Lin Yi put the storage bracelet into the tea bowl, soaked it in hot water for a while, and then wiped it with a towel several times before putting it on his wrist.

After all, it was just taken off the skeleton's wrist.


Lin Yi had a Taoist robe in his hand. Seeing this Taoist robe, Lin Yi was a little troubled.

Although he doesn't have mysophobia!

But even if he doesn't have mysophobia, he probably can't accept wearing clothes just taken off a skeleton!

But thinking of the various gems inlaid on the clothes that the fat man said.

Avoid dust, fire, wind, water, and also engraved with soul protection, spirit gathering, defense and deformation array patterns!

It should be very clean!

Gritting his teeth, Lin Yi put on the Taoist robe.

Under the control of his mind, the Taoist robe instantly turned into an ordinary coat.

At the same time, Lin Yi noticed that wisps of spiritual energy were gathering towards him.

It was the spirit gathering array text that worked!

Lin Yi then calmed down and began to practice.

Strands of spiritual energy entered Lin Yi's body and traveled through his meridians, following the meridian qi diagram recorded in the Dadong Sutra.

The qi traveled through the twelve meridians, consolidating and widening Lin Yi's meridians over and over again.


""Huh? Why is it light outside?"

Lin Yi came out of his practice state, opened his eyes and saw that it was already bright outside the window.

Lin Yi immediately realized that he had been meditating and practicing for a whole night!

This was impossible before, because the spiritual energy was thin, and the spiritual energy would be gone after practicing for a while, so he had to rest for a while.

He could only wait for the spiritual energy around him to refresh before practicing. When he wore this Taoist robe, the spirit gathering formation was always activated, attracting the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth to gather all the time.

Now one night of practice is equivalent to his previous week of practice, and the speed of practice is seven times faster!

Lin Yi got up from the bed happily, stretched his body, felt comfortable all over, and was full of energy.

After observing for a while, Lin Yi found that the experience growth rate of the Qi-inducing skill had also increased. It was 6 points per hour before, and now it was 42 points per hour.

"It's dawn, time to practice boxing!"

Lin Yi came out of the house happily. The morning sun was a little warm and a little chilly, making people feel very refreshed.

""Huh? Where's the master?"

Lin Yi didn't see Uncle Jiu in the yard, and looked at Uncle Jiu's door in confusion.

The door was open.

""Master, Senior Brother Wencai!"

Lin Yi frowned and walked towards Uncle Jiu's house.

"Hey! What happened to Senior Brother Qiu Sheng?"

Inside the room, Qiu Sheng was lying on a recliner, Uncle Jiu and Wencai were standing beside him, studying something.

"Yi, you're awake."

Uncle Jiu was frowning, but when he saw Lin Yi coming over, his brows relaxed slightly.

""Master, what happened to Senior Brother Qiu Sheng? What happened?"

Wencai looked nervous,"I don't know. When I opened the door this morning, I found Qiu Sheng lying outside the door."

Lin Yi walked closer and felt a faint yin energy emanating from Qiu Sheng.

Looking at Qiu Sheng's unlucky appearance, Lin Yi immediately understood what was going on.

"This is a ghost!"

Lin Yi said in surprise.

Uncle Jiu nodded,"Yes, it's a ghost."

Wencai lifted Qiu Sheng's collar in confusion, and saw red marks on his neck, and said with envy

"It seems that it is not only a ghost, but also a female ghost!"

Lin Yi's mouth twitched, a little speechless.

Qiu Sheng encountered a ghost, and you also encountered a female zombie. You two are the same, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu, don't envy each other.

In the Ghost School, Wencai's reincarnation Meng Chao and the female zombie persisted in the archives room from night to dawn!

""Master, will Qiu Sheng be okay?"

Lin Yi asked with concern.

It is said that after being bullied by a female ghost, a person's body will have problems.

"It's nothing serious, but he needs to recuperate for a while. If anything happens to that female ghost, his body will be ruined."

Uncle Jiu's face showed murderous intent.

I want to see what female ghost dares to mess with my apprentice! It's obvious that she doesn't give me, Lin Jiu, face!


"Wencai, undress Qiusheng. Ayi, go prepare the cinnabar and brush."


Wencai nodded and unbuttoned Qiu Sheng's shirt.

Lin Yi went to get the cinnabar ink and brush.

Jiushu took the things, pinched the seal with his hands, drew a talisman on Qiu Sheng's chest, and then dipped the brush in cinnabar ink and wrote on Qiu Sheng's chest.

After a while, a talisman was freshly baked.

Putting down the brush, Jiushu buttoned up Qiu Sheng.

""Master, when will Qiu Sheng wake up? Should I make him breakfast?"

Wencai asked.

Uncle Jiu glanced at Qiu Sheng, who was sleeping like a dead pig, and sneered,"Eat shit, he was exhausted last night and didn't get enough sleep. He can't wake up. You and Ayi move him to the yard and let him get more sun."

Although he didn't say it, Uncle Jiu still cared about Qiu Sheng.


Lin Yi and Wencai worked together to move Qiu Sheng and his recliner to the yard.

Qiu Sheng was really exhausted, but he didn't even wake up.

The sun was pretty good today, and it was warm on people.

Qiu Sheng turned over comfortably and continued to sleep soundly.

Wencai saw that he was sleeping so soundly, shook his head and went to cook.

Even if he died under the peony flowers, he would still be romantic as a ghost. I just don't know if the female ghost who messed with Qiu Sheng last night was pretty.

Lin Yi took the opportunity to take the Dadong Sutra to find Uncle Jiu for some special treatment.

He has now learned a little bit of what Uncle Jiu taught. The three scriptures and one scroll are just the basics. He has never touched the secret techniques of opening an altar, praying for clear weather and rain, catching ghosts and eliminating zombies, Maoshan swordsmanship, and some Maoshan secret techniques.

…… ps: Please give me flowers, votes, and comments! Brothers who see this, even if you send me a message to urge me to update, no one is talking in the comments, I feel so anxious!

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