The Moon People regard life as filth.

As the first humans in Ryukyu mythology, they do not have the concept of life, so there is no death. It was only after the hostility between the mother goddess Izanami and the father god Izana that life and death existed in the world.

This made the Moon People, who would never face death, furious.

They were afraid of death, afraid that after death they would be like their mother goddess, forever inseparable from the underworld, and lose everything they had.

So the Moon People began to find ways to escape death.

Finally, they found a way, which was to leave this land that had been cursed by the father and mother gods and go to the untouched pure land.

And that was the moon.

Although there was already life on the moon, the life there did not come from the mythology of Ryukyu, so the curse could not reach there.

They chose to reject death by escaping from life.

As long as they did not accept life, they would not die.

This is what Wubie said about no death and no life. Without life, there is no death.

But is living like this really living?

Wubie did not know, and would not give any evaluation. After all, everyone has a different meaning for life, and he would not jump to conclusions.

The reason why these Moon People looked at the flame in his hand with disgust was that the green flame in his hand was the purest life.

“No wonder Ba Yizhijian has been giving people a different feeling lately. Has he been contaminated by your filth?”

“I won’t do anything that forces others. She gave me her own answer and then accepted life.”

Wubie put away the flame in his hand and shook his head.

Then he looked at Yue Yejian’s angry expression and said

“You don’t have to look at me like that. I never tempted Yonglin to make any choice. After all, there is no need. You should know that she is different from you.”


Yue Yejian remained silent, unable to refute.

Because just as Wubie said, Yonglin is different from the moon people, she is an alien, an alien that has not changed even after tens of millions of years.

She is different from the moon people, she just followed her tribe to the moon, that’s all.

As the head of the moon, Bayi Yonglin has her own views on life, and she has never explicitly rejected life.

If not, how could she easily agree to make the Penglai medicine for Kaguya.

The real moon people are completely eager for this kind of banned medicine, how could they take the initiative to make it.

Only children who are not affected by the moon will do this.

Bayi Yonglin is obviously not, so the reason why she is willing to help Kaguya of Penglai Mountain is not only because she loves Kaguya.

She herself does not hate the Penglai medicine that much.

Otherwise, if she really loves Kaguya, she should not help her make it, but advise her.

It can be seen that Bayi Yonglin is indeed an alien.

So Yue Yejian can’t completely believe it, but she is unwilling to give up Bayi Yonglin.

And the other princes of the moon are extremely jealous of her because of this.

Seeing that Yue Yejian didn’t seem to be ready to answer, Wubie didn’t say anything else and sent the guest away again.

“It seems that you can’t complete the deal between me and Yonglin, so please go back.

Since I promised, no matter what happens, I will never give this child to you.”

Once again expressed his opinion, it was also the final ultimatum.

However, it was just politeness. Wubie was ready to take action.

Because no matter how he thought about it, the other party would not let him go, right?

After all, he was the one who could give the moon people filth (life), how could Yue Yejian allow such a person to live in the world?

“Kill him!”

As expected, the order to kill was issued without any warning.

At the same time, a powerful magic power burst out from her body, and moonlight appeared on her body.

The moon people behind her also took out their weapons and prepared to fight.

Even if they were afraid, they could not let this person who could threaten the moon people live.

“Ah, I’m really not surprised at all.”

He smiled as he watched the Moon People who began to charge, as well as the moonlight emanating from Yue Yejian’s body, without panicking at all.

However, he was not panicking, but the child in his arms was scared half to death.

The attackers on the opposite side were his former relatives and teachers, and Kaguya was very clear about their strength.

What’s more, Yue Yejian also made a move, and this time he was probably doomed.

It was all because of the person holding him who boasted, and he was going to be killed.

Feeling the thoughts of the child in his arms, Wubie shook his head helplessly.

I didn’t expect that he would be so scared that he had forgotten the strength he had just demonstrated?

But it was not unexpected, and it was precisely because Kaguya was so afraid that Wubie deliberately created the current situation. Wubie put the swaddling clothes in his arms on his left hand, fixed it with magic power, and supported it so that Kaguya could see clearly in front.

“Little girl, although I don’t know why you are so afraid of them, and I won’t ask, but as my only child in this life, it’s not good to be so afraid of others.

So today, I will crush your fear, so open your eyes and see how the people you are afraid of are defeated.”

Kaguya didn’t understand what”no other” meant, and she didn’t need to understand it, because she would prove it with her actions.

I don’t know when an ordinary-style sword appeared in her empty right hand.

“”Fleet, Shuiyue.”

In Kaguya’s sight, Wubie began to fly close to the ground.

He charged at the enemy at a very fast speed, but without causing any ripples, and soon arrived at the moonlight of Yue Yejian.

“Six Paths Sword”One Thought, Infinite Disasters」”

His eyes shone with rainbow light, and countless sword lights flew out from his right hand, accurately hitting the moonlight in the sky.

Then the invisible moonlight was instantly killed.

Looking at the killed moonlight, Yue Ye was shocked.

However, before she could show her shocked expression, Wu Bie had already come to her side and said in her ear:

“You know, even the moon can be killed.”

Without giving Yue Yejian time to react, Wubie used his strange body movements to bypass Yue Yejian and the four princes in the front.

He rushed towards the younger moon people in the back.

“”Escape·Yi Lu·Jing Hu!”

Although it was a kick from the lower body, Wu Bie still kicked the leading Moon Man in the abdomen.


The powerful force caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Instantly, the water surface where Wubie was also moved, and countless water columns suddenly rose from the water surface.

They hit the abdomen of the remaining moon people with the same force.

Although the person who was kicked directly did not spit blood, he was also kicked half to death.

“Mirror Flower Water Moon Water and Sky Prisoner”


With the sound of huge waves, the original water column turned into a water snake and tied up all the moon people who were knocked away.

Looking at his masterpiece, Wubie nodded.

“People who are easy to die in this way will not get involved.”

Wubie’s smiling voice sounded like an alarm in the hearts of the remaining people.

Yue Yejian, the four princes, and Kaguya in Wubie’s arms looked at the situation in front of them in shock.

In just a moment, and with the protection of Yue Yejian and the four princes, the remaining moon people were wiped out.

Extreme speed, weird body movements, powerful swordsmanship.

There is also a weird power that can kill moonlight.

The sense of fear permeated again, and the unknown is the most terrifying.

Compared with the frightened moon people, Kaguya in his arms had a gleam in his eyes, and his heart was incomparably warm.

Because Wubie did this for himself.

Looking at the frightened enemy, Wubie smiled slightly, and the sword in his right hand made a beautiful sword flower

“”Flee Mingyue.”

Wubie is not someone who likes to talk nonsense in a fight. Since he has started, he will beat the opponent down.

If you have anything to say, beat them down first.

“Dujiu, be careful!”

Seeing that there was no other movement, Prince Xiai reminded loudly, but──

“Do you really have the time to care about others?」!”

Celestial beings are a type of gods in mythology.

They are immortal, and can even be said to be an immortal race.

When a celestial being enters death, five kinds of decay will occur on his body, and this sword is a cursed sword that imitates the five decays of celestial beings.

It can kill gods.

Feeling the power of the curse contained in the sword, Prince Xiai’s heart was alarmed. If he was hit, he would die. He quickly raised his weapon to resist.


The sound of metal colliding also set off sparks.

“”Dodge, Yilu.”

He quickly completed the sword-retracting and kicking, and at the same time, the Yama in his right hand also took a defensive stance.

“Empty Contemplation Sword”Six Roots Purification Slash」”

Prince Dujiu launched a sneak attack from a distance, and countless lightsabers flew���

In the counterattack posture, the first lightsaber was blocked, and then a sword was swung out, and with just one sword, all the lightsabers in the air were cut down. Taking the opportunity, Wubie also saw the remaining three princes standing together

“”Flashing Sheath·Seven Nights!”

A sword slashed through the space at high speed.

The sword flashed by, and the three princes were hit before they could even react. The blood dyed the water around them red.

If it weren’t for the immortality of the Moon People, and the fact that they were the four souls of Yue Yejian, they would have been cut in half by this sword.

But in fact, they are still better.

If you look behind Wubie, you will find that Prince Xiai’s spine was just broken by his kick.

At this point, the four princes also lost their ability to fight. Wubie turned and looked at Yue Yejian on the side.

At this moment, Yue Yejian was as heavy as water, staring at Wubie.

Although compared to Wubie’s treatment of those young people, the four princes could still fight back this time, but they were still crushed.

Although he was much stronger than them, was he really their opponent?

Yue Yejian didn’t dare to be arrogant. While guarding against Wubie, he began to gather all the magic power in his body, including borrowing power from the moon.


“I said, this is my world. You think you look down on me if you want to borrow the power of the moon from here.”

After hearing what Wubie said, Yue Yejian’s face darkened.

As Wubie said, she had no way to mobilize the power of the moon. She was not sure if she was Wubie’s opponent, and now it was even worse.

Looking at Yue Yejian’s gloomy face, Wubie smiled and said

“However, if you want to borrow the power of the moon, it is not impossible. I can give you a moon.……”

Without saying anything, he raised the Yama in his right hand high above his head, his eyes glowing blood red.

“The premise is that you can bear it, fantasy materialization · Moonset!”

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