Half an hour later, Lin Yi returned to Ren's house.

Because it was still early, Ren Fa and Ren Tingting hadn't gotten up yet.

Lin Yi removed the invisibility charm, washed up briefly, and returned to the guest room.

"It's time for the part I look forward to most every day!"

Lin Yi took out the Laojun statue and the incense burner from his storage bracelet, and then took out three incense sticks and lit them.

"Laojun, I, your disciple Lin Yi, sincerely worship you. I hope that you will bless me with good luck and exchange some good things for me, as I am so cute and obedient!"After three sincere and respectful bows, Lin Yi inserted three incense sticks into the incense burner.

The process is complete, and it is time to exchange!

Lin Yi thought about it and picked up the socks he had thrown down last night from under the bed.

"System, let’s exchange this pair of socks. This is something I’ve worn for several years!"



The socks in Lin Yi's hand flashed and then disappeared.

At the same time, a new audio image appeared in Lin Yi's mind.


In the gloomy woods, Su Ping was moving quickly. With each step, he could jump several meters away, as agile as a mad rabbit.

"Humph, a bunch of country bumpkins want to kill me! You really don’t know how high the sky is, I am the protagonist of the system!"

Su Ping snorted in his heart. Suddenly, Su Ping stopped abruptly and stood steadily on the trunk of a big tree.

Not far in front of him, there stood two men in black clothes with ugly faces.

"Su Ping, don't run away. Haha, you can't run away."

"Hand over your secrets and I will spare your life!"

Su Ping sneered,"You two are just stinky sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs!"

"Damn it!"

The two men showed fierce expressions, and blue auras burst out from their bodies, with amazing momentum.

The next moment, without seeing any movement from the two men, Su Ping's face suddenly changed, and his body exploded backwards.

Boom boom - the place where he had just stood exploded

""Weapon refiners are really annoying!"

Su Ping muttered, and suddenly came to one of them as if he was teleporting, put his hands together, and poked them with his fingertips.

"Look at my Awei Eighteen Styles, Poison Dragon Drill!"



One of them flew backwards, his eyes bulged.

Almost instantly he lost his fighting ability.

"It’s your turn!"

Su Ping disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he was right in front of the last person.

His sudden appearance startled the person who had been on guard behind him, and he was a little slow to react.

""Awei's Eighteen Styles, Hit the target!"

Su Ping slapped his palms wildly, leaving an afterimage.

Bang, bang, bang... poof!

The man spat out blood and was knocked out.

"Humph, stinky sweet potatoes, rotten bird eggs!"

Su Ping finished cursing, frowned, glanced at the people chasing behind him, spat, and then ran wildly again.

There is a big guy behind him, he is not easy to mess with!

""System, I want to sign in! Please give me something good!"

Su Ping said to the system as he ran.

However, the next second, a ball of stinky stuff suddenly hit Su Ping's face.

"What is that?


Su Ping crashed into the tree because his vision was blocked.

However, Su Ping had physical skills to protect himself and did not feel any pain.

He grabbed the thing on his face, took a look, and then his expression turned pale.

"Who is so immoral to throw socks around! And they are so smelly, ugh~"


"Ahem, those socks aren't that smelly, they've only been worn for two days."

The scene ended, Lin Yi smiled awkwardly and said something to justify himself.

"I didn't expect it to be you again. It seems we are destined to be together, Su Ping!"

Lin Yi smiled and rubbed his hands.

"System, look what good stuff I exchanged"

【The host uses the smelly socks to exchange for Su Ping's reverse life triple】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Wow! What a good thing!"

The Threefold Reverse Life is the unique skill of the Sanyi Sect in the world of aliens.

In a person's life, the innate qi is first transformed into the limbs and bones of the body. This is to comply with the will of heaven. However, when the innate qi is exhausted, the qi is exhausted and the soul returns to heaven and earth.

The Threefold Reverse Life is the opposite. They have to train themselves to the form of the innate qi again, so as to reach the level of immortality.

There are three levels of the Threefold Reverse Life. It is said that if you can practice to the third level, you can directly practice yourself into the innate qi, and then immortality.

It can be said that the Sanyi Sect is simply a sect of immortal cultivation in the world of aliens, and the Threefold Reverse Life is to practice immortality against the will of heaven!

What is the use of practicing the Threefold Reverse Life?

Become stronger!

Practice grain into essence, refine essence into qi, and refine qi into spirit!

In the first level of reverse life, the body becomes stronger, unbelievably strong, and the qi in the body is extremely full[]

The second level of reverse life can temporarily gasify the blood, bones, and internal organs in the body, so after being injured, the flesh and blood are not restored by ordinary methods, but can be repaired by luck.

The third level of reverse life is naturally to ascend to the sky! Although it may not be realized, the direction is right!


The next second, all the memories of the three levels of reverse birth appeared in Lin Yi's mind.

As Lin Yi digested these memories, he was surprised to find that the three levels of reverse birth matched some of the contents in the Dadong Sutra!

It is indeed a Taoist thing, the core concepts are similar, the only difference is the method.

The three levels of reverse birth are useful, and very useful, much stronger than the early stage of the Dadong Sutra.

At least the Dadong Sutra only trains qi but not the body.

The three levels of reverse birth train both qi and the body, and also have a recovery function.

He began to practice the three levels of reverse birth, and the next moment, a system prompt sound appeared in Lin Yi's mind.

【I have discovered the passive skill Triple Reversal. Should it be fixed in the skill bar?】

"It turned out to be a passive skill. Another good thing to practice while hanging up. Fixed it!"

The Reverse Life Triple was hung in the passive skill column, and then it began to practice automatically.


Near noon, Uncle Jiu brought Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to Ren's house.

When he saw Lin Yi, Uncle Jiu's expression was a little surprised. Why did Ayi come back?

"Master Ren!"

"Uncle Jiu, I am really sorry to bother you this time.

After seeing Uncle Jiu, Ren Fa was very enthusiastic.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai ran to Lin Yi's side.

"Hey, Ayi, what happened? Why did the housekeeper of the Ren family call us here in such a hurry?

Qiu Sheng asked doubtfully.

Lin Yi looked solemn and sighed.

"Last night, Old Master Ren suddenly rushed into the Ren Mansion with several zombies and started killing people. Fortunately, I passed by here when I came back, otherwise the Ren Mansion would have been wiped out."


Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai exclaimed.

There is such a thing!

"That's right!"

Lin Yi patted Qiu Sheng's arm.

"Last night, Ah Wei was bitten to death by Old Master Ren. The position of the captain of the town security team became vacant. Master Ren wanted me to do it, but I recommended you."


A pie suddenly fell from the sky, and Qiu Sheng was directly knocked unconscious.

"Recommended me!"

Qiu Sheng pointed at his nose in disbelief, his eyes widened.

Wencai was unhappy, and asked Lin Yi with a bitter face,"Ayi, why didn't you recommend me, I also want to be the captain!"

Hey, don't you have any idea!

You are even more useless than Awei!


ps: Please give me flowers, votes, subscriptions, and rewards!.

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