Yuji Itadori looked at everyone's shocked faces and continued speechlessly:

"You guys will be killed by people with your hands and feet cut off continuously for a month, and try it!

It would be good if you don't have a mental breakdown!"

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

That's true.

This perverted training method sounds creepy, and they can't accept it.

Originally, after seeing Yuji Itadori suddenly become so strong, Fushiguro Megumi felt a little disappointed.

It was he who brought Yuji Itadori to the Jujutsu High School.

A few months ago, he was still a newbie who knew nothing.

As a result, in a short period of time, his strength has surpassed his own!

It is inevitable that he will feel a little unbalanced.

However, when Fushiguro Megumi heard about Yuji Itadori's tragic experience, he was relieved.

It is not easy to withstand Lin Fan's educational method! It is too normal to become stronger in a short period of time!

But I have to work harder too!

I can't let him surpass too much!

If he surpasses too much, I will really lose face.......

Everyone was also intimidated by Lin Fan's training method.���

If this happened to me, I would definitely have a mental breakdown!

Losing limbs is unbearable enough.

And I am always killed and resurrected.

It's scary to think about it!

They originally wanted to hear the secret of becoming stronger, but they lost interest all of a sudden.

The only person in the whole"583" who was very interested was probably Todou Aoi.

You know, after sparring with Itadori Yuji, he was really amazed!

In addition, after teaching Itadori Yuji the Black Flash, Todou Aoi deeply realized that if he didn't use the technique, he might not be his opponent!

It can be seen how terrifying Itadori Yuji's current strength is! He is firmly stronger than the top first-level cursed spirits, and can even be compared with special-grade cursed spirits who have not opened a domain!

""What are you guys talking about? Why is it so lively?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

They saw that Lin Fan had appeared in the crowd without anyone noticing!

Dongtang Kui's eyes lit up:


Yuji Itadori scratched his head and replied awkwardly:

"Nothing, nothing!"

When everyone saw Lin Fan, it was as if they had seen their backbone.

Their eyes lit up immediately and they all greeted him.

Lin Fan nodded and did not ask any more questions, but continued:

"The matter has been resolved, and we can leave now."

Everyone was delighted and nodded in succession.

Just as Lin Fan was about to leave,

Fushiguro Megumi suddenly said:

"Lin Fan! Why don't you treat Senior Goujuan first?

It's not a good idea for him to be unconscious like this."

Lin Fan paused and looked at Goujuan Ji who was still unconscious.

How could he forget about him? He was much weaker than Hua Yu in strength, and he was backfired when he used the spell.

If Lin Fan didn't save him, he would probably be mute for a while.

Lin Fan stepped forward and put his hand on Goujuan Ji's head.

After a while, Goujuan Ji was cured.

Then he woke up soon.

When Goujuan Ji woke up, he felt that his injuries seemed to have healed.

When he saw Lin Fan standing in front of him, he immediately understood.

He knew that he was saved by Lin Fan.

He quickly stood up and thanked him:


Lin Fan smiled faintly and nodded.

He thought, is this a way of thanking me?

After seeing the recovered dog, the panda dragged its miserable body and said:

"Lin Fan, can you treat the giant panda


Lin Fan was speechless.

Now, apart from Panda, the only injured person left was Kamo Kenji.

But Lin Fan had no intention of treating him.

The reason was very simple. Lin Fan just didn't like him.

He wouldn't die anyway, and he was still alive.

Just let him be unconscious.

Seeing that Lin Fan completely ignored Kamo Kenji and had no intention of saving him, everyone in Kyoto School knew better and didn't ask. If anyone was to blame, it could only be Kamo Kenji's own bad luck. Why did he have to mess with Lin Fan? The sanctions from the big guys were so terrifying! Lin Fan clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"All right, all right! It's all right this time!

You can leave now!

After all these changes, I guess you're all a little tired!

I'll treat you all to some leisure time after we get out, and then we'll have a big meal! What do you think?"

What else can we do?"

After everyone was stunned for a moment, they jumped and shouted:

"Long live Lin Fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Outside the tent,

Gojo Satoru lay leisurely on a bench, looking at the pitch-black tent in front of him. A large watermelon cut into many pieces appeared on the table.

His eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the tent in front of him, and he kept staring.

Not long after, Gojo Satoru stood up and smiled faintly.

Then Lin Fan led everyone out of the tent.

Gojo Satoru smiled and waved his hand and shouted:

"Here! Here!

You finally came out!"

Lin Fan's face froze when he saw Gojo Satoru's relaxed look.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Although Lin Fan had expected this, he didn't expect Gojo Satoru to be so relaxed.

It's okay to pretend! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The students from the two schools saw that Gojo Satoru didn't take it seriously at all. Some were speechless, and some were angry.

Zenin Maki clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said:

"This damn stupid eyepatch guy!"

Panda said in a low voice with a blushing face:

"Is it really okay for you to say that in front of others?"

Inujuan Ji:"Salmon."

Normally, when something like this happens, students will try their best to save their lives and wait for the teacher to rescue them.

If it weren't for Lin Fan, they would not be able to deal with the special cursed spirit with a domain with their strength!

That's why Zenin Maki was so angry when she saw the leisurely Gojo Satoru. You ca n't count on this masked man.

Lin Fan is still reliable!

Such a consistent thought suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

However, Gojo Satoru, who was unaware, picked up the cut watermelon on the table next to him and said:

"Come on! Come on!

Eat watermelon! Eat watermelon!"

Everyone was speechless.......

In a blink of an eye, it was 7:40 in the evening.

After the incident, except for Panda who went to find Yemo Zhengdao and Kamo Kenji who was sent to the infirmary,

Lin Fan took everyone to take a bath, massage (beauty treatment for girls), and eat a big meal, a one-stop service.

Everyone showed a comfortable expression.

Is this the life of rich people?

Everyone in Kyoto School couldn't help but envy.

It's great to have a rich classmate!

Boys like Lin Fan who are strong, handsome, and rich are really rare in the world!

Do you have to be so perfect!

"Lin Fan~~~Hiccup!

Male God~~!~~belch!......

I want to be with you.....Hehehehehe//......"

Nishimiya Momo drunkenly held the bottle of wine, looking at Lin Fan not far away and said with a silly smile...0

Miwa Kasumi blushed, this is too embarrassing!

She quickly covered the mouth of Nishimiya Momo beside her.

Judging from this posture, maybe the next step is to pounce on Lin Fan!

Kugisaki Nobara was also drunk.

However, she was usually carefree, but after being drunk, she was as quiet as a kitten.

She burped from time to time, which was very cute.

Also drunk were Todoh Aoi and Itadori Yuji.

These two idiots hugged each other, holding the empty wine bottles and arguing that they wanted to continue drinking.

Fushiguro Megumi was the most abnormal. He usually looks cool and expressionless all day long.

Unexpectedly, he was a drunkard!

Not long after the meal started, he fell drunk on the table and fell asleep!

This scene was laughed at by everyone, and even Itadori Yuji took a spoof photo.

It is estimated that when Fushiguro Megumi saw it the next day, he would be so ashamed that he would flee this planet overnight.......

The only people who were not drunk now were Lin Fan, Gojuan Ji, Sanlun Xia and the Chanyuan sisters.

Lin Fan could drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, and he didn't drink much.

Gojuan Ji didn't dare to drink at all.

If he got drunk, the consequences would be disastrous!

Sanlun Xia drank juice the whole time and didn't drink a drop of alcohol.

The Chanyuan sisters were a little special.

It seemed that they had planned it in advance. They didn't drink much and even exchanged glances with each other.

I don't know what they were planning.

But it was obvious that they seemed to have reconciled.

It turned out that the two sisters had a dispute when they met at the meeting point.

Then they started fighting.

In the end, it is conceivable that Chanyuan Zhenyi lost to Chanyuan Zhenxi without any suspense.

Finally, after a conversation,

Chanyuan Zhenyi finally understood her sister.

The two reconciled.

The dinner was coming to an end.

Seeing that everyone was drunk and sleeping, Lin Fan clapped his hands and called a group of hotel staff.

He arranged for several people to stay in the hotel directly.

After settling everyone down, Lin Fan returned to his room in the hotel, preparing to draw the prize and study the function of the random character summoning card.

However, at this moment, there was a knock on Lin Fan's door.

It was already late at night.

Most people were drunk, so who would come back to see him at this time?

Lin Fan opened the door in confusion.

As a result, he saw the two sisters, Zenin Maki and Zenin Shinei, standing outside the door.

Lin Fan asked in confusion:

"Is there anything?"

PS: Q: Why did the two sisters in the Zen temple go to find Lin Fan late at night? I 'm sorry that I'll update once every two days!

It's mainly because I'm stuck. I don't know who is the most suitable character to summon as the first character.

But this problem has been solved!

It's definitely an unexpected character for everyone!

Today the author resumes normal updates, and will try to give you more updates in the next two days!

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