Zhui Xu

Chapter 998

1025. Chapter 998 Wars of war (VIII)

    Chapter 998 Wars of war (VIII)

    In the morning of April 24, the chaotic and fierce war had begun near the city of Han Kunggu.

    Firstly, the fighting began at the scheduled battlefield near the southern gate of Han City, which is responsible for the subject of this defence, including the first brigade of the Seventh Army of Warsaw, the immediate artillery of the First Division, the engineering group and a group led by Chen Ohio. According to subsequent statistics, their numbers are about 3,300 people, who are right ahead of them, are 13,000 people with relative integrity in the hands of Hion and more than 10,000 Kingdoms who have entered the middle of Han City first.

    In proportion, they face an enemy that is about eight times more than their own.

    This is the worst barrier that will emerge in the entire Han Jin battle.

    At the first moment of the artillery fire, there was a silent failure to respond to the position of the Warsaw Army, and soldiers hiding behind the shells and positions had been aware of the mission and the purpose of the operation.

    They must join forces that may not come together, crucify Hion the eastern side of Seoul, think of the strength of the high-speed army and seek valuable time to achieve its strategic objectives.

    The first time the artillery struck, the sky was flowing through the morning clouds, exploded with little dust, and the soldiers behind the shells looked at the sky.

    “I said,” Why didn’t we finish our mission here, Hion, and over 10,000 people on the other side? “

    There were soldiers talking like that, and the soldiers around heard, laughed out.

    Not far away, the captain threw it over with the clay and smashed it on his head.

    It’s a little fragment at the start of the fire.

    At this juncture, Mr. Hion has not been able to know the changes that have taken place in opposite military battalions. Fifteen miles away from Western District in Han, the friction has begun.


    First of all, the externally excluded forces were killed.

    Such a step is normal in any battle, and at this juncture there are nearly 30,000 masters, and when the army moves forward, it is almost two miles away, and the feedback of information is naturally time-poor. But soon after that, the intensity of the killing rose in several different directions.

    The days after the beginning of the Han Jin Jin war, the fighting was chaos and the forces of both sides had been demolished into countless small pieces. With the complete demolition of his army into a team, the Warsaw Army also responded with a small battalion unit.

    Unlike the women’s genuinely forces, when the Warsaw army departed from the team, they were still able to maintain a clear course of engagement and a flourishing battle intent based on a major goal, which had resulted in the killing of the team from time to time near the very very very real female position for several days.

    Sometimes the Warsaw soldiers they met were convoys with connections and battalions, which even lost the position of the Warsaw Core Forces, killing them in this direction for the purpose of “sticking” – a journey in which, of course, they would be subjected to various attacks, but they were miraculous in breakthrough defense, stretching them to the end of the colony, with immediate ambush, vision, harassing a wave of power is far away from good.

    There are also times when women’s real externalities may even encounter the potential of several Warsaw soldiers who are very good at working with each other out of the team. They are not counting on the assassination of the colour John, but on the continual setting of traps around the field, specializing in the capture of small groups and single female gendarmerie soldiers and moving after killing.

    The Warsaw soldiers were active and ambitious, and the real female soldier was occasionally obscured, not chased, and that’s all. If they were summoned up and gathered to hunt them, those Warsaw soldiers would be more relentless to drag them around the hills, but they would be victorious. On several occasions, even because of false warnings, the Jan National Army was nervous.

    There was also a great deal of sophistication among women, but with the end of the South-West War, the rest of the power to wait for the death of the war had fallen to the lowest ever. From the afternoon of 19 April, five days of intense fighting, first and foremost of which were thrown out, were, of course, sharp. By 24 April, the task of giving women a real high level of exclusion had even become defensive, cognizant information, and, in the case of externally frightened friction, they had ceased to be encouraged to pursue and kill their enemies, as the situation had been too much for several consecutive days.

    More than half of the nearly 30,000 people of Zangham had already eaten the defects, some of them voluntarily returned, or were on the right path to be carried out by the Johnson Army and reintegrated into the army. In this regard, Korea’s initial and the others have a well-fledged internal capacity not only to quickly adjust the leadership of returning soldiers, but also to the screening of a Warsaw army that is ready to dissolve into the women’s real team in chaos – they underestimate Korea’s ability to control the army first and only to think that under this kind of disorder, the real woman sees the same disarmers and will not be able to identify who they are. It’s so naive.

    In some sense, in the vicinity of Hanoi, with the exception of a few highly concentrated areas of the army, this has become a huge set of anti-war sand plates, with large and small friction occurring every day and every moment. Even if the female gendarmerie loses the will to fight, in order to find a way to escape, there may be a number of unintentional interceptions between them, and the Warsaw squad sometimes encounters enemies.

    When the end of the fighting inside the battlefield, John and the others were informed of the fighting messages that had been sent in several directions, the Internet of the south-east had been breakthrough by almost half and fighting had taken place in the east and the north.

    The war that was originally scheduled to be near the south gate of the city of Han, there were, of course, two possible attacks at that time, either a group of Warsaw troops who had carried out a massive attack on their side in order to make themselves unable to reach Han, or the power of the Warsaw Army, and moved to the side. And Johnny denied the possibility at the first time with intuition.

    And with his pride temperament, there were things that had been hidden deep in their hearts. The five days of fighting in Han, when, as a result, he had not reached the point when a large number of troops had collapsed during the fighting, the real women’s army would not fall into the bottom of the valley at one time, and the Seventh Warsaw Army was far more fatigue than it was, until the other side would endure an arrow at the end of the flight, and the two sides would wage another big war, and they would not lose their own way.

    This is the most extraordinary battle that he has experienced in his life, and this Warsaw army is too strong and almost deadly, and if the two sides are exhausted, their own side is already experiencing a failure in the south-west and can only taste the consequences similar to that of escort. He can only, in this way, maximize his temporary strength, which is strategically correct.

    The Warsaw Army still maintains its forces of war, and as Hion arrives in the south of Han City, as it has always been – from the beginning of the war to the present, the Seventh Warsaw Army, under the humble leadership of Qin Qin Shenzhen, has not changed – but with the upsurge in the intensity of the fighting, the real old woman, who will finally react under the lights.

    The arrival of the Warsaw Army is not a simple military attack, which, with a small number of troops, curtails its own progress and prevents its own Western forces from arriving at the Han ‘i battlefield. It was in successive days of fighting that, in contrast to a small but complete Hion force, had fallen to a low point, becoming a weakness on the battlefield and becoming a “opportunity” in the eyes of the Warsaw Army.

    In the countless wars that have taken place over the past decades, no one will lose sight of the colour of John, no one can ignore the colour of John, and his region is the strongest of terrifying on the whole battlefield. And so, until after his break this morning, he never considered the possibility – perhaps in his mind, but not yet in shape – of being masked by his pride.

    He felt humiliation and shame, and then immense anger. He seems to be able to see the scene of wartime in the Warsaw Staff Department: “Come here, there’s a soft tomato called sticky. Let’s go and fabricate him.” Like the humiliation and anger that Hide felt when he flew outside Zhenjiang City despite everything he wanted to break through Hion.

    Of course, at this moment, his face was calm and no one knew that he had experienced a tsunami in his heart.

    “Prepare to fight.”

    Shortly after that, the Warsaw troops confirmed his thoughts.


    It is only from the forefront that one can feel a critical and heartbreaking atmosphere in the course of a particular war, but at the time of the fighting it was all non-existent.


    Seventh Warsaw Army has been experiencing five days of complex and high-speed fighting, and despite the heinous posture of Hion the south of Han City, how much more has it to do with them in the battlefield, which is more than another killing in many intense fighting.

    Since the previous few days, they have been fighting continuously and continuously, until yesterday night, Chen Ohio, the lunatic, was continuously launching an attack on Hion camp, and by this morning, the rest forces began to move towards north-west direction and attack. Only Hion, that stupid fork, will be used as a key venue for the settlement.

    As in chess, both sides will always be congressmen, once they will not die, and for the next time, in the course of these days, the two parties to the war will be the same.

    In two moments, bloody breaths are coming in along the rare woods, and even a woman who grows cows comfortably and sees the upheaval runs out of the woods, and he reaches a strong bow on his back, and moved towards a far-reaching rear. Strong bows were recently robbed and couldn’t be shot. The soldiers in the company stopped on the edge of the woods, and they could not even see the portrait of the real army.

    Oxfam has estimated some time: “Little grandchildren, riding horses tell the mission at the fastest speed, and we have breakthrough outside, ready to fight.”

    The whole area of fragmentation is not far away, and the newsletter’s little grandchildren quickly ride their horses. The cow was comfortable looking around.

    “Battle mission, I repeat, give me a little inspiration, a row!”

    “Come on!” The captain’s standing out.

    “You’re responsible for the attack! Just have a chance. Get up there! The grenade was thrown into the enemy’s position and blew him up! But you don’t have a lot of grenades. Take care of the scores. Give me three breakthroughs!”


    “Prepare for the second row, and if the enemy riders come up, I’ll give it to you, and if you really fight, a grenade will change a horse, and if they really don’t die, the horses will be dangerous, and don’t hide it!”


    “The troika is in charge of the general offensive, and once a row opens the gap, you put it on me. Kill those bastards! Do you understand?


    “Just watch out, if the enemy fire is strong, we’ll hide, and we’ll find a place to protect ourselves! Once the enemy fire moves away, we’re going to make a little bigger and let them pay more attention to us! All they have to do is keep an eye on us, and the rest of brother can get them into trouble!”

    The cow’s body is also like a cow, and on the one hand, he dumped his hands and feet in front of people, and his voice is still ringing, and there’s a cigarette flower with a tremendous voice, flying into the sky. Thereafter, in the sky above the south-east, there was also an increase in fires.

    “The whole team is in place! Gentlemen, today is a big day, and all of us have come up with the spirit, and our men are surrounded by the colour of John, and we’re going to invite him to dinner today! I still said that. Watch it carefully! Fight to calm down! Kill people — celebrate…”

    Together, smoke fires have been flown in the open summer sky, representing at least a battalion-built unit that incorporates enemies into combat visions. On the battlefield, women’s real military positions have fallen low in shocks, moves, mutations, great animals, while the Warsaw army has more than 7,000 men already surrounded this total by nearly 30,000 genuinely troops during the first time, while the rest are still in the process of landing.

    The time has not come and the battle starts.

    The ants cut to giant beast!

    (This chapter is over)

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