"That's right, if nothing goes wrong, you will be the captain of the Renjia Town Security Team in the future!"

Lin Yi nodded and said

"Hey, hey, hey! I will be the captain in the future!"

Qiu Sheng excitedly hugged Wencai's neck and jumped up and down.

"Hey, hey, hey, be steady, be steady!"

Wencai patted Qiu Sheng and struggled to get out.

"Hey, you are the captain, what about me? You don't want me to be the vice-captain?"

Wencai was really dreaming.

"Deputy captain, what a joke, I haven't even become the captain yet, how can I have the final say on such matters, besides, you are going to serve the master in the charity cemetery, why join the security team."

Qiu Sheng said righteously.

He is not stupid. Even if he really went to the security team, with Wencai, a weakling, as the deputy captain, there would be no one to help if something happened. When the time comes, he will pass the blame, and this bastard will pass the blame faster than anyone else. He will be in trouble!

Wencai's face suddenly became bitter again.

He looked old and had a bitter face. When he looked bitter, his face looked like a bitter melon.

That's true, he still had to serve his master in the charity cemetery.


"Uncle Jiu, now I have no choice but to look for you!"

Ren Fa told Uncle Jiu everything that happened last night.

After listening to Uncle Jiu, his expression changed drastically.

How could this be possible!

Old Master Ren's limbs were broken by his own apprentice. Even if he turned into a corpse and his grave was dug up, he couldn't bite those people to death!

Is there another hidden story?

"Master Ren, if this is the case, I will take my disciples to see what happened."

""Okay, okay, thank you very much, Uncle Jiu. As long as this matter can be resolved, I will definitely thank you very much!"

Uncle Jiu nodded, turned around and walked to his apprentice.

"Ayi, Qiu Sheng and Wencai, let's go."

The three of them said,"Oh," and followed Uncle Jiu's footsteps.

"Master, where are we going?

Wencai asked

"Go see what's happening with Mr. Ren's tomb"

"Ayi, tell me what you saw last night again."

Uncle Jiu was worried that Ren Fa might have missed something, so he asked Lin Yi to repeat it to make sure everything was correct.

Lin Yi told him about the encounter he had with Ren Fa and his daughter on the way back last night.

After Uncle Jiu heard it, he felt that something was not right. This matter was not that simple, but what was hidden was beyond his imagination.

"By the way, Ayi, why are you back? Shouldn't you be with your uncle Simu?"

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Yi and asked in confusion.

"Yes, Ayi, didn't you go with Master Simu? How come you're back so soon?

Qiu Sheng and Wencai also reacted and looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

Lin Yi smiled and told him what happened at Master Simu's place.

"Uncle Shi said that I learn too fast and there is nothing left for me to learn. Besides, Uncle Shi had to send clients, so I came back by myself."

After hearing this, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but feel surprised again.

He was able to learn and master what Simu and Qianhe taught him in a short time, and they all recognized him. It seems that Ayi's aptitude and talent are indeed excellent.

At the same time, Uncle Jiu felt lucky.

Fortunately, Lin Yi followed Simu on the trip, otherwise Junior Brother Qianhe might have returned to the mountain of Taoism by now!


The grave of Old Master Ren looked very chaotic at this time.

There were patches of dark red on the ground, which were obviously bloodstains.

The grave had been dug up, and the coffin inside was wide open. The gold and silver burial objects in the coffin were scattered all over the place.

Seeing this scene, Uncle Jiu and his apprentice had already guessed.

"Ah! It seems that some tomb robbers have targeted Old Master Ren and dug up his tomb. Unexpectedly, Old Master Ren turned into a corpse and bit them to death!"

Wencai looked at the scene, looking like a detective, holding his shoulders and supporting his chin, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Qiu Sheng looked at him with disdain.

"Are you kidding me? We physically manipulated Old Master Ren. He couldn't even stand up. How could he bite them to death?"

"Hey! That's right!"

Wencai looked as if he hadn't thought of that, and slapped his forehead.

"With your IQ, you are still the vice-captain."

Qiu Sheng took the opportunity to despise Wencai. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What deputy captain?"

Uncle Jiu asked with a raised eyebrow.

Qiu Sheng said with a proud face,"Master, Ayi saved Master Ren and his daughter last night, but Awei was unfortunately in trouble, and the captain's position was vacant.

Master Ren wanted Ayi to be the captain, but Ayi refused, and then recommended me. Hehe, Ayi said that I will be the captain soon."

Awei was in trouble, and he smiled so happily for you?[]

"What nonsense! How did you do such a good job as the captain? Can you catch thieves?"

Qiu Sheng said aggrievedly,"Master, no matter how bad I am, I am still better than A Wei. When he was the security captain, the public security in the town was very poor. I am definitely better than him!"

"That's true!"

Uncle Jiu also thinks so.

"It's a pity for Ayi. If he misses such a good opportunity, he will miss it."

Being able to stop the security captain is also considered to be an official. If he does well in the future and can be promoted, he will no longer be an ordinary citizen.

Some people will never have such an opportunity in their lifetime.

Uncle Jiu felt sorry for Lin Yi.

"Master, I am not interested in this. Besides, it would be a waste of time if I were to become the captain. I need to cultivate."

"That's true. Haha, if that's the case, there's nothing wrong with letting Qiu Sheng be the captain. It won't be worse than before anyway."

Uncle Jiu seemed to be smiling, but suddenly frowned and looked at a bush not far away. His expression suddenly became serious, and then he walked over.

Lin Yi, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai all saw that something was wrong and followed Uncle Jiu quietly.

Uncle Jiu stood in front of the bush, looking at the collapse in the bush, his brows furrowed.

"Hey, what did you see?"

Wencai pushed Qiu Sheng, who looked at the grass pit with a confused look on his face and shook his head.

"I didn't see it."

Lin Yi squatted down and picked up a few pieces of black stuff from the grass pit. The stuff turned gray as soon as it touched his hand.

""Master, it's Fu Hui!"

Lin Yi sent the black powder to Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu took a look and then confirmed.

"That's right, someone used talismans to control those people, so those tomb robbers were bitten to death by zombies, and someone else controlled these zombies and made them go to Ren's house."

Just now, Uncle Jiu saw a strange yin energy here, which was incompatible with the surrounding energy, and Lin Yi observed more carefully and actually found the talisman ash.

Old Master Ren's tomb was rebuilt, how could there be talisman ash? If those tomb robbers knew how to use talismans, how could they be bitten to death by a zombie with broken hands and feet.

Even if they were bitten to death, there was no reason for the corpse to transform so quickly, and they all obeyed Old Master Ren's words!

So from beginning to end, there was a person hiding here, secretly controlling everything!

"Master, I have a feeling that the other party will not give up easily, he will make another move!"

Lin Yi said to Uncle Jiu.

Uncle Jiu hugged his shoulders, supported his chin, and began to think.

Lin Yi glanced at Wencai. No wonder Wencai made this move just now. It turned out that he learned from Uncle Jiu.

"Qiu Sheng, A Yi, you should live in Renjia Town during this period. It is best to live in Ren Mansion to prevent the enemy from attacking the Ren family again."

""Yes, Master!"

Qiu Sheng was excited.

Living in Ren's house, wouldn't it be the first to get the moon near the water? There is hope for marrying Ren Tingting!

If Lin Yi knew what he was thinking, he would definitely give him a fart.

The captain has asked you to do it, and you still want to get Ren Tingting's attention!

"Master, what should we do now?"

Although Wencai envied Qiu Sheng and Lin Yi, there were some things that he could not envy. He knew how inexperienced he was. When he encountered danger, he would be defeated.

"You three clean up this place and restore it to its original state."


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