, Kaguya was silent.

Eight-minded Yonglin is an outlier, and he doesn’t hate life so much.

But that’s all. At least now Yonglin still has a sense of belonging to Yuedu.

Although Yuedu has deviated from its original intention because of some people’s decisions, Yonglin still doesn’t want to betray it completely.

This time she betrayed Yue Yejian, and only Yue Yejian.

So she volunteered to stay in Yuedu to bear the punishment she deserved.

Looking at Kaguya who had figured it out, Wubie nodded with satisfaction.

“Haha, it’s good to think it through, but don’t worry, they won’t make things difficult for Yonglin, after all, I’ve already warned them.”

At this time, Kaguya also remembered the last words that Wubie said to Yue Yejian.

[Your performance] is probably about how to deal with Yonglin.

Finding that Wubie had already considered everything, Kaguya was completely relieved.

Then she lay softly in Wubie’s arms like a baby.

“That’s right. Don’t worry about other things in the days ahead. Just live like a child.

Since I am your guardian, I will do my best. I will be your support in the future. You can rely on me for anything.

And if you have anything, you can tell me. I will be a good listener. And……”

Just as Wubie was about to say something, he heard a steady breathing sound.

Looking at Kaguya who was already asleep in his arms, Wubie smiled and said softly:

“Hehe, even if she is the Moon Princess, she is still just a child. Well, go to sleep peacefully. You can sleep like this every day in the days to come.”

Holding Kaguya, Wubie walked to his room.

What Wubie didn’t notice was that when he finished speaking, Kaguya showed a beautiful smile.

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