Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai sighed helplessly. What could they do? The master clearly didn't want to pay them!

But they really didn't have any money to spend.

They didn't have to pay for food, clothing, or other necessities.

"No objection? If you have no objection, go and cook. Qiu Sheng, why don't you go back early, or your aunt will come over again tomorrow to ask for you!"

It's no wonder that Uncle Jiu always says this. It's really that Qiu Sheng's aunt has a very bad temper. If Qiu Sheng goes back late a few times, she will come here the next day to make a fuss and ask for you.


Qiu Sheng stood up disappointed and prepared to go home. Tomorrow, if there was nothing to do in Yizhuang, he would have to help his aunt run the store.

Wencai went to cook, and Lin Yi sent Qiu Sheng to the door.

"Brother, it's dark and the road is hard to travel, be careful when riding your bike."

Lin Yi smiled and warned

"Oh, I see."

Qiu Sheng was in a bad mood because he didn't get his wages, and he looked listless.

He lit the incense sticks and stuck them on the handlebars, then rode away.

After seeing Qiu Sheng off, Lin Yi closed the gate and trotted back to his room.

He hadn't had time to exchange the heavens today. He quickly exchanged them and went to Uncle Jiu to cook for him.

Lin Yi took out an exorcism talisman from his treasure bag.

This exorcism talisman can not only dispel ghosts, but also purify the aura, prevent villains, and avoid villains' right and wrong.

"System, check this exorcism talisman."


【A low-level exorcism talisman, made by Mr. Zombie's uncle Jiu, a casual work with average effect. It can be exchanged for 10 exchange points if recycled.

According to the process, it's time to pray to the Grand Master.

"The Supreme Lord Laojun showed his divine power. Disciple Lin Yi worshipped the master and hoped that the master would bless the disciple to exchange for a good treasure!"

Lin Yi put his hands together and prayed for a while, and his confidence increased greatly.

"Humph, I want to exchange the heavens for the pawnshop owner."


A flash of inspiration passed.

The exorcism talisman on the table disappeared instantly.

Then an audio picture appeared in Lin Yi's mind.


In the Eastern Wild World, there are three thousand states and one hundred thousand mountains!

"Hahaha! After going through untold hardships, I, Duan Hei, finally broke your defensive formation. What can Jin Chen Patriarch do? He can't stop me!"

A little fat man in a Taoist robe arrogantly put his hands on his hips and laughed up to the sky.

Duan Hei was determined to explore all the tombs in the world. Now he broke into Jin Chen Patriarch's cave on his first try. He will have something to brag about when he goes back.

In front of him was a strange stone room. The layout inside was very simple, and the furniture was all cut from stone. There were several shelves in the stone room, on which were placed jade bottles and jade slips. There was also an alchemy cauldron in the middle of the stone room.

A skeleton was sitting cross-legged on the stone bed, wearing a loose Taoist robe. The exposed bones looked as white as jade. Only the skull's head was different in color. It was black. There were some jade bottles scattered on the ground

"It seems that this Jinchen Patriarch was poisoned to death. What kind of poison is so fierce that even Jinchen Patriarch can't stand it!"

Duan Hei looked at the skeleton and studied it, his face full of surprise.

After searching the stone chamber, he didn't find any good treasures.

Duan Hei was unwilling to give up, and approached the skeleton with a dark face.

Seeing that nothing happened, Duan Hei was relieved.

It seems that there is no backup here. This Jinchen Patriarch died too quickly, and there was no time to arrange

"Hehe, then you can't blame me, Fatty!"

Duan Hei waved his hand and grabbed the bracelet on the skull's wrist. After studying it carefully, Duan Hei's eyes lit up with excitement and he said to himself

"A top-grade storage bracelet, what a good thing, much more convenient than my storage bag!"

The person is dead and the way is gone, the restrictions that Jin Chen Patriarch had set in the storage bracelet have been dispersed, so Duan Hei can use it as soon as he takes it.

Duan Hei happily checked it, and after a moment, Duan Hei's face darkened.

"How come Jin Chen is also a powerful person in the Dragon Transformation Realm? How come there is nothing in the storage bracelet?"

Duan Hei's face became darker, and his small eyes scanned the stone room unwillingly, and then came to the skeleton.

The skeleton also had a water blue Taoist robe on it, which was loosely put on the skeleton.

"It hasn't decayed after so many years, so it must be a treasure!"

Duan Hei touched the few small mustaches on his chin, walked over with a smile, and bowed to the skeleton.

"Senior, this dress is really a pearl covered in dust on you, why don't you take it out for me, let the treasure see the light of day again and play its due value."

Duan Hei said in a low voice, without hindering his movements at all, and he stripped the skeleton clean in a few seconds.

"I never thought that this robe was actually a top-grade robe produced by Tianyi Pavilion.

It is inlaid with dust-proof beads, fire-proof beads, wind-proof beads, and water-proof beads!

It is engraved with soul-protecting array patterns, spirit-gathering array patterns, defense array patterns, and shape-changing array patterns!

What a treasure! This robe alone is worth 30,000 source stones. You are worthy of being the ancestor of Jinchen. This robe is worth all my belongings."

Duan Hei's face finally calmed down, and he comfortably put the robe into his bracelet.

At this moment, a talisman appeared in Duan Hei's hand.

Duan Hei:"???"

"What is this? It seems to be a talisman, and the runes contain the meaning of exorcism. What sect is it from? I have never seen it before."

"Wait! Where's my bracelet?"

Boom boom boom - a strong wind suddenly blew in the stone chamber.

"Who stole my treasure? Get out here!"

Duan Hei's hysterical voice echoed far away!


"Grave digging, bah, you bastard!"

Lin Yi looked at the simple-looking bracelet in his hand and cursed angrily.

What he hated most was tomb robbers.

This fat guy was so mean that he actually told the dead that the pearl was covered in dust. He was bullying the dead because they couldn't talk.

What goes around, you rob the dead, so I'll rob yours!

Lin Yi happily fiddled with the storage bracelet in his hand.

"How do I use this thing? Do I need to drip blood to recognize the owner? I haven't seen that fat guy drip blood before!"

Lin Yi scratched his head and tried to mobilize his spiritual sense to probe into the storage bracelet. The next second, Lin Yi felt a very large space, square and square. Roughly estimated, it was ten meters long, five meters wide, and five meters high!

There was only a blue Taoist robe in the storage bracelet, nothing else.

"Storage treasures are great. I don’t have to worry about not being able to carry too many things anymore."

Lin Yi is not a person who likes to hold things in his hands. He feels uncomfortable with a backpack. Now he has a storage bracelet, which is so convenient!

Hehe, who would have thought that a talisman drawn by Uncle Jiu could be exchanged for such a good treasure!

You are worthy of being the Lord of Destiny in Mr. Zombie's world!

I won’t say anything more, Uncle Jiu, I love you so much!

…… ps: Please give me flowers, votes, and comments! Xiaohei is a newbie, please support me.

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