In the League of Legends universe, there is not much information about the gods. These gods call themselves giants. Commonly known as the giants!

But one thing is certain, they can't get in and are blocked outside the Valoran continent.

However, these giants still have their own way after all. Let the star spirits replace themselves and walk on the Valoran continent.

At this moment, as the giants watched, a powerful person arrived at the scene soon to convey the intentions of the giants to Goetia and others. This star spirit is none other than the Twilight Star Spirit between the scorching sun and the bright moon.

Of course, the current Twilight Star Spirit is not Zoe in Goetia's memory. In addition, the star spirits of Valoran refer to the carriers of the giants in Valoran, not the main body. (In the eyes of the Star Forger, these giants are called star spirits. The spirits formed around the stars are similar to the spirits that appear in Ionia, but more powerful, but these star spirits call themselves giants)

After the Twilight Star Spirit came, Ryze and Karma frowned. Syndra also felt the power of the other party. It turned out that there were such powerful people in this world? Syndra, who had been sealed for too long, had no idea about the situation in this world. The

Twilight Protoss is also a female named Maisha. In the original work, she was killed by Atto and Koss, so Zoe became the new Twilight Protoss.

Maisha came to the front of several people, looked at Ryze and Karma, then looked at Goetia and Syndra on the other side, and finally spoke slowly.

"I am here only to deliver the command of the gods. You two, come and welcome the glory of the Titans."

This is what Maisha said to Goetia and Syndra.

Ryze, as the controller of the world rune, will not follow the Titans, and Karma has the breath of the Ionian soul, so it is impossible. Therefore, the Titans' target this time is very clear, that is, Syndra and Goetia.

After hearing Maisha's words, Syndra looked puzzled.

"What does it mean?"

"Accepting the glory of the Titans and becoming their agents on the continent will gain unimaginable power. With your talent, you will definitely become the strongest human and the strongest Protoss."

Maisa explained to Syndra's question.

And Maisa's words made Ryze and Karma's faces change. They both knew about Protoss, which represented the Titans. In fact, many wars have been provoked on this continent, because the Titans wanted to intervene in Valoran, and a stable Valoran was not a good opportunity.

Therefore, the reputation of the Protoss is not good in the hearts of powerful people like Ryze.

Only in the Targon Peak and those sects do the Protoss have greater prestige.

This has to start from the fact that the Titans had no way to come to Valoran. In order to interfere with Valoran, they came down in the form of Protoss and walked in Valoran. Under normal circumstances, becoming a Titan The Protoss of God is actually possessed by the Titan. This Maesa is one of them. The same is true for the War Protoss Pantheon. Of course, there are exceptions. The two sisters of justice, Kayle and Morgana, are dominated by their own consciousness.

But under normal circumstances, possession is inevitable. In fact, not many people know this, but Ryze knows it.

So, at this moment, Ryze's face changed drastically. If the two people in front of him really agreed, it would be bad. Ryze didn't know Goetia's identity, but if it was just Syndra, with Syndra's talent, the Titan might immediately become the strongest human after possessing her.

By then, the Titan will be domineering on Valoran, and it will be unstoppable.

Ryze was about to remind Goetia, but Goetia refused.

"Targon, are you referring to those stinky fellows who can't come down from heaven, so they try to provoke conflicts and create faith by interfering with and taking over the bodies of humans in Valoran?"

Goetia directly revealed the nature of the so-called Protoss, and Ryze was surprised. And Syndra was not stupid either. As soon as she heard Goetia's words, she understood what the Protoss were, which made Syndra feel a little disgusted.

Goetia's words also made Maisha feel stunned.

She didn't expect that the other party knew it, but Maisha continued:"It is an honor for humans to become the carrier of the Targons, and even to gain eternal life, so, isn't that good?"

"I don't want to, I just came out, what do you want me to do as a Protoss, don't joke with me!"

Syndra retorted directly.

Seeing that neither of them had the intention to agree, Maisha was a little angry. The Protoss, or the Titans, are actually very arrogant. Especially through some strategies, they really imprisoned a great god, which made them feel very proud. (Using strategies to imprison the Star-Forging Dragon King)

In addition, even if it is just a body that has been taken over, it is still top-notch on this continent. As long as you don't meet some crazy Darkin, you can still fight.

So at this moment Maisha is ready to take action directly and take the two back.

She didn't see the previous battle between Goetia and Ryze, otherwise she wouldn't have said it.

Without even saying anything, Maisha directly launched an attack, and the first target was Syndra, who was relatively far away from Ryze.

Seeing this, Goetia's eyes were also stern. Then he exhaled, and murmured words from his mouth

"This trip to Valoran is really exciting. Let me see the difference between the Titans of this world and the gods of Type-Moon!"

After saying that, Goetia's figure suddenly rose, and he was about three meters tall, which made Ryze beside him feel something was wrong. Then, in his shocked eyes, the man who looked gentle and elegant turned into a monster.

Goetia, the head of mercy, showed his posture at this moment. Seeing this posture, Ryze and Karma were stunned. The other party was not human? What race was this? And the other party's breath made the two humans feel chilled and disgusted.

In fact, this posture is not needed to deal with the Protoss, but Goetia has more far-reaching plans, so he is ready to go all out at this moment. This is the first time that the power of the beast of mercy has been used since the battle with Li Xiang.

At this moment, Maisa is rushing towards Syndra.

Syndra was also preparing to defend, and suddenly, a tall figure appeared in front of Syndra, and then kicked Maisa, and Maisa was kicked directly away.

Syndra was also stunned at this moment, looking at the strange creature in front of her, Syndra was stunned for a moment


However, Sindra soon remembered the group introduction, a tentacle control with big eyeballs on his chest and antlers on his head. From the body shape, it really fits the description of Lord Goetia....So, this guy in front of me is Lord Goetia?

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