The position of group leader has many functions.

For example, forcing others to modify member introductions, and forcing other members to modify their nicknames.

Seeing this, Gaetia's eyes lit up. He directly changed Aqua's nickname to Trash Goddess Aqua. Then, he looked at Aqua who was still eating meat. Well, she hasn't been discovered yet. I don't know what kind of expression she will have after she is discovered.

When Aqua found that her nickname had been changed, it was time to return to her own world.

As for now, immersed in the party, his own ability for the party was directly activated, and the atmosphere of the banquet has never dropped.

There are still some functions, but Gaetia thinks it is better to slowly explore them later. Now is the time for the banquet, and you still have to get along sociably.

In this way, Gaetia also joined the banquet

""Master Gaetia, come here quickly!"

Sindra also asked Gaetia to sit next to her. After Gaetia came over, Sindra also handed Gaetia the skewers.

"Mm, it tastes good!"

"Yeah, I think so too. This is baked by Spider Girl!"

"Spider? ? ?"

Goetia almost thought she had heard it wrong. A spider, grilling skewers for people to eat, always felt that this scene was a bit strange.

Sindra also saw Goetia's confusion and explained with a smile.

"Spider-Girl has a system in her world, and she often roasts the monsters she kills with fire to eat, and then, this skill emerges. Not to mention, this cooking skill is really suitable here!"

After hearing Sindra's explanation, Goetia's mouth twitched. Unexpectedly, the skills that Spider-Girl acquired through the system were unexpectedly useful.

Sindra was also very happy to see Goetia eat the skewers she handed over.

Then she remembered something, and continued"Two Six Zero":"Lord Goetia, when will you go to Valoran again?"

"Eh? Is there anything else?"

Normally, Goetia doesn't need to go to Valoran, because from the current point of view, Goetia can't get anything in Valoran. Moreover, Sindra won't be in any danger. After all, with Sindra's strength, she is lucky not to cause trouble to others.

So, Goetia was a little surprised. Sindra's invitation this time

"No, I just want Lord Goetia to play, that's all."

For Sindra, the time when she was sealed was obviously the most painful. This situation did not change until she got the chat group. After Goetia entered Valoran and brought her out, she was finally freed.

Although in the group, you can also accumulate enough points and download the space rift movement ability yourself. But at that time, it was still a long way to go for her.

It was only after joining the exploration of the new world that she got more points. Otherwise, if she only relied on the water group, the time for her to lift the seal would definitely be extended a lot.

Therefore, Sindra is very grateful to Goetia.

And now, As Syndra got to know Valoran better and better, she herself did not have too much hatred towards Ionia. Of course, she still felt disgusted. So, she has been in Piltover all the time. Life has changed, and Syndra also wants to invite Goetia to her home.

Yes, that's right, Syndra has settled down in Piltover now. Syndra definitely wants to share this joy with others. As the person who helped her lift the seal, Goetia is the first one.

Even though Kato Megumi is actually the most suitable person for all group members to talk to, for Syndra, Goetia is the one.

Goetia thought about Syndra's invitation and agreed with a smile.

"No problem, you will be the one to entertain them when the time comes!"

"Of course, put it on me!"

Seeing that Goetia agreed, Sindra was also very happy, and then she started to feed Goetia frantically; although these were not roasted by her, she gave them to Goetia, which made Aqua speechless.

After all, because she was sealed for too long, and she was sealed when she was not too old. So in terms of life experience, Sindra is still very different from an adult.

In the game, there is only Sindra for revenge, and there is no such thing as dealing with others, and the whole person has a gloomy temperament.

It's better now, at least, not as gloomy as in the game. Just like...Which skin of the Star Guardian gives people a refined and confident temperament. Of course, Syndra's royal sister temperament is still very obvious at this moment.

It's just that it is a little inconsistent with the experience she has shown.

The banquet lasted for a long time. After all, Aqua is too strong. Even Spider-Girl was exhausted. In the end, Goetia and Aqua were the ones who persisted the longest.

The next day, everyone woke up from the open-air banquet. Fortunately, Kato Megumi had considered that the world was coming to an end on Goetia's side, so she even prepared a lot of tents. Otherwise, everyone would have to use the sky as a blanket. The first one to wake up was Ishigami Senku. He wanted to go to Chaldea as soon as possible. This time, Goetia did not stop him.

He took him into Chaldea.

He did not open the door directly, but directly opened the space rift. The result is that Ishigami Senku's worldview was challenged again. Although he forced himself to accept the chat group, it was also a psychological suggestion to himself that this was alien technology.

But the ability Goetia used just now can no longer be explained by alien technology.

"Have the administrators mastered the wormhole technology?"

Ishigami Senku twitched his lips, trying not to think about it, because these things he didn't understand would put him in a dead end. In order to maintain the technological development of his own world in the future, it would be better not to study it.

In response, Goetia also smiled.

"If you think so, then it must be so!"

After hearing what Goetia said, Ishigami Senku was relieved. However, after hearing Goetia talk about a machine that can travel through time and space, he was confused again.

Goetia took him to see the spirit particle transfer technology of Chaldea. At this time, he realized that the technology of this world has developed to this point. The time and space shuttle machine has appeared....

Then, Senku devoted himself to the spirit particle transfer device.

Even later, when Kato Megumi and his group wanted to go outside to see the world of doomsday, Ishigami Senku said that he did not want to go and wanted to study the time-travel machine here.

Goetia did not refuse the request of Kato Megumi and others.

When they appeared on the blank earth, they were all shocked.

"Is this the end of the world? How could this happen?"

Looking at the flat land, there was not even a mountain, and the entire ground was white, Kato Hui was surprised, and so were the others.

However, on the white earth, if the eyesight was good, they could still see the storm wall in the distance that isolated the abnormal sound belt. Of course, it was also because the place where Goetia brought them was close to the abnormal sound belt. So soon, the sharp-eyed people discovered these

"Lord Goetia, what is that?"

"That is the Storm Wall, which includes this world, called the Lostbelt."

Tosaka Rin, who belongs to the same Type-Moon as Goetia, has a deeper understanding of the Lostbelt, especially after Goetia explained what the Lostbelt is, Tosaka Rin completely understood it.

"In other words, is that a wrong human history? What will happen if it develops in the end?"

Toosaka Rin also raised her own question. Goetia smiled:"That will replace the previous human history. The primates of this planet will become the creatures in that loss belt."

Toosaka Rin understood, and in an instant, she felt the horror of this matter.

As for the others, although they were confused, they still felt a hint of solemnity. Obviously, this should not be a good thing.

After looking at a circle of the blank earth, the rest of the things are simple. After staying in the Temple of Time for a while, the group members also began to gradually return. After all, there is really nothing to play on Goetia's side.

"How about we go to our world next time? Lord Goetia, it's too boring here.

Before leaving, Kato Megumi invited everyone.

"We can go if we have time, but what about Lord Goetia? He is too strong...."

"Don't worry, after becoming the group leader, I can go to any world."

After Gaetia said this, the others were also surprised, but Kato Hui was happy.

"Great, then Lord Goetia can come to my world....Lord Goetia, the position of game director is still reserved for you!"


Is there any such position?

"Okay, next time I go there, I'll add some stones to my account first, so I can compare prices with unlimited Saint Crystals!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Hehe, then Lord Goetia can just do it himself. He is the game director anyway, so there is no problem with the internal account!"

Listening to the conversation between Goetia and Kato Megumi, Aqua was jealous.

"Hello...Wait, I want to be a game director too, and I want unlimited stones too"

"Aqua, it's useless. With your luck, even if you have a stone, it's useless. Besides, you can't do anything, how can you be a game director!"Leyueang said decisively.

Leyueang's words immediately made Aqua furious.

She grabbed Leyueang's collar directly, but due to his weak strength attribute, Aqua couldn't lift Leyueang up.

"Instead of asking for unlimited stones, it would be better to let Kato Hui implement the guaranteed function as soon as possible, so that you don't have to worry about not being able to draw."

Le Yueang's words directly laughed at Aqua's hostility

"Yes, as long as the guaranteed bonus is implemented, you can get it anyway.....Kato Megumi..."

"Don't think about it, it's not time yet, but it will be implemented in the future."

Kato Megumi also responded in this way.

In short, with Kato Megumi's invitation, we will get together again next time we have a chance.

So, at this moment, the members of the group also returned to their own worlds one after another. Except...A science geek who was devoted to the spirit particle transfer device.

Ishigami Senku was eventually pulled out by Goetia.[]

"Even if you understand this thing now, you still can't create it. What era is your world in now?"

"The Electric Age!"


The progress is much faster than I thought. I can only say that it is worthy of being called Senku.

"Even in the electrical age, it is impossible to make it without sophisticated industrialization, so you might as well go back and develop technology as soon as possible. When the technology in your world develops, I will lend you this thing!"

Goetia's proposal was quickly agreed by Senku.

At this moment, Senku was very excited after learning that he could borrow this thing.

"Let's put it this way, well, you are indeed very suitable for the position of group leader. Hehe, okay, I'm leaving too!"

Just like that, Ishigami Sensora also left the Type-Moon World at this moment.

Everyone left, and the Temple of Time returned to its deserted state. Fortunately, Goetia was prepared when he left. He was very familiar with the feeling of being alone, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it;

【[Kato Megumi]: I'm home already, how about everyone else?

As a responsible candidate for group leader, Kato Megumi still asked about everyone's situation to see if they got home safely. In this respect, the chat group is still perfect. They will return to where they traveled from. So, there were no accidents.

Other people in the group also responded to Kato Megumi.

Only Goetia, at this moment, is ready to meet Ritsuka to see what's going on with them.

Before, due to some reasons, the game could not be updated in time. Now that it has been updated, I wonder if Ritsuka and the others will go to the Great Qin Lostbelt.

When Goetia was looking for the Chaldea group, Fujimaru Ritsuka was really preparing to go to the Great Qin Lostbelt.

"Eh? Hasn't the game been updated? Why do we have to go to Daqin? Is it still poisoned?"

When Goetia's voice suddenly sounded in ShadowBorder, the Chaldean members were still shocked. But after seeing the person coming, they were relieved.

"It's because your game is updated too slowly. We have already edited the Nordic Lostbelt before the new chapter appeared!"

Da Vinci 1ily complained unceremoniously. Looking at Goetia's face, she always forgot about Goetia and thought of Romani. Therefore, even in her attitude towards Goetia, Da Vinci 1ily unconsciously used the same attitude towards Romani.

"Um, some things were delayed. Where are you now?..."

"Doctor, your update is a little late. The seniors and the director have been poisoned, so...We have to go to the 5.4 Qin Lostbelt!"

It was Mashu who explained to Goetia.

After hearing Mashu's words, Goetia's mouth twitched.

"Ahem, is that so? It's really unlucky. But, well, entering the Great Qin Lostbelt is also a good thing. Obtaining the recognition of that emperor is also a good thing for Ritsuka."Gaitia vaguely remembered that after going through two Lostbelts, Ritsuka was indeed more determined in his awareness.

However, in the game, Ritsuka was actually completely cut off after the Great Qin Lostbelt.

Because in this Lostbelt, Ritsuka was recognized.

Yes, and it was the recognition of a king of the Lostbelt. In the end, the First Emperor was willing to believe in Ritsuka and save all mankind. So he gave up everything. The First Emperor's choice undoubtedly shocked Ritsuka, and it was precisely because of this that Ritsuka became more determined.

Therefore, a trip to the Great Qin Lostbelt is also beneficial.

The most important thing is that it was also in this Lostbelt that Gaoyanskaya and Chaldea developed The first cooperation was launched, which also had a significant impact on the future. At least, Ritsuka knew that Yanskaya was not an opposite. She was a possible partner! Gaetia left early. Because of the influence of the poison, Ritsuka and others had to move towards the Qin Lostbelt as soon as possible. Otherwise, Ritsuka was afraid that he would not be able to hold on.

Looking at ShadowBorder, which was about to dive again and enter the Qin Lostbelt through the imaginary space, Gaetia fell into thought. Just now, there was a person in ShadowBorder that Gaetia had never seen before.

I didn't pay attention to it at first, but now I think it seems to be Shion from Atlas Academy.

I beg all readers.���I have free flowers and evaluation tickets in my hand, but typing on my phone is a hassle.

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