While Ariel and Goetia were arguing, Potimas Parfenas suddenly appeared and took the initiative.

The side hall of the Demon King's Castle was directly bombarded, revealing a large pit underground.

It was very deep, deep underground.

However, under the attack of Potimas Parfenas's machine army, the entire ground collapsed, and the connected Demon King's Castle was tilted at this moment.

In the Demon King's Castle, the demons also rushed out one after another.

Only then did they see Potimas Parfenas's army. Among them, a demon twitched his mouth and almost cursed. What the hell did Potimas Parfenas do, suddenly self-destructing?

Ariel was extremely angry and directly attacked those machines.

The Seven Virtues were humble and directly disassembled these machines. In this regard, they are better at dealing with inanimate machines than Goetia and Sindra.

Goetia and Sindra followed closely behind, and the Demon King directly ordered the demons to block the two.

These demons had never seen Goetia take action, but they had sensed Sindra’s attack. Faced with such a powerful opponent, many demons’ faces changed. At this moment, Ariel knew very well that there were demons who colluded with Potimas Parvenus.

So, she didn’t care and sent all these demons out to face Goetia and Sindra. Anyway, she had just taken over, and at worst, she could recruit again later. And at this time, anyone who didn’t dare to take action would be targeted by her.

These demons had to attack Goetia and Sindra. At the same time, Potimas Parvenus’s clone also arrived at the battlefield. It was just a troop before, but now he came here as well. Although it might still be just a clone, it was enough to prove how much he valued this device.

"It's you again, damn you!"

Goetia had ruined his plan for many years, and Potimas Pafenas hated Goetia very much, so at this time he even cooperated with the Demon King's army to attack Goetia and the other two.

This was a three-way melee. For Demon King Ariel, Goetia and Potimas Pafenas were both going to take away the device that stole the MA energy. And Demon King Ariel also discovered that Goetia and Potimas Pafenas were not on the same side. Therefore

, a three-way melee was inevitable.

But for Demon King Ariel, she was actually the most relaxed, letting those men with ulterior motives go to die, without any pressure in her heart.

Moreover, she only needed to destroy the device, which was much simpler than taking the device away.

Potimas Pafenas also discovered the advantages of Demon King Ariel. The situation was then decisively dealt with the Demon King Ariel, but Goetia felt relieved all of a sudden. Of course, as powerful as Sindra is, she still couldn't avoid being dragged into the war.

It was impossible to let Sindra, who was so strong, just watch the show from the side.

The three forces fought in chaos, but this was the Demon King's territory after all, and soon the machines brought by Potimas Pafenas suffered huge damage, and the troops began to be insufficient. The situation developed in a direction that was favorable to the Demon King Ariel.

With the restraint of the Demon King's army, the Demon King Ariel even had the opportunity to free his hands and go to the bottom of the big hole.

However, at this time, Sindra took action, activated his telekinesis, and forcibly fought with the Demon King Ariel. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Goetia opened the gap in space, walked in, and suddenly appeared in the hole.

"Not good!"

The faces of the Demon King Ariel and Potimas Parfenas changed, but because of Sindra's obstruction, the two had no way to cross over. However, the two cooperated and beat Sindra step by step.

At this moment, Goetia finally saw the device.

This is a sphere-like device with a ring outside the sphere. Just like a planet, it must be said that Potimas Parfenas is indeed a genius. The invention of this thing is enough to prove his talent.

The size of this thing is still very large, at least much larger than Goetia.

It is estimated to be as big as a room. After all, it is not made by D, but a local elf. Restricted by some things, there is no way to compress the volume. The weapons of Potimas Parfenas are not small in size.

Goetia slowly touched the device, and then sent it into the Temple of Time.

Since the war began, Goetia has been loading the Temple of Time, so Goetia has been restrained in the subsequent battles.

Although there is Sindra as the master, there is no need to worry about magic power, but Sindra also needs to fight after all, And it takes a huge amount of magic power to maintain the Temple of Time. Therefore, Goetia has not participated in the battle until now.

Now, I finally got this thing.

I am waiting for Kocho Shinobu to upload it to see if this is what the chat group needs.

After Goetia uploaded this thing into the Temple of Time, Goetia was suddenly attacked. The attack came from the Demon King Ariel. For her, she only needed to destroy that thing. Therefore, even if Goetia is in it, it would be better to destroy it together.

So she can throw attacks at this big hole without any scruples , but Potimas Parvenus could not. He was even more nervous now. If Ariel's attack destroyed the device, his hard work would be completely ruined.

Sindra was also nervous when she saw Goetia being attacked. Fortunately, a huge tentacle monster suddenly came out of the hole. Sindra knew that Goetia was fine. The huge demon pillar protected Goetia and lifted her up. Seeing

Goetia coming up, Demon King Ariel and Potimas Parvenus looked stern. Then Potimas Parvenus's face changed drastically.

"The location I left in the device is gone. Where did you hide the device? It must be in that special space, right? Demon King Ariel has hidden the device. Now is not the time for us to go against him. Let’s attack him together and make him hand it over!"

Podimas Pafenas knew about the Temple of Time, so when he didn't sense the device at this moment, he naturally thought of that special space.

Goetia did not refute and didn't care at all at this moment.

In fact, Goetia was waiting. After Shinobu Kocho uploaded, Goetia was waiting for news from Sindra. The Temple of Time is out of time, but because she is outside, the time in the Temple of Time is the same as outside.

Not long after, Sindra was @

【Butterfly Shinobu】:@Sindra Sindra, success, mission accomplished!

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