The addition of Shion means that New Chaldea's power has been restored to some extent.

But that's all. In terms of combat power, Shion and Captain Nemo are not strong. However, for New Chaldea, the most critical thing is the recovery of technology. Although there are 1ily geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci, there is only one person after all.

With the addition of Shion, New Chaldea can produce more technology.

Afterwards, Goetia arrived in the British Universe.

I haven't been here for a long time. After arriving, I instantly received an invitation from Morgan. Goetia didn't refuse. Anyway, now that Goetia has come to Britain, there are actually only two things to do: communicate magic with Morgan and guide C. It's just that this time Morgan talked to Goetia for a little longer.

And his expression is a little bit wrong with before.

"It seems that something has happened. Can I hear it?"

As a fellow traveler, Goetia also asked directly.

As for Morgan, judging from the fact that she kept Goetia for a long time, it means that she doesn't mind letting Goetia know.

"In the North, a fairy named Noknalei appeared. She made me feel familiar."

"Oh, really? It should be related to the big goblin Mab." Goetia saw the essence at a glance.

Morgan also nodded:"Well"

"So, what are you worried about?"

Hearing this, Morgan glanced at Goetia, and then said proudly:"I am not worried about her rebellion, but I am a little troubled by the increasing number of unstable factors. Perhaps, I will take action against Chaldea first when I get a chance. I hope you will not stop me, otherwise, we will have no choice but to fight."

"I see. I'm glad you told me this news. We are indeed friends now."

Goetia was not worried about Chaldea. On the contrary, because the other party informed her of this behavior, it was obvious that Goetia still had a certain status. It is not easy to attack across the Lostbelt, and it is possible that the king of that Lostbelt will be on guard. Even Morgan needs to take advantage of the time when those Lostbelts cannot take care of it before he can attack. Therefore, Goetia is not worried that Chaldea will suffer in advance.

After all, it did not succeed in the game.

Even though this is reality, not a game, and the world line has changed slightly, Goetia chose to believe Ritsuka.

"Humph, it's good that you know. Well, you can go find your apprentice. I hope that your apprentice will not ring the bell of the pilgrimage in the end!"

Just like that, after knowing some of Goetia's inner thoughts, Morgan regained his previous arrogance.

In response, Goetia shrugged and went directly to find Cdai.

Cdai was still with Oberon as always. After seeing Goetia, Cdai was also very excited. Moreover, he wanted to show Goetia the magic he had learned, and Goetia did not refuse. It's just that I always feel that the magic that Cdai learned is a bit unauthentic.

Is it because the person who taught her was Oberon?

Forget it, don't think too much. After Goetia taught Cdai orthodoxly for two days, she was ready to leave.

Just when Goetia opened the space rift and moved in space, this time, she hit someone again.

This is the second time Goetia has had a car accident.

Last time, she met Gao Yanskaya, but this time Gao Yanskaya is still in the Great Qin Lostbelt. Who is it this time?

Soon, Goetia saw the other party's figure clearly..

Because of the space shuttle collision, the two people fell directly out of the imaginary space. Both of them fell on the white paper earth, and only then could Goetia see each other's appearance clearly.

This is a female warrior with blue eyes, pink hair, and a good-looking face. The long hair behind her head and the bangs on the left side are fixed into a messy shape with a ratchet-shaped hair accessory behind her head, and the bangs on the right side hang down. The clothes are mainly red and blue. The belt buckle is a black sword guard. The two furisodes of the clothes are not integrated with the clothes but are put on the arms separately.

Miyamoto Musashi, Goetia recognized the other party in an instant.

Goetia did not expect that she would suddenly bump into this swordsman from another world.

This Miyamoto Musashi is not the Musashi in pan-human history. In her original world,"Miyamoto Musashi" is just An unknown swordsman, who leads a carefree life every day. But his father, Miyamoto Muninosuke Fujiwara Kazuma, does not like Musashi, just because she is a girl, who is completely different from the Miyamoto Musashi in pan-human history from the first step in her life.

Afterwards, at a certain opportunity, he met the great swordsman Yagyu Tajima-no-Mori Sounori and traveled through time in a battle.

At the same time, he met Ritsuka in Shimousosa Province, and at this time, the original world of Miyamoto Musashi was destroyed. To be more precise, it was cut off. It was cut off like the Lostbelt, but unexpectedly, Musashi survived and has been wandering in various worlds.

Traveled to a certain world, was discovered, and then was rejected. Started wandering, continued to enter the world, was discovered and rejected again.

In this way, Miyamoto Musashi has been wandering. Before, he met Ritsuka again in the Oros Lostbelt. Of course, this is related to a powerful existence. While wandering, Musashi met a supreme being, the Awakened One. The

Awakened One saw through everything, so he let Musashi come to this world to help Ritsuka.

Therefore, in the Oros Lostbelt, Musashi fought together with Ritsuka. However, he was later excluded and fell into wandering again.

It was just that this time, he met Goetia.

In the game, Goetia would have met Miyamoto Musashi, and Goetia also informed Ritsuka that she would go to the Atlantic Lostbelt, and asked Musashi to wait in that Lostbelt. But Goetia didn't expect that after he had a chat group, he would be able to meet Miyamoto Musashi again.

"Oh, sorry, sorry!"

Seeing that he had bumped into someone, Musashi hurriedly apologized.

"It’s okay, this isn’t the first time for me!"

"Eh? Can this happen many times?"

Musashi felt a little dazed.

"Hello, I am Miyamoto Musashi!"

Gaitia also responded to Musashi's self-introduction.

"O...You can call me Solomon!"

""Eh? So you are Solomon?" Musashi felt familiar with the name. After that, he remembered that Ritsuka had said that since it was Solomon, it would be easy to deal with. It seemed like an acquaintance!

But then, Musashi looked around and found the familiar white paper earth, which meant that this was where Ritsuka and the others were, so Musashi thought about it and asked.

"that...Excuse me, do you know Chaldea?"

"Oh, are you looking for Fujimaru Ritsuka?"

Seeing the other party suddenly say Fujimaru Ritsuka's name, Musashi no longer doubted Solomon's identity. Fortunately, Musashi also asked directly:"Do you know where Ritsuka is now? As a friend, I may be able to help him"

"They are now in the Great Qin Lostbelt"

"Really? That's great."

After learning about Ritsuka's information, Musashi was even happier.

Of course, Gaitia saw that Musashi wanted to find Ritsuka, so he continued,"However, I don't recommend that you go find him now."

"Eh? Why?"

"Now, Ritsuka has his own adventures. Whether it is the Great Qin Lostbelt or the Silver Capital Lostbelt, it is not difficult for Ritsuka. The real difficulty is the Atlantic Lostbelt. Therefore, I recommend that you go directly to the Atlantic Lostbelt to wait for Ritsuka!"

Goetia still let Musashi go to the Atlantic Lostbelt as in the original work.

After hearing what Goetia said, Musashi also fell into thought.

"Are you sure Ritsuka will go to the Atlantic Lostbelt?"

"Of course, I have the ability to see into the future, so I know that Ritsuka will be heading to the Atlantic Lostbelt soon. This is absolutely true."

""Uh, sorry, I'm not doubting you, I just want to help Ritsuka and Mashu too much. Since you said so, I'll go to the Atlantic Lostbelt." Musashi smiled and replied. After that, he was ready to say goodbye to Solomon.

Then, he rushed to the Atlantic Lostbelt, but was stopped by Goetia.

"So, are you going to walk over like this?"


"Can you get past the Storm Wall?"

"The Atlantic Lostbelt is in the sea!"

Three sentences on his face made Musashi stunned there, and then he said a little embarrassedly:"Ah...What should I do then?"

To be honest, under normal circumstances, Musashi's time travel is random. You have no idea when she will travel through time.���This is what happened in the Oros Lostbelt. He disappeared in the middle of the battle. So, it is not realistic for you to ask Musashi to go directly into the Atlantic Lostbelt now. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Let me take you there!"

"Really? I'm very grateful!"

Knowing that the other party was willing to send her over, Musashi was also very happy. Otherwise, she would really have to wait for her passive and cross randomly. And hesitation was too unstable, and she might not be able to cross into the Atlantic Lostbelt.

Just like that, Solomon opened the space rift again and waited for a while.

I shouldn't run into other people this time....

Afterwards, he took Musashi into the space rift.

When he reappeared, he was already in the Atlantic Lostbelt.

"Is this the Atlantic Lostbelt? Sure enough, it has an oceanic style!"

Musashi looked at the surrounding environment and admired.

Only Goetia frowned slightly. Although this is the Atlantic Lostbelt, it is not in a big city. The Atlantic Lostbelt can be roughly divided into two parts. One part is the city controlled by the main gods such as Zeus, and the other part is the islands on the sea.

And now, Goetia appeared on this island.

In fact, these islands are also under the control of the main gods. After all, there is Artemis in the sky, sniping this sea area at all times. Moreover, at this point in time, Goetia didn't even know whether Drake had defeated Poseidon.

Thinking of this, Goetia also became very interested.

In the game, when Ritsuka entered the Atlantic Lostbelt, Drake had already defeated Poseidon, the god of the sea, and paved the way for the arrival of New Chaldea. No one knows how this ending was achieved.

As one of the more than 20 pan-human history servants who were summoned first to develop the most prosperous Atlantic Lostbelt in pan-human history, he appeared.

Leading the Golden Deer to forcibly break through the Atlantic Lostbelt The blockade of the Decius fleet and the seizure of one of the Poseidon's cores as a planetary environment exploration ship angered Drake and cursed him to be unable to sail. He had to stay on Hercules Island with the Golden Deer.

It is worth mentioning that after taking away Poseidon's core, Poseidon's obsession with him has not dissipated and entered a faulty state.

You know, Drake here is just an ordinary spiritual base, and Poseidon, as the main god, and at home, will lose to Drake, which is something Goetia did not expect. Just like it was surprising that he would lose to Ritsuka in early 917, so Goetia was still very curious.

So, with Musashi, he began to search in this sea area.

Maybe, he could really meet Drake.

Not to mention, Goetia's timing was really good. After finding a few islands, Goetia and Musashi looked towards the sea. There, there was a lot of servants' aura, and the battle was very fierce.

Goetia looked at a glance and saw Drake's Golden Deer being chased by some warships in the Atlantic Lost Belt.

"It seems that I have caught up with a good opportunity."

At this time, Drake was obviously preparing to break away from the blockade, but at present, the gap between the two sides seemed a bit huge. The sea was full of enemy warships, and even the Golden Deer was damaged.

"Senior Solomon, let's go help!"

Musashi could tell at a glance which side was on his side.

Goetia looked at Musashi and didn't know what to say. Who made Musashi an enthusiastic person? However, this was also in line with Goetia's idea. Since she met someone who could create miracles like Ritsuka, Goetia didn't mind helping.

At this moment, on the Golden Deer, Drake wisely summoned the servants who were also summoned by the restraining force like himself, and asked them to protect the Golden Deer. Otherwise, if the Golden Deer was damaged, no one here would be able to escape. There were many other servants together, including Jason and Medea.

At this time, Odysseus' army had already begun a boarding battle. Many Atlantis guards, led by Odysseus, had already boarded the Golden Deer, and Drake and his party had to repel them.[]

"Damn, that guy Odysseus also seemed to have failed, which is really disappointing!"

Drake snorted, expressing his dissatisfaction with Odysseus.

The Odysseus of pan-human history was also summoned, but he never thought that he would be directly defeated in the battle with Odysseus in the Lostbelt, and even had the knowledge in his mind read by the opponent, which made Drake very annoyed.

Otherwise, she would not have felt troubled. After reading the memory of Odysseus in pan-human history, she directly relied on that knowledge and strategy to catch up.

Therefore, the Golden Deer is now in crisis, which is the reason why Drake is annoyed.

"Fight them off for me, or we won't have a chance to escape."

"Of course I know, Hercules, save me!"

Jason looked sad, the Argo was gone, which made him lose his fighting spirit. Now, he could only hope that Hercules could protect him. Hercules, as a Berserker, was also summoned, but even he could not stop the other party from attacking the Golden Deer.

So, gold.

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