Zhui Xu

Chapter 999

1026. Chapter 999 Wars of war (IX)

    Chapter 999 Wars of war (IX)

    The sunshine of the morning has not been strong yet. One of the smoke fires that was sent over the sky and the wind blows his white hair out of a huge siege around the former army, and the coloured John riding on the horses of war. He’s pulling the sword in his hand.

    Thirty thousand troops have gone ahead, and, in quantitative terms, the Seventh Warsaw Army, who joined this battle, will not exceed that size, let alone the “Ten” that is said in the military code.

    But as these fires escalate, the offensive forces have been breeding, fragmented to the nearby Warsaw masters without any fraud or attack. They are serious – and more surprisingly, they can understand that the opposite side is serious, even if the colour of John himself or his general, the soldier, or even less.

    At the same time as the fires escalated north, the attack began.

    In the first place, there was an eastern forest, where silhouette came out, where silhouette was not much, nor did it make up any form. There is also smoke fire between the mountains on the north, and the team seems to have been forced to move forward, and they screamed and moved close to the front of the women.

    Twenty and thirty people rushed towards the army of 30,000 people, an act that seemed odd, but also tightened the string in the minds of everyone. On the front side of the true woman, the archers have taken a bow, and the former will lead a hundred years of war without hasty arrows. At this point, the great battlefield is even silent because of the dozens of people screaming out of the woods.

    Lower slogans have been ringing since the “silence” battlefield, which is marked by the strength of the blowers’ unit, but then plundered over the long run, circled around, headed towards the high air, and the second black flag was highlighted from the southeast hill.

    Then the north hills of several li were isolated, followed by silhouette from the south. And then five, six, seven…

    The ongoing offensive, which comes from all directions, appears to be somewhat ridiculous in relation to the presence of each of the 30,000 enemies, most of whom are one of the dozens, but at this moment they appear in different positions outside the PPPPPPPPPL, and they display a crumbling atmosphere. After the color John looked at all this, long sword seemed to have a sound of iron blood in the wind, and he threw a sigh in his throat: “It’s like the city’s rivalry…”

    Yeah, if it was decades ago – and even ten years ago – he’d laugh. The battlefield was the battlefield of dignified, where tens of thousands of people, even 100,000, fought in a position of escort, the flag of the Lords, the day when they were covered, the two sides were standing up and determined to die, and then hit with a huge array. Such a small unit soldier, who put it on the battlefield, would not even have the courage to leave the leadership or the guard’s vision, and they would never have even found it again.

    But at this moment, a team of dozens and hundreds of people is coming from all directions of vision, covering the mountains and the plains. He was trying to laugh and cheer up, but there seemed to be ants climbing, and that made him laugh, because he knew that he wasn’t kidding.

    This covers the mountains and the plains, every soldier, is serious!

    On the east, on the front line of the true female front, the leader of the army has ordered the launch of the rocket. The arrow rains up into the sky.

    One of the first battalions to attack from the woods over here is a platoon under the Second Brigade of the Second Brigade of the Seventh Army of Warsaw, with a cow of comfort, and a captain of Zhao Wang Wang, a three-year-old soldier with a scar, who, after an uprising battle, has a total of twenty and three people under his cover. It is also a great honour to become the first army, nine deaths and still alive, to be a real woman.

    Such an impulse is based on great courage, but also on confidence in countless friends of war. They were the first to go to the genuinely armed forces, and as they came out of the woods, looked at them, the smoking fires were still coming, the second black flag was immediately attacked in the mountains near the south-east, and then the second black flag went from low to high tide, and then a team from the north, the south and the north-east came out, as they did, and such images and calls were enough to make people warm and watch death.

    The opposite side is a remarkable real force, but if such enemies are to be confronted, they are already in their breasts, and they know that companions around them will certainly be the most supportive of them.

    They twenty, the three of them, who were headed by thousands of women, would be very experienced, and he would let the archers go and wait for the Warsaw soldiers to come to the maximum level of killing and injury, but in the face of the 30-member dispersion model, the opposite archers would be embarrassing in any way.

    “Watch out!”

    twenty’s three people run fast, and they all keep at a similar pace, and when they enter the first location with large and small rocks, Zhao Wang Jin raised his shield, and the soldiers around him slight, and the shouting around him has become disturbed by the sharps of dozens of teams, and they enter the best range of archers.

    black’s arrows fly like locusts.


    Zhao Wangwang poked towards a rock, raised shields, and the soldiers under his hands chose the place to hide, followed by a path of arrows falling, and sou sou sou peng peng peng peng peng peng. The shouting was also spreading around, and Zhao Wangwang saw soldiers of the Warsaw soldiers on the ridge north-east stabbed, and in the latter, even two other rankings led by cow comfort were killed, slowly awaiting a change. He knows that, at this moment, there must be countless companions around the huge battlefield that are heading towards the real army of women.

    The time to launch the attack without contact has always been surprising throughout the war. It’s quiet and arrogant, rolling, like hot water in a pot is waiting for boiling, and the waves before it are going to shoot and blow.

    The rocket rain is over, and Zhao Wang will not be able to ask if anyone is hurt, he will rise up and look forward from behind the stone, and at this moment they are less than 5,100 feet from the women’s real team, and one of the women’s real positions has begun to change.

    Zhao Zhao Wang vomited, and at this moment he has known that the commander of the opposite side is an experienced woman. When explosives such as grenades are used by the Warsaw Army, the battle will not have to fight until they rely on camps, city walls, and work to defend, even if thousands of people are thrown into the nearest round, they will be taken away from the atmosphere, and when the second row comes to the forefront, the follow-on battle will not have to stop.


    is a relatively appropriate option to ignite a fire-fighting buffer with a strength of around 100 people.

    Zhao Wangwang came up with a hand: “Listen to my orders – go…”

    The fighters, with shields, a slight body, began to rush out of the cover they sought, and their pace began to accelerate, and then the hundreds of men in front of the Golden Army came out, and the two sides pulled close to 35 husbands, so they stopped coming out of Zhao Wang, and a group of soldiers stopped: “Prepare grenades -“



    The soldier’s eyes were blown out of the light: “Buzz -“

    Twenty more people, all of them, come out and come into the tide of the entire battlefield.

    The small fighting of soldiers, the law of warfare that opened the situation with grenades, fires, etc., began to emerge in several years, and the anti-Warsaw approach began to increase as women were reluctant to adapt to such forms of warfare in this South-South conquest. The rhythm of this “stopping” is a counter-production approach that has been developed in recent days in parallel operations in the face of a very small group of women coming up opposite sides. The suspension of three seconds before the end of the fighting was a good step for the parties, but it was just as bad for the real women who were stuck on it.

    The female gendarmerie, which would have remained as prototyped as usual, was followed by a sharp upsurge in the ranks of soldiers, which began to change rapidly – the fighting of demobilized soldiers had to be transformed, but self-choice was certainly different from forced disintegration. But there is no more to change.

    The distance between the two sides was close to the tsunami, 15 husbands, Zhao Wang and the others threw grenades out of the crowd in the front, several grenades crossed the sky, landed and the fire on the opposite side continued. Compared to the warlord’s wooden grenade, the opposite round fires threw relatively short and less precisely.

    The crowd across the side blows up, somebody flies out, and somebody rolls down the ground. The Warsaw fighters on this side are facing explosions and are also pointing down and selecting defensive gestures. In fact, the fires on the opposite side fell very wide, and the Warsaw Army stopped in three seconds before the assault, disrupting the time for women’s real soldiers to flare fire.

    The black smoke is surrounded by the battlefield, the bloody air is rolling out, and in the black smoke, the woman is really going to be yelling at the bottom of Chechnya, and the wounded are rolling and crying. Zhao Wang has climbed up at the next moment of the blast, moved towards the end of the explosion, and the silhouette of the comrades have been working hard, with steel knives and shaking dust on their bodies.

    “… trapped!”

    Soldiers killed smoke dust, pointing out from the other side.

    Start bumping.


    Throughout the battlefield, arrows were lifted up in a position, and the gunfire sound was ringing. A Warsaw army opted for defense or backward in rocket rains, artillery fire, but more troops were brushing, and the perimeter of the entire battlefield was like a gradually burning pot of oil, and the boiling and explosion began to become intense.

    At the time, the siege, which spread several li in three directions, was fully operational, and the Warsaw military offensive unit was almost dismantled to rank, and each battalion unit had its own adaptation when the main direction was determined. There are also, of course, some of the Warsaw officers who can only distinguish between the time of retreat, but such changes are not suitable for the command system of the real woman.

    The bombardment of artillery positions is like artillery mosquitoes for the outlying dispersed factions, and women are afraid to take negative defense, and as the Warsaw forces are launched, women are confronting hundreds of people outside the world, some of the troops that have failed in previous warfare almost immediately collapse and a few have blocked the first round of the Warsaw Army attacks.

    The chaos began to spread, and in two moments the Warsaw military offensive was like a path of the needle, and began stabbing the outskirts of the Johnny Army and moving towards an internal extension. At this time, high celebrities have also brought together a large number of cavalry soldiers and launched a counter-action screen.

    The sun is already high in the sky, at 10 a.m. on 24 April, and the sixth day on which the entire Chinese will fight, and the last day. Since the nineteenth day of the war, the Seventh Army of Warsaw has not avoided any fighting, the strongest A blade that the Warsaw Army has tortured for years, and at this moment when the entire South-West Congress war is close to the end, they are about to accomplish their tasks.

    But the experience of fighting over decades has left him with a few days of delay, but it is not a reason for everyone to understand that the war will inevitably happen at some point, and then until 24 days, as the true woman finally turned her back, the Warsaw Army was just a gesture that put all power into a positive battlefield.

    In the aftermath of the battlefield, the real women fought hard…

    (This chapter is over)

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