The Beast of Mercy appeared, and Goetia's strength was fully revealed at this moment.

The powerful and chaotic aura made everyone present feel suffocated. Including the Protoss, who had only sensed it on the Titan's body. This made the Twilight Protoss Maisha feel unbelievable. Could a Titan walk on this Valoran continent?

Ryze and Karma were not much better. There had never been any record of Goetia before?

"Now, let me see if you are qualified to be proud!"

Goetia's voice was very calm and cold, without any emotion, even his idiom was not revealed. This proved that the current Goetia was the real Demon King Goetia. After saying that, Maisha felt that she was in trouble. How could she fight him? After feeling Goetia's current breath, Maisha knew that she was not his opponent. Seeing that Goetia wanted to continue fighting, Maisha secretly said that it was bad. She wanted to stop him and told him that it was just a misunderstanding.

But Goetia completely ignored him and launched a clever offensive again.

Facing such a powerful Goetia, Maisha was completely There was no room for resistance, even though she was a star spirit and the representative of the giant god on earth. But at this moment, everyone present felt the huge gap between the two sides and saw the horror of the beast of mercy. It took only a few minutes from the time Goetia launched the attack to the time Maisha was defeated.

Maisha didn't even make any resistance, and was caught in the hand of Goetia. Yes, caught in the hand, Goetia, who was about three meters tall, grabbed Maisha's body with his huge arms. Maisha felt the pain of broken bones with just a little force, forcing her to scream out.

"It seems that your strength is not enough to support your arrogance in front of others!"

Then, Goetia raised his head again and looked at the starry sky. In the stunned eyes of Ryze and Karma, Goetia turned back to look at Syndra.

"Now that I have shown this attitude, I want to have some fun. Syndra, please wait a moment. I will go meet those guys who call themselves Titans!" Although he still spoke with the attitude of a king, Ryze and Karma both felt that when talking to Syndra, the other party's tone was not as cold as before.

Syndra also nodded instinctively. There was no way. In this state, Goetia would feel depressed as a human.

Then, Goetia grabbed Maisa's hand and squeezed it hard.


Mysa let out a scream, and then completely lost her life.

After that, Goetia flew directly into the sky, and the altitude continued to rise until it entered the starry sky.

After Goetia left, on the ground, Syndra, Ryze and Karma looked at each other. Looking at the corpse of the Twilight Astral, the three were speechless for a long time. Ryze and Karma had a little worry in their eyes. Goetia just said that they would go up and play with the Titans.

Ryze did not think that the other party was joking. In other words, after knowing the true form of the Titans, the other party still wanted to go, so the other party had absolute confidence in his own strength.

If Goetia retreats safely, then there will be a god who walks in time in the future, which will have a great impact on the situation in Valoran. Although Ryze did not participate, that guy doesn't look like he is doing well.

""Miss Syndra, what are you going to do now?"

Ryze thought for a moment and asked Syndra, and Karma was also alert at this moment and looked at Syndra. If Syndra wanted to retaliate against Ionia, she could only continue to fight Syndra under the guidance of the Ionian Soul.

However, Syndra snorted coldly and looked at Karma.

"I just beat up this Ionian, and I've already vented a lot. And I have more important things to do later. Humph, Ionian, you're lucky!"

Syndra's words have already shown that she has no time to cause trouble for Ionia now. Karma breathed a sigh of relief, and so did Ryze. After knowing that Syndra and Goetia were in the same group, Goetia's strength now changed Ryze's attitude towards Syndra.

"I'm going to see the battle, do you want to go?"

Ryze asked again.

But Karma shook her head:"I'm not going, I want to return to Ionia, the war with Noxus is not over yet."

"I want to go, do you have a way to see the battle in the sky?"

"I don't have a way, but someone does!"

After saying that, Ryze started the space jump and invited Syndra, who did not refuse. Together with Ryze, they moved directly.

Ryze took Syndra to find a special person. In Syndra's eyes, the other person had a single horn and purple skin, but there was a trace of charm on his body, which was similar to the characteristics of the Protoss he had seen before, which made Syndra alert immediately.

"Don't be nervous, this one is different from the Targon and the Protoss.

This is the prophet Soraka!

"Ryze explained Soraka's story to Syndra.

After listening, even Syndra, who had been sealed for so long, had to respect the one in front of her.

She came as a god, gave up her immortal godhood, and protected the mortal races from their own violent instincts.

She showed sympathy and kindness to everyone she met - guiding the lost and healing the pain.

Although Soraka has witnessed so much pain and struggle in this world, she still believes that the people of Runeterra still have more potential that has not yet been discovered.

After meeting Syndra, Soraka also showed great affinity, which immediately dispelled Syndra's vigilance.

Then Ryze asked Soraka, The two wanted to see the battle in the sky.

Soraka did not refuse and took out a slightly larger crystal ball. Then, Syndra and Ryze saw the starry sky in the crystal ball. At the same time, they also saw Goetia.

At this moment, Goetia had already had a preliminary contact with the Targon. What exactly is the Targon? At this moment, in Goetia's eyes, it was much more detailed.

In the starry sky, there are stars and constellations. And around these, there are always special spirits with wisdom. These spirits of different shapes are the so-called Targons. (When the Star-Forging Dragon King discovered Valoran around the sun in the universe, he saw these spirits watching outside Valoran)

PS:These Titans in LOL do not seem to be planetary consciousnesses like Gaia, so it is speculated that they are just powerful spirits born on stars. Similar to the spirits in Ionia, only the spirits born from stars are more powerful. If it is really the will of the planet, then Lieyang is the consciousness of the sun, and he wants to steal the Dragon King's knowledge about the sun?

So, it is still unlikely. Therefore, the setting of this book is just a spirit born from a star, not the planetary consciousness itself.

If these Titans are all star consciousness or constellation consciousness, there are so many Gaias, then Goetia will just run away.

Of course, there is another saying that the earliest Titans were born in Valoran. But when they were born in Valoran, they could not enter, so they could only walk in Valoran by possessing mortals. It's still a bit far-fetched, so I'll use the above setting here. I

'm asking for data for the new book, and I'm asking for free flowers and evaluation tickets.

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