At this moment, the Temple of Time became completely lively. Apart from the last war, this was the second time that so many humans appeared.

That's right, the people in the group have come.

"Wow, is this the world where Lord Goetia lives?...It feels a bit strange!"

Looking at the grass where she was standing, but in the distance, there was indeed an extremely dilapidated scene, which surprised Kato Hui who arrived here for the first time.

"No, this is not the real world!"

Holding an umbrella and wearing purple clothes, Yakumo Yukari, who looked like a young lady, sensed the situation in the Temple of Time and responded to Kato Hui's doubts.

"This is my inherent barrier, not the real world."

Goetia also came to the two of them.

"Lord Goetia, long time no see."

"Long time no see."

Gaetia responded to Kato Megumi with a smile, then looked at Yakumo Yukari and nodded:"It's our first meeting. As expected, Miss Yakumo Yukari really looks like a 17-year-old girl!"

""Lady Gaetia can't talk at all, what do you mean by real? This is it!"

Kato Megumi complained on the side.

This made Gaetia and Yakumo Yukari laugh inevitably, because of Kato Megumi's complaints, Gaetia and Yakumo Yukari were no longer as unfamiliar as before. In fact, in the group, everyone has a good relationship, but it's just the first time they meet, so they are a little restrained.

However, there are always some people who adapt to this environment very well.

Kato Megumi and Ichinose Hoba are such people. Not only Kato Megumi, but also Ichinose Hoba's personality, after coming here, quickly dispelled the unfamiliarity with other group members.

Gaetia also met Ichinose Hoba for the first time. Gaetia's gentle face always makes people feel good about him.

"Lord Goetia, wow, so handsome. He looks like a mature man, but...Why do you feel a little depressed?"

Ichinose Hoba's judgment is still very accurate. Goetia's current face is the same as Solomon's. Therefore, Solomon, who often works overtime, will certainly have a little depression. This is no exception for Goetia.

After greeting Goetia, Ichinose Hoba and Kato Megumi gathered together to chat. The personalities of the two people make it easy for them to become best friends.

As for the other people in the group, they all came over one after another.

When Sindra saw Goetia, she also hurried over to say hello

"Syndra, it seems like you're doing well in Piltover recently!"

"Of course, Lord Goetia, this city is much more interesting than Ionia, with many new things!"

After Syndra entered Piltover, it happened to be a period of rapid development for Piltover. After all, Hextech has already shown initial signs, which means that Piltover has already embarked on the fast track of development. Since Syndra was released from the seal in advance, the plot there seems to have changed.

I don't know which side Syndra will stand on in the battle between Piltover and Zaun.

Joining the battlefield with Syndra's combat power will definitely determine the outcome.

After that, Le Yueang, Kocho Shinobu, and Toosaka Rin all came. After all, the first person they met was actually Goetia. So, they all came to Goetia's side. Even Ishigami Senku and Spider-Girl are like this.

Although Ishigami Senku has not met Goetia formally, he is not a reserved person.

After coming here, he is observing everywhere, especially where Goetia placed Chaldea. But he can't get in, so he can only come to Goetia.

""Administrator Goetia, right? Can I go in there?"

Ishigami Senku pointed at Chaldea and said.

To Ishigami Senku, in this world, only that iron-like thing has a sense of technology. So, Senku is very interested in this thing.

Goetia also gave a reply to Senku's suggestion.

"I think we should not go now. Aren't we preparing for a party? Don't worry, I'll take you there after the party. Besides, I have some questions for you, which are about that thing."

After hearing what Goetia said, Ishigami Senku agreed directly.

So far, almost everyone has been familiar with it, except for a goddess of wisdom.

To everyone's surprise, Aqua seemed a little strange. Her expression at the moment was not very good, and even some fear could be seen on her face.

"Oh, Goddess of Water Aqua, why do you seem a little scared?" Seeing this, Kato Hui walked directly to Aqua and asked about the specifics.

""Hey, don't you think Goetia is scary?" As the goddess of water, Aqua has very sensitive senses. It can be said that her camp is Orderly Good.

So for the enemies in the evil camp, she can sense a very obvious breath, and coincidentally, as a human evil, Goetia is definitely in the Chaotic Evil camp. So, after coming here, Aqua instantly sensed Goetia's most essential evil.

This is a situation that no one else has ever sensed, and only she, as the main god, can feel it.

In addition, her current strength is very weak, so she is really scared at this moment.

At this moment, Aqua's heart was very frightened. As expected, this guy Goetia... , is really the most evil demon king. Aqua has never sensed such an evil aura from other demon kings.

If Goetia knew what Aqua was thinking, she would probably complain at this time.

In Aqua's world, who is the villain? Obviously, the Headless Knight just wanted to stay in the Demon King's Castle, and then he encountered a Crimson Demon who cast a fireball every day and bombed him every day. He couldn't bear it anymore, so he launched an attack.

The result is self-evident. The bounty was taken by Aqua and her group. Not only that, from other aspects, Aqua, Kazuma and others behaved more like villains.

"Haha, you are really scared."

"Nonsense, I didn't, I'm Aqua, the goddess of water!"

Leyueong next to him couldn't help but teased,"It would be better if your legs didn't tremble when you say this again. Hahaha!"

"Okay, Aqua, don't worry, I'm not a bad guy. Now that you're here, have some fun and relax. After all, the party still needs you to liven up the atmosphere!"

Goetia knew that among Aqua's skills, there were many skills specifically designed for banquets. For example, Hyakushiki Oboro, a so-called must-kill banquet talent skill, was said to last for a whole half day once it was activated.

"Humph, it's just a banquet."

Now, Aqua finally recovered. At this moment, Aqua sighed in her heart.

"Humph, they are all a bunch of weaklings who don't know how terrible Goetia is. No, no, I still have to be careful."

No matter what Aqua thinks, everyone is familiar with it. Even a spider ran to another area of the Temple of Time.

It's just that she quickly fled back.

Because she sensed that there was something very scary underground, and when she ran away, she finally saw the face of that thing.

A huge tentacle monster, the kind she had seen before, too scary. Although she knew that it was the pet of Lord Goetia, Lord Goetia's aesthetics seemed to be a little different.

Goetia didn't know at all that her aesthetics had deviated from Spider-Girl.

After Spider-Girl approached the place where the chat group members gathered, the tentacle monsters dared not move forward.

Hehe, after Spider-Girl discovered this, she frantically provoked the Demon Pillar. She even directly made it to Goetia's exclusive jade throne, which made the Demon Pillar very angry. But Goetia herself didn't care at all. In the end, she could only watch Spider-Girl, this little bug, get more and more aggressive.

"Everybody, are you ready? Start the barbecue!"

In the lawn in front of the throne in the Temple of Time, Kato Megumi greeted everyone and started a dinner. She brought a lot of ingredients, but she couldn't handle it alone.

Fortunately, Ichinose Honami and Kocho Shinobu were helping her.

At this time, the relationship was reflected.

Yakumo Yukari looked at these humans with a very interested look on her face, watching the actions of Kato Megumi and others.

As a monster, she felt very interesting at the moment.

In addition, Aqua was also more relaxed after she was no longer afraid of Goetia. She was even looking for the luckiest person in the group to draw a card for her. After searching for a while, everyone else was busy. It seemed that only Goetia, Spider-Girl, and Ishigami Senku were more free. Even this guy, Raiyue, was helping.

So Aqua still found Goetia.

"Haha, my luck level may not be the highest, but if I draw a star, it's still easy. Oh, give me another blessing, Aqua, you don't want to sink yourself, do you?"

So, Aqua decisively blessed Gaetia, and her luck was improved again.

Not to mention, the card drawing was still very smooth, and the five-star UP in the current pool, that is, the First Emperor, was drawn. (To read the violent novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At Gaetia's request, Kato Megumi updated the Nordic Lostbelt and the Great Qin Lostbelt before coming to the party. So, the five-star UP at this moment is the First Emperor.

This made Aqua very excited, and even Ishigami Senku handed over his mobile phone while holding his earwax. The meaning is self-evident.

So, Gaetia also helped Ishigami Senku draw a card, well, he is indeed the European emperor.

There is no way to wash away the gathering for pornography.

As the banquet was held, the atmosphere reached its peak. Aqua showed strong social skills at this moment, and was able to drink with Gaetia. , and even pulled Yakumo Yukari to the table.

Even Gaetia had to sigh that this guy’s abilities were always worthy of praise in other aspects.

Gaetia hadn’t eaten barbecue for a long time, and this meal made Gaetia very satisfied.

Everyone gathered together because of the chat group. Although the chat group was still very shocking at the beginning, after all, everyone

’s world is different. But as time went on, more and more people joined the group, and everyone became closer.

While everyone was happily participating in the party, the chat group also changed.

The first meeting of all group members obviously increased the activity of the group.

At this time, a message suddenly came to the chat groups of Gaetia and Kato Megumi.

This surprised everyone else, and they took out their mobile phones to check.[]

"Ding, the hidden conditions have been met. Group members Goetia and Kato Megumi have the qualifications to be group leaders. Please elect the appropriate group leader!"

When this message appeared, everyone was stunned.

Group leader?

Since the group was founded, there has been no real group leader, only three administrators. No one expected that because of a real gathering, the position of group leader would be revealed.

"I don't accept it. I am Aqua, the goddess of water. Why am I not among the candidates for group leader? I don't accept it...."

Aqua was very unhappy, but even though she showed her dissatisfaction, no one cared.

If Aqua became the group leader, then this group would be completely finished. With Aqua's personality, anyone who made Aqua unhappy would be banned from speaking.

Moreover, with the authority of the group leader, it is very likely that no one else would be able to remove it, so for the sake of harmony in the group in the future, Aqua must not become the group leader.

Everyone turned their eyes to Gaetia and Kato Megumi.

Kato Megumi was a little confused at the moment. She was not even an administrator, so how could she suddenly become a candidate for group leader?

"Perhaps it was because Kato Megumi was the most active person, and she also helped others with a lot of things.

Lai Yueang speculated.��

"What about this guy Goetia?"Aqua pointed at Goetia and said

"Of course, Lord Goetia is the strongest, and he is also the one who often helps group members. In fact, it would be fine if we don’t mention this. Once I mention it, I feel that there is not much difference between Lord Goetia and the group owner. Anyway, if there is a problem, we can just ask Lord Goetia to solve it."

Sindra, as a true Goetia advocate, explained at this moment.

Sindra's words still resonated. Goetia's powerful strength, plus he really responded to requests. And he has clairvoyance. Whenever he encounters something uncertain, he asks Goetia to prepare.

Therefore, the previous Goetia is not much different from the group owner.

"I think so too, so it is better for Lord Gaetia to be the group leader. Besides, I don’t have the ability!"

Another candidate, Kato Megumi, also expressed her attitude at this moment.

Although due to her personality, she usually helps group members’ requests. But she feels that she is still far from it, at least in terms of strength.

Therefore, it is better for the omnipotent Gaetia to be the group leader.

Since even Kato Megumi said so, Gaetia’s position as the group leader is a foregone conclusion.

The chat group seemed to know everyone’s choice, and Gaetia’s title was given an additional title of group leader.

Gaetia also checked what was different about the position of group leader.

"Huh? There's an option to kick someone out? Look, I'm going to kick Aqua out!"

""Eh??? No, no, I don’t want to go out!"

After hearing what Goetia said, Aqua suddenly felt something was not good. Others were also surprised. The group owner has this authority? But think about it, the group owner in the chat group originally has the authority to add or kick people out.

Although this chat group is very special, the function of the group owner should still be the same.

Seeing that Aqua was frightened again, Goetia smiled and continued:"Haha, I was kidding you, this chat group is so special, it connects to various different worlds, it’s too much for the group owner to kick people out at will, I was just teasing you!"


"That's too much, you damned fellow."After making a fool of herself, Aqua was immediately furious and wanted to make trouble for Gaetia.

But unfortunately, she was no match for Gaetia.

Aqua was just complaining, the most important thing was the banquet.

The banquet was still going on, and only Gaetia continued to check the authority of the group owner.

In fact, Gaetia did not lie to Aqua just now, the group owner really had the ability to kick people out. It's just that the points represent the contribution of each group member to the chat group, which is equivalent to a layer of protection.

If Gaetia wants to kick someone out, he has to pay double the points accumulated by the group member.

There are still some restrictions, but even so, it is enough to prove the high authority of the group owner.

Moreover, not only that, the group owner has some functions that even Gaetia finds very convenient.

For example...Now Goetia is no longer subject to the restrictions of the world. In other words, Goetia's mission in world exploration is heavy, and she can enter other worlds at will in the future.

Even if it has a great negative impact on that world, the chat group will help you solve it.

In other words, now Goetia can even go to the ordinary world of Ichinose Honami and Kato Megumi, and there is no need to worry about being targeted by the world's will.

Just this one thing, Goetia feels very good. Of course, the fact that she can be expelled by group members of that world has not changed. This can be regarded as a kind of protection for that world.

After all, if Goetia's strength is really out of control, it will be a world-destroying disaster for that world.

Bad news, the computer is broken, and the words typed on the mobile phone are a bit hurtful...

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