"Is it in the Demon King's Territory? I think we can just look for it first. Besides, you can get to know the Demon King's Territory better, right?"

As the newly appointed Demon King, Ariel has only just taken over the Demon King's Territory.

So Ariel doesn't know many things.

Therefore, Ariel finally agreed. However, she did not inform the former Demon King's subordinates who had surrendered. Since Goetia said that the things were in the Demon King's Territory, and that Potimas Pafenas could put the things in the Demon King's Territory, it meant that the former Demon King's subordinates definitely had someone who colluded with the elf.

These were all people who needed to be eliminated, so Ariel did not intend to show her edge for the time being.

In addition to these demons, Ariel also had her own puppet-type spiders. These were the subordinates who truly obeyed her orders. After these puppet-type spiders were sent out, the group officially began to look for a device to steal MA energy.

In response, Goetia expressed her desire to follow Ariel.

This made Ariel's inner plan come to nothing. Originally...���The plan was to find the puppet spider first, and then go over and destroy it. But Goetia was obviously not so easy to fool, and chose to follow directly.

As for why the puppet spider was not destroyed directly, that kind of device is not easy to destroy even if you want to, and it is not so fragile.

With the addition of Ariel, the search for the device to steal MA energy has been smoother.

Because, not long after, Ariel's face became slightly gloomy. Although there was only a slight change, Goetia still discovered it. You know, Demon King Ariel, who has not been eroded by the parallel consciousness of Spider-Girl, still has a very cold personality at this moment.

Therefore, this tiny change is enough to explain the problem.

"It seems that you have found it. Can you please take us there? I know you are worried that we will steal MA energy, but what I can say is that we are not interested in MA energy."Goetia could only promise this. As for whether Ariel would believe it or not, it seemed that she would not believe it now.

Therefore, Ariel was still a little reluctant to take Goetia and the other two with her.

Just when Goetia and the other two were arguing with Ariel, this scene certainly fell into the eyes of the observer D. At this moment, D was still impartial to this world. So, D revealed a little that someone had discovered his device.

In fact, even if D did not remind him, Potimas Pafenas would have received a reminder when the device was attacked. As the mastermind behind the scenes, how could he not take some precautions?

In a special area, Potimas Pafenas was looking at the information on the system at this moment, slightly distracted. However, he soon became angry. His device for stealing MA energy was discovered? Not good!

Considering that he was placed in the Demon King's territory, Potimas Pafenas could only bring his own troops over, otherwise, they would not be enough for the Demon King to fight.

In fact, even with these machine troops, they would not be enough to fight.

But, no... Please bring back the complete equipment and the core components.

Seeing Potimas Parvenus at this moment, he was extremely shocked. It has been in the Demon King's Territory for many years. Before, he had been provoking the relationship between humans and demons, making it impossible for the Demon King to toss in the Demon King's Territory. When the human race is at a disadvantage, he will act as a peace ambassador.

Preserving human power is to check and balance the demons, and even attract the attention of the demons from the outside.

Therefore, the device has existed for so many years, but it was suddenly discovered today, and even those demons who had traded with him did not have time to remind him. This surprised Potimas Parvenus. Could it be that some force majeure factors had occurred?

At this time, Potimas Parvenus thought of the guy who raided the Fairy Village before.

Ariel was still trying to stop Goetia, and Sindra was already very angry and almost fought with Ariel. But at this moment, the transmission channel was suddenly opened, and then a large number of machines were transmitted to the Demon King's Territory.

This scene made Ariel's face change.

"Damn you, Potimas Parfenas!"

"I told you, we are not your enemies, there is no benefit in stopping us."

Gaetia spread his hands, Ariel's face changed, but it was better to rush to the location of the device first. This time Ariel didn't care about Gaetia and others. She rushed in one direction, and Gaetia and the other two followed.

However, at this time, Gaetia communicated with Kocho Ninja first.

""Lord Goetia, my strength is too weak. How about I leave here and not hold you back?"

Seeing Goetia stop and deliberately hold her back, Butterfly Shinobu thought that she was holding back, so she let herself return to her own world first.

But Goetia shook his head.

"No, you are very important. Next, I will send you into my inherent barrier. Later, when I see the device, I will also pull that thing in, and you will upload it to the chat group."

Goetia's words surprised Shinobu Kocho.

"Should I upload it? Wouldn't that be bad?"

If she uploads it, and if it's really this thing, wouldn't she get the biggest reward?

"What's wrong with that? Syndra needs to stop the demon king, and I can't connect to the chat group at the moment, so only you can come."

""Okay, leave it to me!"

After hearing what Goetia said, Shinobu Kocho agreed. Indeed, there was no one else here, and the Demon King could only be contained by Sindra.

The Temple of Time reappeared, and Shinobu Kocho was sent directly in.

Afterwards, Goetia took Sindra and shuttled directly to the side of the Demon King Ariel. At this moment, the machine army of Potimas Pafenas was also approaching. This time, Ariel didn't even need to lead it, and Potimas Pafenas himself said the location.

It was actually in the underground of the side hall next to the Demon King's castle. It can only be said that Potimas Pafenas was really bold.

However, there was an insider in the Demon King's army, and Potimas Pafenas attracted the attention of the Demon King through some activities on the mainland. The Demon King really had no time to look around his castle. Of course, he didn't expect Potimas Pafenas to put the device in the side hall of the Demon King's castle.

It really proves the saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place!

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