The day passed quickly. After dinner, Qiu Sheng, who was sleeping in the yard, finally woke up. He stretched his body and hummed comfortably. When he opened his eyes, he was stunned.

"Ah! How come it’s dark already!"

He sat up and looked around, and saw that he was in the charity cemetery, and he was even more scared. He actually missed a day of work!

Hearing the noise outside, Uncle Jiu came out smoking a cigarette, and Wencai followed behind him, smiling and teasing

"You're awake now. What did you do last night? Why are you so tired? You slept like a dead pig."

Qiu Sheng glared at Wen Cai, but he felt guilty and didn't dare to argue with Wen Cai in front of Uncle Jiu.

"Oh no! I didn’t go to my aunt’s place for the whole day. If she saw me, she would scold me to death!"

"You also know your aunt."

Uncle Jiu sneered, but for the sake of the evening's plan, he did not expose Qiu Sheng.

Qiu Sheng smiled awkwardly,"Master, is there anything else you want me to do?"

"No more, you can go back."

Uncle Jiu glanced at Lin Yi and signaled him to get the things.

""Master, I'll leave first and come back tomorrow."

Qiu Sheng said, trotting out of the charity cemetery.

When Qiu Sheng left the door, Lin Yi also came out of the house with something in his hand.

"Wencai, take care of the house. Ayi and I are going out for a while."

"Oh, I see."

Wencai nodded honestly and watched Lin Yi and Uncle Jiu leave the charity cemetery.

Lin Yi followed Uncle Jiu and followed Qiu Sheng all the way.

The forest path was not easy to walk on, and Qiu Sheng's bike was not very fast. The two of them trotted behind him, hanging behind him at a leisurely pace.

Seeing Qiu Sheng parked his bike in front of a house on the edge of Renjia Town.

Lin Yi couldn't help but curl his lips.

"We agreed to go home!"

Uncle Jiu frowned and said,"Qiu Sheng has been bewitched by the ghost, let's go in quickly."

Then Uncle Jiu and Lin Yi climbed over the wall and continued to follow Qiu Sheng on tiptoe.

Qiu Sheng entered the room, and Lin Yi followed Uncle Jiu to the window.

The two of them leaned on the window and looked inside. Qiu Sheng was already together with the female ghost, biting the fish sweetly!

""Tsk tsk, this female ghost is pretty good looking, much prettier than in the movies, white and tender."

Lin Yi commented with a smile.

Uncle Jiu glared at Lin Yi. It's time now, and you are still making sarcastic remarks here.

Besides, ghosts are pretty, so what's the use? They are still harmful.


In the room, Qiu Sheng and the ghost hugged each other.

The ghost suddenly screamed and flew out, knocking down the screen heavily, and then fell to the ground.

"Ah! Xiaoyu!"

Qiu Sheng was startled, not understanding why this happened, and stepped forward to help Xiaoyu.

"Don't come over here! What's painted on your body?"

Dong Xiaoyu fell to the ground, looking at Qiu Sheng in pain.

"Huh? What's painted on your body?"

Qiu Sheng unbuttoned his clothes in confusion, and saw a symbol painted on his chest. He immediately understood

"My master must have drawn this. He is always afraid that I will encounter ghosts at night."

"Hurry up and wipe it off!"

Dong Xiaoyu was so scared when she saw the red talisman.

This talisman was so powerful. If she hadn't pushed Qiu Sheng away just now, this talisman would have definitely broken her soul.

Qiu Sheng said"oh", stupidly grabbed the clothes and smeared them on his body, and soon the talisman was smeared.

"You little bastard, stop wiping it!"

Uncle Jiu hammered his hand in annoyance. Isn't this female ghost just a little pretty? Is it necessary to confuse you like this?

"Let me see your true face."

Uncle Jiu angrily took out a bunch of pomelo leaves from his treasure bag, picked two leaves and wiped them on his eyelids, chanting a spell.

When the pomelo leaves were taken away, Lin Yi saw a flash of golden light in Uncle Jiu's eyes.

Uncle Jiu frowned and looked inside through the window.

The next second, Uncle Jiu closed his eyes and retracted his head with a painful look on his face.


Lin Yi covered his mouth and lowered his head to hold back his laughter. He had seen the movie and knew what Uncle Jiu saw.

It was just that Uncle Jiu looked too funny with the mask of pain on. How ugly must this female ghost be to be able to see Uncle Jiu like this. Uncle Jiu opened his eyes, exhaled, and saw Lin Yi covering his mouth and laughing, and pretended to be unfathomable and said to Lin Yi

"Ayi, come and see the true form of this female ghost. This is a rare opportunity and it will be a good exercise for you."

"Oh, what do you think?"

Lin Yi tried to hold back his laughter and said in a pretentious manner

"Rub grapefruit leaves on your eyes and chant a spell to see ghosts."

"What spell?"

"The sky is clear and the earth is bright, the yin is turbid and the yang is clear, open my eyes and distinguish the yin and yang clearly."

Lin Yi said,"Oh", took the pomelo leaf, and put it on his eyelids in a pretentious manner, his mouth opened and closed, but he didn't make a sound.

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Yi eagerly, waiting for Lin Yi's reaction.

When Lin Yi put down the pomelo leaf and looked into the house, Qiu Sheng and Dong Xiaoyu had already kissed. I thought I wouldn't be able to see it if I didn't recite the spell, but I didn't expect

Dong Xiaoyu in the house to show her true self.

Half of her face had rotted, and her eyeballs were about to fall out. Compared with the intact half of her face, she was simply half angel and half devil!

Yue~ Lin Yi almost vomited. This female ghost's face is more disgusting than in the movies! Qiu Sheng, you are really a warrior! Uncle Jiu was full of expectations, and seeing Lin Yi's reaction, the corners of his mouth rose with satisfaction. Let you laugh at your master. Uncle Jiu stopped laughing and whispered,"How is it, Ayi, did you see it?


"Master, you lied to me. You said that I had to chant the eye-opening spell to wake up, but why do I see it every time I chant the spell?"

Lin Yi tried to hold back his vomiting. When he thought of Dong Xiaoyu's half face, he had the urge to vomit.

"Oh? Really? It seems I haven't used it for a long time and have forgotten it!"

Uncle Jiu said pretentiously, and took another look at the room.

He was shocked when he saw that Qiu Sheng, the bad boy, was about to get into bed with a female ghost!

""You little bastard, why are you so impatient!"

Uncle Jiu didn't bother to tease Linyi, and quickly came to the yard, put the copper coin sword on a stone, and then took out the Bagua mirror and focused on the moon in the sky.

Although ghosts absorb the power of the moon to cultivate, monks can also use the power of the moon to catch ghosts and eliminate monsters.

After all, power has no good or evil, the key is to look at the person who uses the power!

The power of the moon was gathered by the Bagua concave mirror, and Uncle Jiu immediately removed the chassis of the Bagua mirror. A beam of strange moonlight focused on the copper coin sword.

After being blessed by the power of the moon, the copper coin sword lit up with a light golden light.

"Ayi, I will teach you another spell"

"What is it, Master?"

"Using his magic power, he swiped his index and middle fingers across the blade of the peach wood sword, sharpening the blade."

Lin Yi nodded, and his sword finger swiped across the blade of the peach wood sword.

"The wooden sword is sharpened!"


The peach wood sword also glows with a pale golden light.

"Let’s go and get ready to catch ghosts!"


The next second, Lin Yi and Uncle Jiu broke in through the window.

…… ps: Xiaohei, please support me, flowers, ratings, comments! You must send comments widely, and some brothers have rewarded Xiaohei, thank you very much!

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