Lin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the two sisters standing in front of him with a bit of strangeness.

Lin Fan asked doubtfully:

"You are......?"

Zenin Maki blushed and said:

"Let's go in and talk first."

Lin Fan nodded, and without thinking too much, he made way for the two to go in. They came to see him so late.

It must be something important.

When they arrived at the living room, they sat down.

Lin Fan brewed a cup of English black tea and poured a cup for each of the two sisters.

Then he sat down and asked directly:

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Zenin Maki's face has been blushing since she entered the door.

She bit her moist lips and said:

"I heard from Shinji that you want to establish an organization.

An organization that can be the pinnacle of the entire magic world, right?"

Lin Fan nodded and did not deny it.

Even if Shinji didn't say it, he would have told the students in Tokyo School.

But he still felt it was too early, so he never said it.

He recruited Shinji only after seeing her ability.

Shinji asked directly:

"Can I join your organization?"

Lin Fan was slightly stunned, then smiled and nodded.

"Of course.

Even if you don't tell me, I will find time to tell you."

Zenin Maki's face suddenly brightened, and then continued to ask:

"Mayi also told me that you can cure her natural weakness of low magic power.

To be honest, we are born as cursed twins.

Mayi has low magic power, and I have incomplete heaven and curse.

So......I want to ask you.

Lin Fan, can you let me have the power of the curse?

Or make my heaven and curse complete!"

Lin Fan nodded and said:

"Of course you can.

You can have the power of the curse, or you can make the sky and the curse complete.......This requires an equal exchange.

The more magical power you have, the weaker your body will become.

The same is true in reverse."

Zenyuan Maki nodded excitedly.

After a moment of silence, as if she had made some important decision, she gave her sister Zenyuan Shinyi a look.

Zenyuan Shinyi blushed and said shyly:

"Today, we sisters came with sincerity!"

Zenyuan Maki's eyes revealed a different feeling, her blushing face, and her eager eyes made Lin Fan stunned.

Lin Fan suddenly realized that the two sisters might have misunderstood something.

The sincerity I mentioned is not this.......

However......The word"one night" is omitted here.......

Lin Fan spent an unforgettable night like this.......

The next morning.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the flowers were fragrant!

Although it didn't rain last night.

But Lin Fan felt that the air was so fresh.

As a time traveler, Lin Fan had always been indifferent to this world.

He thought he didn't belong here, and he couldn't fit in here either.

But last night, after a long conversation, Lin Fan suddenly felt a sense of belonging.

This was a feeling that Lin Fan had never had before.

At this moment, he was truly integrated into this world.

He felt something real.

Sure enough, only love can make the whole world bright and beautiful.

From this moment on.

A pure land appeared in Lin Fan's heart.

Just like Yoshino Junpei's mother in his heart.

This is a pure land that belongs to Lin Fan!

A pure land that will kill anyone who touches it!

Lin Fan left the hotel early.

Facing the rising sun, Lin Fan showed a different smile. He felt that he was particularly refreshed today!

Although he worked all night without sleeping, he was still full of energy, and even looked much better than before!

There is no way, Lin Fan's immortal body's recovery ability is too strong!

Lin Fan doesn't feel tired at all!

Fortunately, Lin Fan has high attainments in martial arts and can control any part of the body.

Just like Lin Fan said before to everyone in the Tokyo school.

He can control every pore on the body, which can keep out the cold in winter and ventilate in summer!

So it is the same in that aspect.

As long as Lin Fan wants, he can control it.

Otherwise, the two sisters will suffer.

As for why Lin Fan had to get up and leave early.

It was because he suddenly received five messages from teachers on his mobile phone, asking him to go to a meeting.

It must be about the invasion of the curse master and the special curse spirit yesterday.

Lin Fan didn't think much about it, and went back to the academy.

9 o'clock in the morning.

In the conference room.

Ijichi Jiegao continued to report on special emergencies.

"......Next is the casualties.

Three Level 2 sorcerers, one Quasi Level 1 sorcerer, five assistant supervisors, and two guards of the Jiku.

We are still waiting for the report from Miss Jiaru.

But it is basically certain that it was the curse spirit that Lin Fan met before."

""Tsk!" Gojo Satoru rarely looked unhappy.

However, the radiant Lin Fan did not show any expression. He was still smiling very brightly.

It was as if something good had happened, which attracted the attention of Angeji and Mingming.

Because Lin Fan's smile today was much more real than usual, it was even more fascinating to look at!

However, although Lin Fan was still immersed in the beauty of last night.

But he still heard the report of Ichi Chi Jiegao.

In fact, when the real person went to steal the two-faced Sukuna fingers and the cursed fetus nine phase diagram, he specifically asked him whether he could kill people. (To read the violent novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Lin Fan did not think too much and directly let the real person act normally.

First of all, there must be no mistakes in this mission! Secondly

, even if the real person killed them, Lin Fan could save them.

They are all sorcerers, and their souls dissipate much slower than ordinary people!

The stronger the sorcerer, the stronger the soul!

So Lin Fan can completely save them all afterwards.

But it depends on whether Lin Fan will go to rescue them.

At this time, Angeji asked:

"Do I need to tell the students and other magicians about this?"

Leyan Temple Jiashen lowered his face and denied:

"No way."

Ye Moth Zheng Dao also said in denial:

"Let the top brass block the news.

Don't let the curse masters know that a special grade curse item has been stolen.

Lin Fan, don't tell them when you go back. Keep it a secret from them for now."

Lin Fan smiled faintly and nodded.

An Geji asked again:

"So, why can the curse spirit and the curse master pass through Master Tianyuan's barrier and enter the high school?"

Lin Fan answered this question with a faint smile:

"It was the ability of the special-grade cursed spirit that I was fighting.

Her aura was very special.

Although she was a cursed spirit, she was infinitely close to an elf.

Not only could she control plants, but she could also hide herself in them.

0 Asking for flowers

That’s why Tianyuan-sama’s barrier didn’t work."

Ye Moth Zheng Dao asked:

"Has the special curse spirit been exorcised?"

Lin Fan's face showed no strange expression, and he still smiled faintly and replied:


Gojo Satoru kept thinking silently.

He really didn't expect that the special grade cursed item would be stolen. He didn't expect that the other party would use a special grade cursed spirit to divert attention.

But why did they steal Sukuna's finger?

Were they worried that it would enhance Yuuji's potential?

Or was it to enhance themselves?

I always felt that something was wrong.

At this time, An Utahime said softly:

"Anyway, let's celebrate that the students are safe.

This time, it's all thanks to Lin Fan."

Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

An Geji's face suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head and dared not look directly into Lin Fan's eyes.

Everyone was silent for a while, and Ye Mo Zhengdao said:

"It seems that this exchange meeting must be terminated."

After hearing this, Gojo Satoru immediately stood up and said:


Isn't this something we should decide?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Gojo Satoru with some doubt.

Gojo Satoru continued:

"Of course, the team competition depends on whether the students want to continue.

It's not right for us to make such a decision."

Lin Fan was a little speechless.

He didn't know what Gojo Satoru was thinking.

So Lin Fan said directly and firmly:

"Stop it!

Or just continue with the previous team competition!"

Gojo Satoru was immediately annoyed when he heard this, and quickly said:


No! No! No!

The students are so seriously injured, how can we continue the team competition as before!"

Lin Fan replied speechlessly:

"I have already cured him. Even the panda was cured by Principal Ye Moth last night."

Gojo Satoru pinched his chin and thought for a while, then retorted:

"Isn't Kamo Kenji still unconscious?

He is the main force of Kyoto School. He is so seriously injured that he obviously cannot participate in the competition.

So if the previous team competition is carried out, it will be seriously unfair to Kyoto School!"

Lin Fan's face suddenly turned black.


He actually fell to this kid Kamo Kenji!

At this time, Gojo Satoru suddenly raised his voice and said loudly:

"How about this!

Let's write down the type of competition everyone wants to have on a piece of paper!

Then Lin Fan will draw, and we'll compete in whatever we draw!

Isn't that fair!"

Everyone nodded in succession after hearing this.

This suggestion is fine, and very fair!

Lin Fan chuckled and thought to himself, what a coincidence!

Sorry, I'm the modern European emperor!

The man who frequently wins the lottery!

Everyone accepted this suggestion.

Then Ichi Chieko brought a cardboard box and a bunch of paper slips and distributed them to the principals of the two schools, Gojo Satoru, and An Utahime

PS:It has been banned six times. Now it is the sixth revision. The author is going crazy!

You know why the author doesn't like to write a story about a concubine. It's too difficult!

This time it is a big revision. Please try to imagine it.......

The author will try his best to write in the future, but most of it depends on your imagination. The author has tried his best.......

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