Heian-kyō, Saigyouji’s house

“Still no flowers this year?”

In the huge courtyard, a little girl with pink hair looked at the only tree in the courtyard, which was a dead tree.

It was clearly spring, but there were no flowers, giving people a sense of dead silence and uneasiness.

But it was not like this a long time ago.

The girl knew that before she was born, this was a beautiful cherry tree, which would bloom beautiful cherry blossoms every year.

And the beautiful cherry blossoms could cover the entire courtyard, which was extremely beautiful.

But since she was born, it has never appeared again.

After that, the tree was left with only a dead silence, and even the flowers and green grass that were originally blooming around it withered.

Looking at the dead cherry tree, a kind of sadness rose in the girl’s heart, and she murmured to herself

“If I wasn’t there, would you……”

“”Miss, it’s time for morning class.”

A kind voice sounded in the courtyard. The kind old grandfather appeared behind the girl, interrupting her wild thoughts.

Hearing the familiar and caring voice, the girl didn’t want to make the other party worry, so she quickly adjusted her state and turned around, showing a smile.

With a sweet smile, she said to the old grandfather who had been taking care of her.

“Got it, Monster”


At the same time, there are Heian-kyo, the noble area, and the Onmyoji area.

Of course, these are all categories divided by Wubie himself, otherwise the road would be really difficult to find, and the noble side is too big.

Onmyoji also belongs to the nobles, but because they are more special, they are repeatedly divided out.

Because Onmyoji use magic to perform Onmyoji, not to mention that many Onmyoji are harmful to people, and they also adopted a lot of Shikigami. Shikigami are monsters after all, and monsters are not liked by ordinary people, so Onmyoji are almost all concentrated in the same area.

And this area is also called the Onmyoji area by Wubie.

Under the guidance of the world, Wubie found the Saigyouji mansion very smoothly, and when he arrived, he couldn’t help shaking his head and said

“I guess even without the guidance of the world, I can still find Saigyouji’s house by walking around alone.”

Looking up at the huge mansion in front of him, Wubie also realized for the first time the fear brought by Youyouzi.

The whole mansion was silent. There were no houses around the mansion, and a large area was left empty for planting trees. However, the trees that should have brought vitality gave people a sense of dead silence and depression, because the trees planted around were all bare, without any greenery. There was no grass growing on the surrounding land.

For some reason, the sky was also covered with dark clouds, and an indescribable sense of dullness enveloped the heart, making people feel uncomfortable.

“No wonder the people of Heian-kyō are terrified of the Saigyouji family.”

Wubie shook his head. He could understand why those people were afraid. In this environment, even if they were not affected by Youyouko’s ability, they would go crazy because of this environment.

Although the environment here is not suitable for ordinary people to live, it is a big advantage for Wubie.

He doesn’t have to worry about competing with others, nor does he have to worry about a lot of troubles.

Because even if an unidentified person suddenly appears in the Saigyouji family, no one should come to see it specially.

Since everyone who lives here will either die or go crazy in the end, there is no need to come and see. Therefore, Wubie does not need to worry about being disturbed by outsiders. Wubie knocked on the door without hesitation.


A dull knock on the door sounded in the quiet Saigyouji’s house. The orderly knocks were like a huge hammer hitting people’s hearts. The already depressed mood became even more dull.

However, this knock on the door was like a stone thrown into the sea. It didn’t even stir up many waves, just a slight sound.

Soon the environment fell into silence again.

But Wubie didn’t care. He was sure that the people inside must have heard it. There was a voice just now.

Although the sound was very small, with Wubie’s hearing, he heard it very clearly, so he didn’t worry, just wait.

“But it would still be desolate to stay in such a place alone.”

Dead trees and weeds, and no one is around. But this is not the most uncomfortable thing. Because there is a market hundreds of meters away. Although it is hundreds of meters away, the lively hawking can still be heard.

Compared with the two, it is like two different worlds, which makes people feel uneasy.

However, Wubie did not leave, but just stood quietly outside the door. Why can’t he even bear this kind of fear? Then he should go to bed early.

At the same time, in the Saigyouji mansion.

Hearing the knock on the door, the girl who was practicing sword stopped her movements and asked her teacher.

“Yaoji, was there someone knocking on the door outside just now?”

“Well, Miss.”

“How could someone come to visit at this time? And if you come to visit Saigyouji, you should enter through the front door, why did you come back through the back door?”

“Emmmm, if I am not mistaken, he should be an outsider, and his purpose should be to apply for a teacher position.”


The girl made a puzzled and shocked sound.

Looking at the surprised little girl, the old man stroked his white beard and said

“That’s why I said it was just an outsider. Everyone in Heian-kyō knew the lady, because probably only outsiders applied for the job, so of course she must have won, and that was someone with life skills.”

If it’s the former, but if it’s the latter……

“Miss, do you need me to invite outsiders in?”

The little girl shook her head and said in her grandmother’s voice

“No, Youyouzi doesn’t want to hurt anyone anymore. I’ve already told my father that I don’t need a teacher.”

“The master just hopes that the young lady can go to school like other children, and there is nothing wrong with learning more…Okay, okay, I get it, I’ll send her away.”

Seeing the little girl pouting, Yaoji smiled and shook his head, and had to agree with her, standing up and walking towards the door.

Yaoji took a step and appeared at the door in an instant. Wubie, who was outside the door, also noticed someone coming.

Realizing that someone came to open the door, Wubie also took two steps back.

As Wubie stepped back, the two doors slowly opened, and Wubie also saw the person behind the door clearly, who was also a familiar person.

But after seeing Wubie’s appearance clearly, Yaoji was stunned

“Hmm? Who are you?……”

I thought he was an applicant for a teacher position, but he turned out to be a very young man, only about 16 years old.

But his temperament was not like that of an ordinary person, which made Yao Ji resist.

Seeing that the person was a soul demon, Wubiewei did not care about the other party’s resistance, but bowed and said respectfully as a junior.

“Hello, old man. My name is Wubie in this life. Today I heard that your family is hiring a teacher, so I came here to ask if I can do the job.”

He was so impressive, but he acted like a junior. This surprised Yaoji, and he also let down his guard. At the same time, he had a good impression of Wubie. If it was normal, Yaoji might have nodded and let Wubie try.

However, this time, it was Youyouzi who took the initiative to refuse. As a court teacher, Yaoji could not go against the opinion of his master.

“Sorry, although the master of the mansion does have this idea, the eldest lady does not want a teacher, so she asked me to persuade the visitor to leave, so please go back.”

“Is that so?”

Wubie nodded. This was not unexpected.

Although there is almost no description of Youyouko’s life in the Touhou Project, it is slowly being filled in many secondary settings.

Youyouko was a very kind person when she was alive. The main reason why she refused was that she was afraid that her ability would hurt others.

This can be seen from the fact that Youyouko and the Saigyouji monster died together in the end. The other reason is that she refused the servants to take care of her.

In Youyouko’s childhood, only the soul monster took care of her, and the reason was the same.

Therefore, even if she felt lonely, Youyouko was unwilling to let others join. This is why Yakumo Yukari can easily become Youyouko’s friend in the future.

After being lonely for too long, it was not easy to find someone who would not be affected by her ability. Even if the other party was a monster who killed countless people, she didn’t want to give up easily.

“Well, I have heard about Miss Youyouko’s story, but since you took the initiative to look for her, you must be prepared.

So if Mr. Sakura trusts me, he can deliver this item to Miss Youyouko.

I believe that if Miss Youyouko touches these things, she will change her mind.”

He drew his finger in the air, and a gap appeared in the air. Wubie reached into it and took out a beautiful cherry blossom.

He handed the cherry blossom in his hand to Yaoji. Looking at the beautiful cherry blossom, Yaoji was also���He was stunned.

If it weren’t for the sentence at the beginning, Yaoji would have more inside, probably the ability to open up space.

But since the other party knew Youyouko’s ability, why did he hand over this cherry blossom.

The cherry blossoms are so crisp and tender, and there is morning dew on the flowers. They should be cherry blossoms picked just this morning. They are beautiful, but also very fragile.

Even more fragile than human life. Once such flowers come into contact with Youyouko, they will probably wither.

So what is the point of doing this?

Could it be that the cherry blossoms are just a sleight of hand, and some kind of magic is used to attack?

It’s unlikely. Yaoji thinks he is very good at judging people, and the boy in front of him doesn’t seem to be that kind of person.

If that’s the case, then what is the purpose? And he also said that Youyouko will change her mind.

How is this possible? You must know that Youyouko’s character is actually very firm, and she can’t easily change her decision, unless…

An idea suddenly appeared in Yaoji’s mind, and when he thought of this idea, Yaoji’s face changed, and he said without hesitation.

“I understand. Please wait here for a moment, sir. I will go and deliver the cherry blossoms in my hand.”

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