Mingming and Lin Fan did not participate in filling out the paper slips.

The principals of the two schools wrote about the traditional team competition. They did not want Gojo Satoru to cause any trouble.

An Utahime wrote about the byes, which meant that the competition was cancelled and the two schools were tied.

Gojo Satoru, who made the suggestion, actually had it planned long ago!

As early as yesterday night, he had already written a bunch of content he liked in the competition.

Anyway, none of them were serious battles.

Gojo Satoru took advantage of the fact that everyone was not paying attention, switched from his left hand to his right hand, and put all the folded paper slips in the box.

Then he shook it calmly and placed it in front of Lin Fan.

Now he just waited for which one Lin Fan drew to know what the content of the competition was!

Lin Fan looked at Gojo Satoru's half-smile expression and felt that something was wrong.

However, he did not think much about it, but rubbed his hands and showed a confident smile.

It's time to prove that he is the emperor of luck!

Lin Fan grabbed a piece of paper from the cardboard box.

He opened it confidently.

Except for Gojo Satoru, everyone's face darkened.

Gojo Satoru proudly made a"yeah" gesture.

There were three big words written on the note!

Play basketball!

Lin Fan's mouth twitched.


The original anime was already too much about playing baseball.

Now they are drawn to play basketball!

Lin"One Five Three" Fan really wants to pry open Gojo Satoru's head to see what's inside him!

Not long after.

After a pleasant basketball game.

The Tokyo-Kyoto sister school exchange meeting was successfully concluded.

But everyone was also strange during the basketball game.

It seems that the two sisters, Zenin Maki and Zenin Shin, are completely out of shape, as if they are a little weak.

And their walking posture is also very unnatural.

Zenin Shin can be understood.

Her physical fitness can be said to be weaker in the team.

Knowing that the two sisters fought fiercely in the competition venue yesterday, Zenin Shin was defeated in the end.

So it is normal to have a muscle strain or something the next day.

But Zenin Maki, who was the former number one in physical skills in the academy, is also like this, which is a bit unbelievable.

What did the two of them do last night?

Did they fight again?

The kind that hurt both sides?

However, no one dared to ask, knowing that the two sisters had bad tempers, and they were afraid of getting into trouble.

As for the instigator of all this, Lin Fan was also quite embarrassed.

But the sisters resolutely refused Lin Fan's treatment.

They said it was the first time, and they wanted to remember this feeling and keep it as a souvenir.

Lin Fan was also quite speechless.

What is there to commemorate?

Moreover, the two sisters also collected the red-stained bed sheets yesterday.

For Lin Fan, who is a straight man, it is completely incomprehensible.

However, what Lin Fan absolutely could not have imagined was that the two sisters actually knew from the beginning that the sincerity that Lin Fan said did not mean that he wanted them to do that.

For this reason, they also played a trick to make Lin Fan mistakenly think that they thought so.

In this way, they could justifiably overthrow Lin Fan.

Do they love Lin Fan?

The answer is of course yes.

How important is a girl's first time?

Can she give it to others casually?

When the two sisters saw Lin Fan for the first time, they fell in love with him at first sight.

And since then, it is difficult for them to be interested in other opposite sexes.

It was all because Lin Fan was too perfect!

Perfection gave people an extremely unreal feeling.

He was like an angel who had descended to the earth, or a god who had come to the mortal world!

And they also knew that Lin Fan would definitely soar to the sky in the near future!

They didn't want to restrain Lin Fan, nor did they want to be a burden in his heart.

So that night they made all this into a deal.

Use the body to exchange for strength.

In this way, Lin Fan would not feel guilty.

In this way, they would not feel guilty.

The two sisters of Zenyuan only hoped that when Lin Fan stood at the top of the world in the future, he would still remember them and have a place for them in his heart.

In this way, their goal would be achieved.

In fact, what they didn't expect was that since that night.

The two sisters have occupied an indispensable position in Lin Fan's heart.

They became his reverse scale and a forbidden area in his heart. After last night, Lin Fan also fulfilled his promise and transformed the two sisters with inaction.

After Lin Fan's transformation.

Zenyuan Maki has now become a complete body of Tian and Jubo!

The strength has directly increased several times!

You have to know that the last perfect form of Heaven and Jue Fu almost killed Gojo Satoru!

If Gojo Satoru hadn't realized the reversal technique when he was on the verge of death, he would have really died that time!

So you can imagine how powerful the perfect form of Heaven and Jue Fu is!

Moreover, Lin Fan also transformed Zenin Maki's eyes, so that she could see the curse spirit without the curse glasses!

In this way, it is simply perfecting the shortcomings of Heaven and Jue Fu and reaching true perfection!

With the special-grade curse tool Youyun, and a set of first-level curse tool soft armor and several first-level melee curse tools given to her by Lin Fan.

Now Zenin Maki's strength is completely comparable to that of the previous Hanami!

As long as Hanami doesn't open the domain, their strength is directly half!

As for Zenin Shinei, Lin Fan raised the curse power in her body and optimized her physique.

Now she can completely achieve that she can generate a thousand third-level curse tool bullets a day!

Or an equivalent replacement, generating 100 second-level curse tool bullets or 10 first-level curse tool bullets, or one special-grade curse tool bullet a day.

However, if a spell tool is generated, at most one second-level spell tool can be generated.

This is the limit that Chanyuan Zhenyi's body can bear now!

In the past, the limit of Chanyuan Zhenyi in one day was only to produce one third-level curse bullet!

It can be seen how much she has been improved by Lin Fan.

With Chanyuan Zhenyi's current level, it is no problem to deal with powerful first-level curse spirits! (To read the novel of Baoshuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In addition, the first-level curse firearms that Lin Fan equipped her with can completely match the special-level curse spirits that have not yet opened their fields!

Now the two sisters have become the number one members of Lin Fan's new organization as a matter of course.

They have become Lin Fan's powerful left and right arms!

Since the new organization has been established.

Naturally, it must have a formal name.

Lin Fan named the new organization: Hell!

The code name he gave himself was: King of Hell!

Chanyuan Zhenxi's code name was: Wu Ji!

Chanyuan Zhenyi's code name was: Gun Ji!

So far!

The Hell Organization was officially established!

In the future, the Hell Organization will eventually become a top force that will scare the curse world!

A few days later.

With the end of the competition between the two schools, life seemed to be back on track.

The base of the Hell Organization was established in one of Lin Fan's manors.

Currently, the organization has a total of three members.

In addition to the two sisters, Zenin Maki and Zenin Shinei...0 the third member is Hanamiya, codenamed: Bodhisattva.

The manor also became the meeting point for Lin Fan and Hanamiya.

Because the school has the barrier of Tengen, Hanamiya is not easy to enter and exit after all.

And the reason why the organization still has three members now is because Lin Fan did not rush to tell Yuji and the others.

Now, whether it is Yuji Yuji or Fushiguro Megumi, they are still insufficient in both mental and physical strength.

After the Shibuya incident, they can be regarded as what a strong man should be!

However, Lin Fan has been a little irritable in recent days.

Because Zenin Shinei returned to Kyoto Academy.

Zenin Maki also went out to do a mission, and it is estimated that it will take several days for her to come back.

Lin Fan couldn't help feeling a little lonely.

Mainly because he tasted the sweetness of love.

This thing really makes Lin Fan a little addicted!

But today, a good thing happened.

That is, Hanamiya returned as scheduled.

Hanamiya returned and brought Lin Fan a finger of Ryomen Sukuna.

And refreshed the domain for Lin Fan

【Congratulations to the host for picking up successfully!】

【Obtained Domain Fragment x1!】

【When the host collects ten domain fragments, he can synthesize an exclusive domain!】

【Current progress (5/10)]

Lin Fan smiled.

Halfway through, he was looking forward to what his domain would look like.

It shouldn't be worse than the Soul Sanctuary!

Lin Fan saw that the refresh time for the copy ability had just arrived.

So without any hesitation, he called up various character information, opened Nanami Kento's personal panel, and directly copied the Black Flash skill.

【Congratulations to the host for successful replication!】

【Obtained the A+ skill Black Flash!】

【[Black Flash]: When the difference between the physical attack and the impact caused by the cursed force is within 0.000001 seconds, space distortion occurs, causing 500% damage!

【It has been detected that the skill can be optimized and has been automatically optimized for the host!】

【Congratulations on the successful host optimization!】

【The Black Flash skill evolved from A+ to S level!】

【[Black Flash]: When the difference between the physical attack and the impact caused by the spell power is within 0.000001 seconds, the space distortion 2.0 is generated, causing 500% damage!

(When the host turns on the black flash state, each move will be a black flash���

After reading the skill introduction, Lin Fan smiled with satisfaction.

The Black Flash skill was a very powerful attack-type skill.

Coupled with the system optimization, this was equivalent to giving Lin Fan a permanent five-fold crit attribute.

It could be said that after copying this skill, Lin Fan's strength increased several times!

PS:Thanks to 15261.. for the 5100 VIP reward!!!

You are so generous!!!

Thanks to 15261.. for the ticket to urge me to update!!!

Thanks to 三千弱水,只取一片瓢 for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thanks to hla.. for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thanks to 最近一点非 for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thanks to mengd.. for the monthly ticket support!!! Thanks to cwk.. for the monthly ticket support!!!

Thanks to stuchedyf(yh) for the monthly ticket support!!!

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