Zhui Xu

Chapter 997

1024. Chapter 997 Wars of war (VII)

    Chapter 997 Wars of war (VII)

    Under starlight, in the wilderness outside the city of Han, soldiers slept in row and clothing, and the blade was placed next to them, and the black flag was flowing.

    This is a land that has become a battlefield, but in addition to occasionally passing patrol soldiers, camps in the latter half of the night have shown a quiet atmosphere, even when people wake up from sleep, they have little talk. Someone’s snooping, sleepy without lungs.

    The soldiers of the Warsaw Army have been extremely exhausted since the death of the day, but most of them are still awake from time to time in their sleep under pressure from any time to time to be attacked. Sometimes it’s because the voices of killing or explosion come from far away, and sometimes because it’s too quiet around, it stops suddenly, the soldiers wake up and feel the mood around, and then they start to rest.

    Attacks on women’s real camps were constantly ringing at dawn and occasionally provoked a wave of excitement. Sleeping soldiers wake up and think, “Chen Ohio this mental disorder.” Then go to sleep quietly.

    The fighting launched by the Friends’ Army has ensured that people on their side have a relatively secure rest space. If not Chen Hui’s troops were attacked all night outside Hion camp, then there would be an attack in the night, perhaps this way. It is also for that reason that, while Chen Ohio and the others fight all night, they must seize time and restore their strength to cope with the imminent war.

    Even at the most quiet moment, many things have not stopped. In the city, the complete colour is destroying large quantities of artillery, ammunition and loading boxes, transporting large cars from the city gate south-east to the Hion camp south. On the one hand, Chen Ohio carried out separate attacks on the camp and, on the other hand, found this move, and he filed a request for combat with the rear command.

    Command rejected his relatively risky plan.

    “Chen Ho, this mental disorder…”


    the south-west corner of the Warsaw camp, the funds of rays of light in the camps are still overnight. Qin Xiaoshan is still gathered here with several staff officers, brigades and factional cadres, the oil lights in the tent are dark, the cartridge has a simple tactical intent, most of the flags have been confused and inaccurate, and they are only guessing and not very sure about the position of the forces represented by some of the flags.

    “Less than 1,000 men under Chen Ohio, from last night to now, have repeatedly raised every attack on Hion. Is he trying to bring a thousand people in and change Hion into a fatigue?”

    “Chen Ohio is very forward-looking, and he has already seen it, and it’s not good to fight after dawn.”

    “A head of delegation, too, should be held responsible for his troops, and it would not be good to sacrifice himself.”

    The captain Qin Qin Shenzhen, the Brigade Chancellor’s Hall, the tiger, the staff member Lindong Mountain are gathered here, and the night is too deep to talk about these things, and people’s tongues are not high. Following a response to Chen Ohio’s request, the major players started making final strategic decisions around the map.

    “… In any event, in the morning, Hion forces will try to launch a general attack against us. In the middle of Han City, they will expel the people, Hion wants to do his job, and Johnny is coming from the west, moving towards Han. Well, there can be no war, big direction, they want to fight, we can do it. But in tactics, we have to focus on our own.”


    At 2: 00 hours, even the stars of the sky were invisible, the sound of the explosion in the night of the east, the Liu ‘man held the knife on his side, steeply opened his eyes, and then looked at the side. The chief is here, and he’s waking soldiers in one place.

    “Keep quiet, change black clothed, prepare the team and open it…”

    They turned their uniforms over and showed the black side, then headed west under the direction of the captain, directing them to be determined by the ears of the soldiers on the side of the road.

    “The first division of the Seventh Warsaw Army, the two brigades, immediately following the order, entered north-west and arrived at Xiaoxi, ready for attack and obstruction, and Operation Early Stage, must be vigilant. Among them, the tasks of the battalions are as follows:”

    A large number of soldiers accepted orders and had some arguments before leaving the camp.

    “heading northwest, we came from there yesterday.”

    “Let’s go. What about Hion?”

    “The three brigades have also been opened. You want to give up here?”

    “No, the artillery and a brigade left…”

    After leaving the camp, the silent order had been issued, and everyone stopped talking.

    Another black silhouette, taking advantage of the night, left the camps outside the south-central and south-west of Han, began to disperse the moved towards the north-west, and more exclusion and legend soldiers were already on their way.


    sky first glimmers of light, each and everyone’s shoulders were brought into the camp, and the doctors began to heal the wounded, and the camp was a busy one.

    Chen Ho’s body came back to the camp with a heavy bloody breath, leading the soldiers, and he let some soldiers start to find a place to rest, and he was in danger of sitting on the ground and sleeping in the next minute his eyes were blown up, and he stood up and watched the situation in the camp.

    “What’s going on?”

    One of the staff officers came and reported to him on the decisions taken by the command this morning. Chen Ho’s face has a variety of ideas that are moving, and finally shake the fist and wave, “Okay!”

    Then he said, “I’m going to rest, so tell the Command that my men will stay here and work together to stop the colour of Hion.”

    Staff officers took a courtesy, turned around, Chen Hui went east and he harassed the camp of a female soldier all night, and had begun to show signs of sobering.


    Twenty-two miles west of Han Han, near the small county township, known as the group of mountains, the soldiers had come up for breakfast and the first team had left the Battalion.

    This night, the colour John slept for two hours, conserve strength and store up to energy.

    He has fully confirmed the situation in the vicinity of Han, including the occupation of the South by the Warsaw Army and the confrontation with Hion troops. The decisive battle is at this moment.

    Over the past few days, almost 100,000 troops have been demolished within 100 miles of circle, but he still brings together nearly 30,000 people who have been formed. And a large number of disarmers are gathering in the middle of Han.

    Similar to the other side, more than 10,000 members of the Seventh Warsaw Army have been fragmented and are moving towards the middle of Han. Since the two armies chose the same path, more than 10 large and small fighting and friction erupted last night.

    Hion’s first time of arrival has already been seen, and Johnny has endorsed it. At dawn, there was a great deal of exclusion, and their task was to launch all the disarmed forces that could be contacted, to be gathered in the south-east, to be the warrior!

    And break the Ning Yi of Sword Pavilion, at least three days from here.

    Similar operations are being carried out by the Warsaw Army, which, in a slightly different way from the behaviour of the Zangham standby forces, has not been able to bring all troops together in Han.

    This morning, including the troops who were waiting for contact, also included troops who had arrived south of Han City and clandestinely departed in a total of 10,000 troops, and were conveying over the road west of moving towards Han.

    After the colour of John, he’s coming.


    “… In the past few days, in order to avoid failures in large-scale warfare, to play the means, to fight the wheel, to add fuel tactics, nearly 100,000 people have come to grim each round. Seems to cover the mountains and the plains, but the battle force has been less than one round, and now we’re tired, and they’re really losing their heart.”

    “… In response to the fact that, unlike Hion, more than 10,000 of his people have not been engaged in fighting, the heart of the army has not been lost, we have been tired, we have been struggling with him, and we have been able to confront this situation with a short attack. In response to Hion, we take the guard, we delay as much as we can, and we’re separated from Han, on the other hand, we launch an overall attack!”

    “… In the past few days, the imperfect John has managed to liberate the 100,000 people under his hands and does not seem to have a real defeat. And by His pride, when the Han Jin Jihad fought, his Lord will surely come to this side as fast as possible. Then we will mobilize all the troops that can still be mobilized in the region, west of the warrior! Before their valley Lord Hion reacted, he was forced to eat the colour of John.”

    “The hardest part of such a decision will be to stay here in Han, and to stop the forces of the colour of Hion…”


    April 24.

    The grass leaves on the river are shining, and the sky begins to emerge from its stomach, and then the wind is cloudy, and the sun is rising from the mountains of the east. Both sides of the military camp, cookers are ready for breakfast, and meat smells in the morning wind.

    Soldiers under Chen Ohio are still sleeping.

    After the colour, Hion saw a door of artillery loaded and then pushed towards the front of the battlefield. His real soldiers were harassed all night by the attack by Chen Ohio, and a lot of them were bleeding in their eyes, raising their killing plan, hating not to rush into the past immediately and killing all the black flags on opposite positions. It is also a good thing for the heart to be available.

    A one-sided flag is being spread in the wind, and the army has taken a stand and began to move forward gradually. On the opposite positions, the Warsaw soldiers stood behind their bases and watched it in silence. Hion was riding on the horses of war, listening to the morning wind blowing from the ears, and Han River came from a distance of sight and ran away. Suddenly there was a shock in his heart that wanted to talk to each other.

    In the South-West Lion Ridge, following the defeat of the Far Bridge, Johnny and Ning Yi had had an affair, and the contents of that letter had told him that he had thought a lot about the development of the personality, when he could say something different if he were present.

    Now, it’s also a crucial battle, and there’s something he wants to say to each other that some doubts want to talk to each other. Unfortunately, it’s not the Ninja massacre.

    He experienced countless wars throughout his life, and it was the first time that he had the idea of “talking”, but just thinking about it. Cruelty battlefield, after all, is not an accent in the book’s mouth. He kept that idea in his head.

    The pre-war rhythm, perhaps because of the accumulation of pressure, always makes people feel unusual silence and silence. Shortly after that, Hion ordered that the cannon, hong long long long, move forward, and then the artillery drowned each other’s positions…

    Chen Ohio woke up from his sleep, watched with his eyes, then hugged his hand in his chest and slept.


    And screamed, tore the earth,


    In the vicinity of the hill, the army under the colour of Zero entered several li in the morning, and the army’s predominance found a trace of the Warsaw Army.

    Maybe it’s gone, and it’s going to the middle of Han.

    – That’s what he thought at that time.

    If the army, led by the colour John, is still like an giant beast at this time, the Warsaw army is more like Chad looks like an orderly colony of ants. They are divided into groups, small and different directions, and moved towards the end of the coloured John’s journey to Han.

    At the second hour, the coloured John found a trace of the stay of the Warsaw Army in three directions around him.

    After a few messages had been determined, the woman who had fought for a lifetime would not be surprised, and he was just silent for a moment, and then thought about everything.

    “Prepare to fight.”

    He said.


    Thousands of Warsaw troops are crossing the wilderness, across the mountains and entering combat positions.


    The real woman travels through the wind clouds for 40 years.


    front of them, the attack came.

    (This chapter is over)

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