Ren Fa got really angry and scolded everyone in the security team.

Who made Ren Fa the sponsor of the security team?

In a small town like this, clans are basically above the law, and the security team was also established with money from the rich families in the town.

A group of people carried guns and hung their heads, and no one dared to say anything wrong.

Even though Captain Awei is dead, the next captain will definitely be appointed by the Ren family, and he will still be their immediate superior.

After getting really angry, Ren Fa finally calmed down a little and walked to Lin Yi's side.

"Ah Yi, what should we do with these zombies and corpses?"

Lin Yi's expression was a little strange,"I suggest that we cremate them on the spot."

Ren Fa's expression also became strange

"Okay, I'll listen to you, nephew."

"The best is lychee chai!"

""What are you still standing there for? Go find some litchi firewood!"

The security team hurried to find firewood.

Before long, several piles of firewood were built outside the Ren family's yard, with litchi firewood mixed in.

Zombies and bodies bitten to death by zombies were placed on several piles of firewood.

""Master Ren, everything is ready!"

Someone came over to report.

Ren Fa looked at Lin Yi.

"Nephew Ayi?" 28

Lin Yi nodded, pinched his hand, and several talismans appeared on his fingertips

""Tian Gang Wu Li Fire!"

The talisman turned into a blazing flame and spread out, instantly igniting the pile of firewood.

Ren Tingting, who was holding Ren Fa's arm, looked at Lin Yi curiously and asked

"Ah Yi, why do you have to use litchi wood to burn the body?"

Since it's a body, any kind of wood can be used, why do you have to use litchi wood?

"Litchi is good for luck, and one litchi can bring good luck. Litchi wood has a strong yang energy, so it is most effective in suppressing the evil poison in zombies."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he looked at the sky.

It was already quite late when he came back, and now after such a long time, the moonlight is even darker.

"So that's how it is!"

Ren Fa and Ren Tingting both showed expressions of" So that's how it is!"

"My dear nephew Ayi, it's getting late today, so you should stay at home.

Ren Fa suggested

"Yes, don't leave tonight."

Lin Yi nodded and didn't refuse.

He was too lazy to go to the funeral home at this moment, so he just slept at Ren's house. Tomorrow he could go into the mountains to see what happened to Old Master Ren's tomb.

"Tingting, go clean up Ayi's room."

The servants at home were either injured or had run away. There was no one available, so Ren Tingting had to come alone.


Ren Tingting nodded obediently, turned around and went into the house to clean up the room for Lin Yi.

There were corpses burning outside, and the injured in the yard were carried away one after another. There was a town hall in the town, and they were all taken there for unified treatment. After the Ren family's door was locked, only the Ren family father and daughter and Lin Yi were left in the huge Ren Mansion.

However, what Ren Fa and Ren Tingting didn't know was that those men in black were just Lin Yi's shadow clones.

The sudden change tonight scared Ren Fa and Ren Tingting a lot, but thinking that Lin Yi was at home, they both felt at ease and fell asleep as soon as they lay down.

"Shadow clone technique!"

Lin Yi drained all the spiritual energy in his body at once, and condensed seven more shadow clones.

Together with the previous three, there were a total of ten shadow clones.

The strange thing was that these ten shadow clones all had different faces. Except for the same body shape, their appearances were different, and they were all stunned.

"Is it because I'm not using chakra?"

Lin Yi scratched his head and pointed to the window.

"Go outside and find a deserted place to gain experience points. Tonight, practice palm techniques."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, a shadow clone pushed open the window, and then ten black shadows swooped out of the window and rushed into the distance.


In a cave somewhere in the mountains, a middle-aged man in a gray gown suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of murderous intent flashing between his brows.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on! Why are Ren Weiyong's limbs broken?"

The middle-aged man in the long gown gnashed his teeth, his face full of resentment. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Fortunately, I have a trick up my sleeve. Humph, Ren Weiyong, you stole my father's auspicious acupuncture points and caused him to die of depression. He can forgive you, but I can't!"

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed coldly again, and he stood up and walked towards an altar made of various bones.


After a good night's dream, Lin Yi woke up and stretched comfortably.

His telekinesis expanded, and half of Renjia Town was covered by Lin Yi's telekinesis.[]

With the Heart Net skill, you can hear that Renjia Town is particularly lively.

"You can continue to improve your telekinesis!"

You can't improve your telekinesis quickly, you need to do it step by step. After improving once, you need to adapt for a period of time, and then continue to improve.

The effect is very good. Lin Yi's telekinesis is now very strong. He can hold a weight of 400 kilograms for three hours.

However, if you want to fly with telekinesis, you need to improve it again.

A super crystal appeared in Lin Yi's hand, only the size of a small lead ball.

As the super crystal was in hand, the dark blue super crystal began to change color and gradually turned red.

A strange energy impact entered Lin Yi's sea of consciousness.

The humming and harsh sound was like machine noise, a bit annoying.

But Lin Yi has gotten used to it.

As the super crystal became smaller and smaller, Lin Yi's telekinesis level was also increasing rapidly.

Telekinesis 1v3

"This super power crystal is really a good thing, but after absorbing it this time, the effect of increasing telekinesis seems to have weakened!"

It seems that this thing also has"drug resistance". The more times it is used, the weaker the effect!

In the movie, the three people only touched the super power crystal once, and then their telekinesis became stronger and stronger.

It seems that he can't rely too much on the super power crystal, and he must increase the upper limit of his telekinesis by himself!

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Yi tried to use telekinesis to pull himself up. 833

Concentrated his mental power, and soon, he saw Lin Yi's body floating up from the bed, floating in the air, as if he had entered outer space.

"Finally I'm floating!"

Lin Yi stood in the air, moving forward, backward, left and right, becoming more and more proficient.

Telekinesis flying is very simple, just use telekinesis to drag yourself up.

Although it goes against science, but since we have telekinesis, what's the point of science? The waves are over.

Bang, the window was opened by Lin Yi's telekinesis, and with a whoosh, Lin Yi flew out of the window

""Invisibility Talisman!"

A talisman appeared at Lin Yi's fingertips and was slapped on himself by Lin Yi.

The next moment, the talisman suddenly glowed with a faint fluorescence.

Lin Yi took out a bronze mirror and looked at himself.

There was nothing in the mirror.

"Haha! I've long said that Tongtian Lu is a superpower cheat!"

Lin Yi excitedly put away the mirror and shot out.

During the fast flight, Lin Yi could feel the existence of wind resistance, and then he simply formed his mind power into the shape of a triangular shuttle and covered himself.

As expected, with this triangular shuttle, Lin Yi was like a fighter plane, flying in the air.

The dream of mankind, flying!

At this moment, it was accomplished by Lin Yi!

Without the help of any tools, this feeling is simply amazing!


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