""Someone, come quickly!"

Ren Fa shouted loudly, and the servants in the house rushed out quickly.

The situation in the yard looked very scary.

A monster covered with black hair was lying on Awei, biting Awei and refusing to let go.

Ren Fa quickly hid behind the crowd,"Hurry up and report to the police!"

Someone ran to report to the police, and the rest of the people held torches and sticks, looking at the black cat monster tremblingly.


The black-haired monster raised its head and bared its teeth, but strangely, it seemed that its limbs could not move, and it could only twist its body.


What kind of monster is this?

""Look up there!"

Suddenly someone pointed at the roof.

Everyone looked up and saw a few dark figures on the roof. They stretched their arms forward and stared at the people below with their dark eyes.

"Yes, yes, zombies!"

Suddenly someone shouted in horror

""Ha! Ha!"

The black-haired monster lying on Awei raised his head and yelled at the zombies on the roof, and the zombies on the roof immediately jumped down.

""Oh my god! Run!"

The Ren Mansion seemed to explode, and all the servants fled in all directions.

Ren Fa also turned around and ran.

""Tingting, run, Tingting!"

Ren Fa ran into the room and shouted to Ren Tingting.

Ren Tingting, who was putting on makeup in the room, heard Ren Fa's shouting and ran out in confusion.

"Dad, what happened?"

""Hurry up, zombies, there are zombies!"

Ren Fa grabbed Ren Tingting and ran out.

When passing by the yard, he saw several zombies grabbing the servants of Ren Mansion and biting them.

A monster with black hair all over its body was lying on the back of a zombie, and its pair of black eyes stared at Ren Fa and Ren Tingting who ran out.

"Hiss, ha!"


Ren Fa and Ren Tingting screamed in fear, their calves began to cramp.

The zombies that were sucking blood dropped the corpses in their hands, jumped and looked at Ren Fa and Ren Tingting.


The black-haired monster was none other than Old Master Ren.

It was just that I didn't know how these unlucky novice tomb robbers could be killed by a zombie with broken limbs.

At this time, Old Master Ren was covered with black hair, his eyes were as black as ink, his mouth was baring, and he had no clothes on.

No wonder Ren Fa couldn't recognize who he was.

""Tingting, run!"

Ren Fa felt a chill on his back when the black-haired monster looked at him, and he dragged Ren Tingting out and ran


The black-haired monster roared at the zombie carrying him and gave an order.

The zombie immediately chased after Ren Fa and his daughter.





With a series of air-breaking sounds, Lin Yi and the three men in black rushed along the official road at lightning speed, and they went out for a long distance in a few flashes.

The effect of the shaving in the six styles is simply too good, and the speed is much faster than the three-fold cloud.

Lin Yi summoned three shadow clones to use shaving with him to hurry on the road, and practiced swordsmanship while hurrying on the road. At the same time, he released his telekinesis to brush the experience of the heart network.

The experience along the way was X4, and the experience of body skills and swordsmanship increased rapidly.

And because shaving was included in the body skills column, it was level 6 at the beginning!

And because the level of shaving was higher than the level of three-fold cloud and Tiangang step, it could brush 10 experience points in an hour, so after rushing all the way, Lin Yi and the three shadow clones brushed 200 experience points in five hours!

The swordsmanship was promoted to level 6, and the body skills were promoted to level 7!


Lin Yi rushed into Renjia Town at lightning speed.

Seeing that the surrounding environment was so familiar, Lin Yi suddenly felt like a wanderer returning home.

Although he had not been away for a long time


"Monster, help!"

"Tingting, run away and don’t worry about me!"

"I don’t want it, Dad, Dad, please stand up!"

"No, Dad's foot is twisted, and he can't walk. Dad will help you hold the monster back, run!"

Lin Yi's ears twitched slightly, and within the range of telekinesis, the heart net skill received a lot of sounds.

Several places in Renjia Town were in a mess.

In particular, Lin Yi also heard the voices of Ren Fa and Ren Tingting!

What happened?

""Everyone, go and have a look!"

Lin Yi said in a deep voice, and instantly disappeared from the spot, and the three shadow clones also dispersed.

Four black shadows appeared from time to time on the roof, rushing towards the place where the accident happened.

After a few breaths, Lin Yi stopped on a roof.

In the dim street, Ren Tingting was trying her best to pull Ren Fa, but Ren Fa sprained his foot and was fat, so he fell to the ground and did not move no matter how Ren Tingting dragged him.


The monster's roar suddenly sounded, scaring Ren Tingting so much that she cried even harder.

"Dad, please get up, let's go."

""Tingting, Tingting, listen to me, hurry up, Daddy really can't leave, hurry up!"

Ren Fa shouted excitedly.

It didn't matter if he died, he was already over 40 and had lived enough, but Tingting was only 18 years old, still young.

"I don't want it, Dad, I don't want it."

Ren Tingting cried and shook her head vigorously.

"Damn, what's going on!"

Lin Yi was stunned on the roof.

The zombies below were so weird! Are they in cahoots with each other?

A black-haired zombie was lying on the back of another zombie.

The zombie below seemed to be very tired, and it jumped hard to chase after Ren Fa and his daughter.

"What the hell is this! I broke all your limbs, and you can still run away!"

Lin Yi was puzzled and jumped down from the roof.

Lin Yi landed lightly like a cloud, scaring Ren Fa and Ren Tingting.

They thought another zombie had jumped down from the roof.

""Ah, it's you!"

Ren Fa and Ren Tingting said in unison, both recognizing Lin Yi.

The next moment, the two of them felt like they had grabbed a life-saving straw, and hope of survival ignited in their hearts.

"Nephew, that's great, look, there are zombies!"

Ren Fa pointed at the zombies and trembled with excitement.

He thought he was going to die.

Now that Lin Yi appeared, he almost cried.

Who wants to die when they can live!

""Master Ren, rest assured, leave it to me."

Lin Yi finished speaking, and clenched his hand, and a golden light suddenly appeared in his hand.

After the golden light, the dragon sound in the box appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

""Tian Gang Sixth Level!"

Lin Yi shouted, and six golden Tian Gang Five Fire Talismans instantly appeared in his hand.

The next moment, a blazing flame burned in Lin Yi's palm, and with a bang, it enveloped the zombies.


The zombie screamed and was engulfed by flames.

"" Step on the fire and stop the thunder!"

Lin Yi's figure flashed and appeared on the side of the flame. The knife in his hand flashed and the cold light burst.

The wind knife technique was extremely fast.

In a flash, thirty-six knives were swung out.

The zombies screamed.

Lin Yi drew his knife and retreated. At the same time, four orders to exorcise ghosts and demons appeared in his palm.

"Fourfold exorcism!"

Four exorcism orders were superimposed together, turning into golden light and flying into the flames.

Boom boom - a huge explosion sounded, and a ball of fire mushrooms rose up.

Lin Yi stood still, watching the fire cloud rising, and he was a little incredible.

It is worthy of being Kunlun's magic, so powerful that it can kill Old Master Ren in an instant!

But how did Old Master Ren come out?

…… ps: Finally the topic is on point! Kunlun magic kills old man Ren!

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