"The Supreme Command, sweet springs will gush forth from the ground!"

Lin Yi formed seals with his hands and pointed at the ground, and a stream of water suddenly gushed out from the ground.

Under Lin Yi's telekinetic control, the water extinguished the surrounding flames.

Fortunately, the control was timely, otherwise the houses on both sides of the street would have been in trouble.

After the flames were extinguished, only the remains of two zombies were left on the ground, burning like charcoal.

This time, they could not get up at all.

""Dad, are you okay?"

Ren Tingting helped Ren Fa stand up and asked with concern.

Ren Fa breathed a sigh of relief. His face turned pale because of the pain in his ankle, but he didn't care. He was lucky to be alive.

""Oh no, nephew, hurry to my house, there are zombies in my house!"

Ren Fa thought of the servants at home.

Although everyone fled when disaster struck, and the servants also left him alone to escape, it was human nature, and Ren Fa did not blame them.

But there was no guarantee that there were no servants trapped by zombies at home, and maybe he could save them if he went there.

"Don't worry, someone has gone to check on the situation. Master Ren, how is your foot?"

Lin Yi looked at Ren Fa's foot.

Ren Fa supported Ren Tingting. When he heard Lin Yi say that someone had gone, he was relieved.

"I'm fine, I just twisted my ankle and fell."

Ren Tingting looked at Lin Yi with red eyes and gratitude,"Thank you, Ayi, today is thanks to you."

"No need to thank me, I just happened to pass by. By the way, what happened? Why is Old Master Ren chasing you?"

"Ah! That's my dad!"

Ren Fa suddenly said in shock

"Yes, the one with black hair is the corpse of Old Master Ren.

Ren Fa looked very strange, and he sighed as he looked at the charred remains on the ground that he couldn't tell who was who.

"I don't know what happened. I was going to have a few drinks with Awei today, but my dad suddenly fell from the roof and hit Awei right in the face. He then bit Awei to death, and then a lot of zombies jumped down from above and bit a lot of people to death in my house."

"Ah Wei is dead?"

This was something Lin Yi had not expected. Such a golden supporting role, such a powerful clown in Mr. Zombie, was gone just like that!

"Master Ren, I will help you heal your foot. Let's go to your house."

Lin Yi made a seal with one hand, and a green talisman gradually took shape. As Lin Yi pointed at Ren Fa's ankle, the green immortal talisman turned into a green light and wrapped around Ren Fa's ankle.

Ren Fa and Ren Tingting watched curiously as the green light gradually disappeared.

"Dad, how are you?"

Ren Fa tried to move his ankle.

"Hey! My foot is healed!"

Ren Fa moved his ankle in amazement.

"This is just to temporarily suppress your pain. It takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone. You still need to recuperate well after you go back."

Lin Yi reminded lightly.

Ren Fa nodded,"Let's go back quickly then."

The three of them rushed to Ren's house.

When they arrived at Ren's house, the situation here had been controlled by Lin Yi's shadow clone.

Talismans were pasted on the heads of several zombies.

Several corpses bitten to death by zombies were also put together. In order to prevent the corpses from turning into corpses, they were also pasted with corpse-suppressing talismans.

At this moment, two more men in black came in from outside, carrying two zombies, followed by several civilians who were scratched by zombies.

Lin Yi took out a bag of glutinous rice from his storage bracelet and threw it to a shadow clone,"Go and apply glutinous rice to them."

The shadow clone took the sticky rice, nodded, and turned to use the sticky rice to remove the poison from the wounded. The poison of the zombies that had just transformed was not very strong. If it was a royal zombie, it would be terrible if it was caught. The poison was strong and the sticky rice had no effect at all. It would soon spread throughout the body.

It was necessary to use snake medicine to lead the poison to the wound and then use the sticky rice to remove the poison.

These three shadow clones looked nothing like Lin Yi, and they obeyed Lin Yi's words. Ren Fa thought they were Lin Yi's companions or something like that, and didn't care. He kept comforting the servants at home.

Lin Yi Awei's body was seen in the corner.

His glasses were broken and his facial features were hideous, as if he had encountered something extremely terrifying.

His neck was torn and his skin looked very pale due to the massive loss of blood. His body was also very shriveled, as if he had been drained.

Logically speaking, a person who was sucked blood by zombies should not look like this.

Lin Yi got closer to Awei's wound and took a look, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched.

No wonder he was bitten like this, the zombie teeth were pulled out by himself, and he had a mouthful of rotten molars, so the wounds were naturally like this.

"Tsk tsk, Awei, you died such a miserable death!"

"Nephew Ayi, come in with me for a moment. I have something to tell you.

Ren Fa came over and whispered to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows and followed Ren Fa into the room.

Ren Fa smiled and said to Lin Yi.

"Haha, my dear nephew Ayi, let me tell you, could you please not spread today’s incident?"

"I mean, it's my father's business! It's related to the reputation of my Ren family, so, Ayi, please help me."

My old man turned into a zombie and ran to the town to cause such a big mess. How can the Ren family survive in Renjia Town in the future!

Lin Yi nodded. It didn't matter to him whether to talk about it or not.

""Yes, Master Ren, but I suggest you go to the old man's grave. I suspect those zombies outside are tomb robbers."

When he came in, Lin Yi saw a lot of dirt on these zombies, and there was a smell of dirt on them.

Generally, only those who work in the fields or even underground for many years will have this smell.

Could it be that tomb robbers went to dig up the tomb of Master Ren and ended up losing their heads?

But, how could a zombie with broken limbs kill several living people with intact limbs!

Ren Fa's face looked a little ugly.

After Lin Yi said this, he also reacted.

Could it be that someone really dug up his father's grave!

It's really too much! Is this how the public security in Renjia Town is maintained?

His family is a famous family in Renjia Town, and the old man's tomb has been dug up by someone. This Awei is really outrageous.

But just when he thought of this, Ren Fa reacted again. Awei was already dead.

"Ahem, my dear nephew Ayi, I wonder if you are interested in being a sergeant? Now that Awei is dead and you are so capable, I think you are the most suitable person to be the captain."

"Master Ren, I'm used to living an idle life. I'm not used to joining the security team, but I have a candidate, my fellow apprentice Qiu Sheng, who is young and promising, has good skills, and grew up in this town. It's more suitable for him to be the captain than for me."

Lin Yi directly recommended Qiu Sheng.

To the security team!

What a joke! He wants to travel the world and make his way in the world in the future. It's not easy for him to travel through time and space, and it's not right for him to stay in a small town all the time!

After he has emptied Uncle Jiu's fortune, he will leave here.

Being the captain of the security team is a waste of time!

Ren Fa thought of Lin Yi's senior apprentice Qiu Sheng, whom he had seen when he moved his father's grave.

Well, Uncle Jiu's apprentice should not be too bad.

Ren Fa nodded,"Then it's settled."

The Ren family has some influence in Renjia Town, otherwise they wouldn't have let Awei be the captain of the security team.

That jerk has no skills at all. After Ren Fa died in the movie, this guy actually said that Ren Fa was shot to death, and then said it was a dart. What a waste. There was a commotion in the courtyard of the Ren Mansion, and soon a large group of security team members arrived.

Ren Fa walked out with a dark face.

Such a big thing happened, and someone was asked to report to the police, but it took so long for them to arrive. Is this still a security team? It

's more like a theater team!

…… ps: It will be released soon, I hope you can support Xiao Hei! Love you guys!

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