As Goetia entered the starry sky, she was soon targeted by the so-called Titan.

But the first one to find Goetia was not the Twilight God who had killed the Protoss before, but the Ares Constellation!

Ares Constellation Panson, there is also a Panson in the Valoran continent, and that is the War Protoss. However, the original name of that mortal was not Panson, but Atreus. And now, Goetia is facing the Ares Constellation Panson himself.

A spirit born from a constellation.

And then, Twilight also came. This is Twilight's body, a spirit born from a star between the sun and the moon.

After seeing Goetia, he said to Panson angrily:"Panson, kill this guy, he actually killed my Protoss!"

As a Titan, it is not difficult to find a suitable carrier, but it is much more difficult to find a good talent who can maximize their strength. Now, the Twilight Protoss is dead, which is a blow to Twilight.

Of course, it is good news for other Titans.

At least, it is good news for Sun and Moon. They are pursuing faith in Valoran. One less Protoss means one less competitor.

The relationship between Pantheon and Twilight is not bad, at least not hostile. Because in Valoran, Sun and Moon are the best in the church, and he and Twilight are on the same level. Although, because of the power of war, he has faith as long as there is war in Valoran, but Twilight has been causing trouble many times, so her relationship with Pantheon is still good.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. If anyone dares to despise us giants and chase us to the starry sky, it is a provocation to the giants. Let me, the god of war, deal with him!"

"Ares Constellation? How dare any god call himself the God of War!"

Goetia sneered at the word"God of War", but continued to remind him:"This is a private battle with the God of Twilight, are you sure you want to intervene?"


Panson did not answer too much, but responded with practical actions.

Panson, who called himself the God of War, officially fought with Goetia, the Beast of Mercy, at this moment. To be honest, this was also Goetia's first fight with a god. Although he had encountered various servants of gods before, there was still a gap between them and the gods themselves.

But even so, Goetia did not fall into a disadvantage.

The physical fight between the two broke out completely. Fists hit the flesh, and it was extremely cruel. However, the bodies of both were equally powerful.

The two fought for a long time, which shocked a large number of people who were paying attention to this battle. Giant gods such as Lieyang and Jiaoyue were also paying attention. Many giant gods were shocked by Goetia's strength. The guy who flew up from Valoran actually fought with them, who were giant gods, for so long.

Even, he was suppressing Panson.

Yes, in close combat, Goetia is still better after all. After all, Goetia is a planetary-level combat force. Although close combat is definitely It is not that strong, but at least not weak.

Although Pantheon is only a spirit born from a constellation, it does not mean that he is the God of War. If the real God of War gave birth to his own will, it would likely directly attract the attention of Bard, the wandering god of the astral world. After all, Bard is the one who monitors the astral world.

In addition, even the knowledge about the sun and its creation, they need to steal from the Star-Forging Dragon King. How could it be the true will of the star or the will of the constellation? It is just a special creature born with the help of stellar energy. It is similar to the spirits that the continent of Ionia has, but it is a little more powerful. Those spirits in Ionia cannot represent Ionia.

Therefore, soon, Goetia showed terrible suppression, and Pantheon, who claimed to be the God of War, was defeated.

Valoran, Syndra and Ryze, looking at the picture in the crystal ball in front of Soraka, were also shocked. Syndra was okay, she didn't know much about the Targon, but Ryze was shocked at the moment.

"Prophet, who is this person? Even Pantheon can suppress..."

Soraka shook her head.

"I don't know, maybe only Miss Syndra knows!"

Ryze looked at Syndra, who shook her head suddenly.

"I won't tell you, but I can only say that you don't have to worry about him, he will be back soon!"

It was her invitation for Goetia to come here, but she would definitely not tell about the chat group and Goetia's identity, all of which needed to be kept secret.

Hearing Syndra's words, Ryze and Soraka were a little surprised. They were going back, but where to go?

The battle was still going on, and the three continued to focus on this war.

As time went on, Pantheon also felt panic and anger. As a member of the God of War constellation, he was suppressed by a native creature of Valoran, and so miserable. Pantheon did not know Goetia's identity, but just regarded Goetia as a creature of Valoran.

Being suppressed and even beaten by a native dealt a huge blow to Pantheon's pride.

But he was not without means. I saw a huge ray of light suddenly shot towards Goetia from the distant constellation. Looking closely, it was a huge spear. The spirit born from the God of War constellation can naturally borrow part of the power of the constellation.

It's just that the borrowed power

The spear flew towards Goetia, and Goetia summoned a magic shield directly upon seeing this.

However, even so, the spear went forward, piercing through Goetia's magic shield and heading towards Goetia's body. Seeing this, Panson was overjoyed, but soon he could no longer laugh.

Goetia actually grabbed the front of the spear with both hands, trying to reduce the impact of the spear, and finally, he actually stopped the spear abruptly. This scene stunned Panson. But soon, Panson reacted again and immediately retracted the spear.

Goetia couldn't stop it. After all, the opponent was a giant god, and the energy of the constellation he activated was extremely powerful. His body still suffered considerable injuries. So he could only watch Panson activate the power of the constellation once again, preparing to give himself a big one.

And Goetia, of course, would not sit still and wait for death.

"Haven't used it for a long time...."

Goetia muttered, and then, a huge magic vibration suddenly appeared above his head. Even Panson, who was preparing to borrow the power of the constellation and gather huge energy to supply Goetia, was stunned.

Because, at this moment, a huge halo appeared above Goetia's head, or it would be more appropriate to call it a halo.

"The time of birth has come, and with it, everything will be corrected!"

The third treasure of Goetia is the treasure that destroys human principles. Since the end of the war, Goetia has not used this treasure, and now, in this strange world called Valoran, Goetia uses it to deal with the so-called God of War Constellation.

PS: Although the Great Light Wheel is a treasure against human principles, there is a basic version, which is also a light cannon, but it will be stronger after burning human history. In addition, apart from human history, this treasure derived from the fifth magic is not only capable of burning human history.

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