Just when Wubie was coaxing Kaguya to sleep.

Yue Yejian returned to the Moon City in a panic with all his subordinates who were capable of fighting.

Naturally, they caused an uproar when they came back.

After all, Yue Yejian did not hide her trip this time, and all the people in the Moon knew that the Moon Goddess was going to find the sinner.

However, not only were the sinners not found, but all the people who went out were injured, and the four princes were even more dead or alive.

Even Yue Yejian was injured, and there was still blood and a scar on her neck.

No one knew who won, and no one dared to ask.

In this way, Yue Yejian returned to her palace in a dead silent atmosphere. As for the injured, someone would take care of them.

Seeing Yue Yejian’s gloomy face, unbridled laughter came from a palace deep in hell.

“Hahaha! I am dying of laughter, Chunhu, you saw the expression on Yue Yejian’s face.”

Looking at Yue Yejian’s distressed face, Hekatia couldn’t help herself.

Chunhu, who was watching her rolling around on the bed, also smiled.

Although not as exaggerated as Hekatia’s, the sarcasm on her face was not concealed at all.

But then she asked with some concern

“But we are watching a show here, won’t that man say anything?”

“Are you afraid that Wubie will be angry because we just watched and didn’t help? Haha, he is not such a petty person.”

Shrugged indifferently

“Let’s not talk about Yue Yejian for now. I caused such a big scene in hell over a hundred years ago, but didn’t he get angry?”

“How dare you say that.”

Chun Hu rolled his eyes at her.

You know, when Chun Hu knew about this, he almost couldn’t help but teach Hekatia a lesson.

Although he knew she was crazy, who knew she could be so crazy.

You know, when there is a problem in hell, it is much more serious than when there is a problem with the moon.

Facing Chun Hu’s rolling eyes, Hekatia scratched her head awkwardly.

“Hehe, wasn’t I ignorant back then? Later, wasn’t I severely punished by Wubie?”

She stuck out her tongue, trying to get away with it.


Shaking her head helplessly, Chunhu didn’t say much.

After all, she didn’t have the ability to shut Hekatia down. At most, she could only complain like this. If Hekatia went crazy again next time, she would have to go find Wubie.

After shaking her head, Chunhu continued to ask

“But then again, you didn’t ask me to come here just to watch the show, did you? If you have anything to say, just say it.”

Although the two of them are old friends, they don’t actually spend much time together.

After all, everyone has their own things to do.

And it used to be a headache to be with Hecate.

Hearing Chunhu’s words, Hecate, who was originally pretending to be cute, also stopped and pointed his finger a little embarrassedly.

“Well, actually, I just came to watch the show, but of course I had other purposes.”

“If you have something to say, just say it now. You are so shy like a little girl. What’s going on? Are you in love?”

Chunhu said jokingly, and then she realized something was wrong.

Because she found that Hekatia did not refute her.

When she looked back, she found that Hekatia was shyly covering her face.

“Really, you are a married person, you guessed it right at once, but you shouldn’t say it.”

“Ugh! You are already so old, and you are still pretending.”

Looking at Hekatia’s appearance, Chunhu also felt sick.

And Hekatia said angrily

“What does age have to do with anything? No matter how old I am, this is my first love. Is there a problem with that?”

“No, there is no problem, I just think it is not in line with your personality. Tell me, what happened?”

After being disgusted, I was curious.

Chunhu really wanted to know what happened between the two of them that could make this billion-year-old virgin fall in love.

Seeing her bestie’s interest, Hecate also began to share her”relationship experience” with excitement.

Then Chunhu regretted it.

“Stop, stop, stop, stop, let me slow down.”

After listening for about half an hour, Chunhu felt that something was wrong and stopped her.

After rubbing his brows with a headache, he said with uncertainty.

“That’s all, are you sure you didn’t miss anything?”

“That’s all, and I’ve explained all the details in great detail.”

Having no idea what Chun Hu wanted to say, Hekatia patted her chest with pride.

After finding this recovery, Chun Hu felt even more headache, and then looked at Hekatia with regret and said

“You are hopeless.”

Because what Hecatia just said was not a romantic love story at all, she was talking about her own journey of self-destruction.

At first, Hecatia was just curious about Wubie.

It was precisely because of curiosity that she made a big fuss in hell more than a hundred years ago, and the matter should have ended there.

After all, she was severely taught a lesson by a strange man and embarrassed in front of her subordinates. In theory, she should not look for him again.

But Hecatia didn’t.

She was curious about Wubie, but she would not give up because of a small setback.

At that time, Wubie would often go to hell because he had to deal with Yuyuko’s affairs and his relationship with Komachi and Eihime.

And hell is Hecatia’s territory, so she knew it as soon as Wubie went there.

So this shameless guy would come forward every time.

And he would not consider the situation at that time, even when he was being intimate with Mube, Eihime and Komachi.

Being interrupted during an intimate moment is very annoying, so of course Hecateia was taught a lesson again.

Of course, this was intentional, after all, only by competing with people of Mube’s level can one make better progress.

Originally, it would be fine if it continued like this, but Hecateia also has human nature.

And people with human nature will inevitably be affected by the long-term affection.

In addition, one day, because Komachi was lazy, Mube said to Eihime when she was scolded, beating is love, scolding is love.

From then on, Hecateia’s feelings were out of control.

[He always gives me a good beating, but he won’t let me get hurt. Even if I get hurt, he will heal me.

And every time I go over, he can’t wait to tell me what I should do to improve, and then he sends me away in person.

And he always treats me with a smile, so he must like me.]

It’s just because she is Yingji’s boss that I can’t be cruel.

I’m afraid of being entangled if I get hurt.

I want to send her away quickly.

It’s obviously not related to love at all, but Hecate is misinterpreted like this.

Junko can only say , she is unexpectedly a love-brained person.

However, Chunhu does not want to explain Hecatia’s twisted love.

After all, being able to interpret one-sided lessons as love, in addition to proving that Hecatia’s brain is not normal, it also shows that she is serious about this love.

Let’s not talk about whether this problem can be explained. Besides, the other party has finally fallen in love with someone, so how can they ruin this love.

Moreover, finally someone can take care of this funny person, Chunhu naturally can’t object.

In this way, Hecatia will have other things to do, and Chunhu doesn’t have to worry about whether she will cause trouble every day.

“Well, perfect, Hecatia, don’t worry, I am 100% optimistic about your love, if you have any questions, just ask me, I will definitely help you with all my heart”

“Really? That’s great, Chunhu, I knew you would help me.”

Hecatia excitedly jumped on Chunhu and started to act like a spoiled child.

Chunhu touched her head affectionately, and thought to herself.

(Well, Wubie-kun, for the sake of world peace, you should accept this girl.)

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