Demon King Ariel's expression was a bit solemn. Sindra's expression was also not relaxed.

Then, Demon King Ariel attacked again. This time, she chose to close the distance directly. In this respect, Demon King Ariel and Goetia are a bit similar, both of them are melee magicians. After all, Ariel is the original spider, and her physical fitness is very strong.

It is not comparable to Sindra, who is a human, so choosing melee combat as the main method and magic as the auxiliary method is in line with her combat method.

Sindra, on the other hand, has never fought in melee combat. At this moment, she was still a little panicked when the demon king approached her.

Sindra, floating in the sky, was also avoiding the attack of Demon King Ariel, but she looked a little embarrassed after all.

Goetia held her forehead, and then slowly reminded:"Sindra, have you forgotten that you still have telekinesis!"

After getting Goetia's size, Sindra also reacted. Directly using telekinesis on Demon King Ariel, Ariel only felt that she received an inexplicable force, which was repelling her from approaching the human woman.

Ariel tried and it was very easy to break free, at least the opponent couldn't control her.

But as long as she rushed towards the opponent, she would encounter the greatest resistance.

After all, Ariel was a strong man of the same level as Syndra. Even if Syndra's telekinesis was very strong, the impact on Demon King Ariel herself was relatively small. Of course, Syndra used telekinesis more to control various things, such as trees and rocks.

All of them were thrown at Ariel by Syndra.

Even Demon King Ariel felt troubled at this moment. Unable to get close, neither of them had a way to break the move.

It was during this brief confrontation that Goetia stood up.

"Demon King Ariel, please stop. This time we are not here to provoke, but to cooperate!"

Goetia's voice reached Ariel's ears, which surprised Ariel. Part of her mind was still paying attention to Sindra. Then she found the woman who was fighting with her, gave up the idea of continuing to attack, and returned to the ordinary human male. Among these three people, it was not the strongest woman who was the main one, but this man.

It still surprised Demon King Ariel. Did she make a mistake?

Sindra certainly obeyed Goetia's words. This is a big guy. Although it is only a clone now, according to Lord Goetia himself, it is not as strong as Sindra. But Sindra has seen Goetia take action, and Sindra does not believe Goetia's statement at all.

After returning to Goetia, Sindra was still on guard against Ariel to prevent the other party from continuing to attack. After all,

Demon King Ariel was afraid of Sindra's strength, so he stood not far from Goetia and the other two.

"As a human, you actually said that you would cooperate with the demons. Aren't you afraid that you will be abandoned by the human world?"

After hearing Ariel's words, Goetia laughed. Since they can communicate, it's much better.

"I will tell you about this question when I leave. And now, don’t you want to know what cooperation is?"

"Tell me, if you don't interest me, I can only kill you."

Let's not talk about whether Sindra can be defeated, and Goetia hasn't even made a move yet. Therefore, Goetia only regarded it as the toughness shown by the other party for better negotiations. Even Sindra was dismissive at this moment, although the strength of this demon king was indeed a bit strong.

It was the first time for Sindra, and she was not sure of winning because her combat experience was not as rich as the other party. Of course, the first time here refers to the situation where Goetia and other big guys are excluded.

With Lord Goetia here, Sindra felt that the other party would not have any chance of winning.

"You know about MA energy, right? Then you should also know that someone is stealing the MA energy of this planet. And this cooperation is to find the device that steals MA energy!"

Goetia's words made Ariel's pupils shrink.

There is no doubt that Goetia's cooperation completely touched Ariel's heart. She has always wanted to save the goddess Sariel, and she also knows what the hateful Potimas Parfenas is doing, but she can't find Potimas Parfenas's body. She also doesn't know where the device that steals MA energy is.

Now Goetia explained her purpose, which immediately aroused Ariel's interest.

However, Ariel was still a little cautious.

"What are you looking for that device for?"

"I want that device, of course I have a use for it, anyway it is useless to you. Besides, you want to destroy it, and I will take it away, isn't that good news for you!"

"Humph, why don't you tell me clearly? I won't cooperate. How can you cooperate with someone without even knowing their name?"

"I was careless. My name is Goetia...."

Goetia also introduced Sindra and Kocho Shinobu, and Ariel said her name, and both sides accepted it. However, Ariel was still a little reluctant.

"Don't be so arbitrary. Isn't it the most important thing to find it now?"

Goetia also guessed Ariel's estimate at this moment. She said directly that she would take the device away, but didn't say what it was for, which made Ariel very worried. Goetia would extract the world's energy like Potimas Parfenas at that time.

So, there was such a saying.

But in fact, the other party's worry did not exist, because Goetia found this thing. If it was really the system needed by the chat group, Goetia and others would return directly. There was no subsequent plan to extract the energy of this planet. It was a pity that Ariel didn't know.

As for whether the chat group needed this device, Goetia felt that it was very likely to be correct.

This device was invented by Potimas Parfenas to steal MA energy. And now, because of the existence of the system, after the death of humans who have comprehended the skills, the world's MA energy will be returned to the system.

If you want to steal, you must have touched the root of the system.

Therefore, the essence of this device is likely to be just a special terminal.

Ariel was finally persuaded by Goetia. Now the first goal is to find this device

"So, you have information about this device? Potimas Parfenas has been hiding well!"

Ariel also asked Goetia, and this sentence has already shown that Ariel agreed. However, whether he will return at that time, Goetia feels that he will. But Goetia is not worried. What he needs to do now is to find the device. Goetia has a way to transfer directly.

"That thing is in the Demon King's territory!"

"What? Are you kidding me?"

This directly shocked Ariel. Would Potimas Parfenas put that thing in the Demon King's Territory, right under her nose? It will be available after midnight tonight, and will be updated tomorrow, so before then, please give me some free flowers and evaluation tickets.

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