When Wei discovered that Zhongli was also here, all the guards he had when he first arrived disappeared.

But in its place came confusion.

He looked at Zhong Li, who was dressed in a strange costume and behaved in a way that people couldn't understand, and said in surprise: "

You haven't appeared in Liyue for a long time, all the immortals are inquiring about you, and I have been searching for a long time without success... It turns out, it turns out that you are here. Zhongli

was also surprised for a moment when he saw the fish appear, but there was not much on his face.

After he put the small cart aside, with a hint of a smile in his eyes, he slowly said: "This matter is a long story, let's talk first, don't stand in the courtyard and speak."

"All right, Emperor... Lord Zhongli. Rays nodded slightly.

The two entered the living room one after the other, and Lu Chen saw the shadow and cast him an inquiring look.

"Is that the protector Yasha of Liyue just now?"

Lu Chen nodded, "You can actually directly see his identity as a Liyue Immortal. "

Kage basically stays in Inazuma, it's not like Wendy wanders around, and Ryo didn't appear at the Nanami banquet back then, he is a person who doesn't like to be lively, so the two have never met.

"I can recognize the Liyue Immortal, but he..." Speaking

of this, Yingxiu's eyebrows frowned slightly, "His body is contaminated with a lot of filthy and evil aura, so he didn't dare to confirm it for a while, and he didn't relax his guard until he reported your name." "

Filthy and evil breath... That's because he fought with those evil spirits for thousands of years. Lu Chen sighed.

As the protector of Liyue, Yasha, follows the contract with the emperor, guards Liyue, and cleans up the demonic monsters and diseases bred by the residue of the demon god.

But the demon gods are immortal bodies, and after their death, although their consciousness will dissipate, their strength and resentment will remain, and the fish will continue to kill the filth that breeds from their remains, and those hatreds will turn into pieces, polluting the spirit and body of the fish.

This kind of pollution is also called

"karma", in other words - the fish is almost salted by the "karma", and it is normal to be recognized as a big evil....

"So that's the case..." listening to Lu Chen's explanation, Ying sighed with empathy, "It's really rare to be able to stay awake after thousands of years of killing with those things, this is a strong-willed person."

"yes." Lu Chen looked at the fish who was talking to Zhongli in the living room, he had been suffering from karma for so many years, and it would be a great thing if this mission could be successful.

However, looking at the reward in the task panel, there are 8,000 rough stones, which basically shows the super difficulty of this task, and Lu Chen is not so confident in this.

Coming to the living room with a worried mood, a wisp of the aroma of clear tea wafted over, and Uncle Zhong was making tea for Wei himself.

This also made Wei slightly uncomfortable, and he turned to look at Lu Chen who walked in, "I didn't expect Lord Zhongli to change so much after coming here." "

Huh?" Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, how could he remember that Zhong Li used to make tea for himself before?

Zhong Li pushed the seven-point full tea to Wei, and said slowly: "The guest is as you like, here you and I are both guests, not only living in Lu Chen's house, but also retiring from the divine position in Liyue, you don't have to be so restrained, just do everything as you like."

"Yes, Lord Zhongli." Wei Yiyi replied seriously.

Lu Chen pouted, even if Zhong Li said so, it was estimated that Wei would not joke with him as casually as himself, he respected his emperor very much.

Of course, too much respect will also cause him to be too sensitive to Zhong Li's words and deeds.

Wei put down the teacup and looked at the bottles and jars on the cart with a slight hesitation, broken copper and tiles.

"Lord Zhongli, these things you brought back with great effort..."

"Could it be the ancient secret treasures found in the secret realm of the ruins?"

"Or is it a mysterious material that gives weapons the power to break through?"

"Still..." "

Nothing, okay!!" Lu Chen walked directly over and casually picked up a piece of porcelain full of mud.

"Is it ancient porcelain temporarily salvaged from the sea again?" I remember I

said..." Looking at Uncle Zhong who was leisurely drinking tea, Lu Chen said helplessly: "Although this kind of object is old, but no one buys it, on the contrary, you have collected so much, it must have cost a lot of money..." Zhong

Li shook his head slightly, and explained unhurriedly: "I recently helped people identify antique calligraphy and paintings in this world, although the principles are basically the same as Liyue, but there are still differences, so I have been exercising my eyesight recently, These ceramic fragments all have unique features of their age, such as this one in your hand, the glaze is dark, the luster is dull, and the ornamentation..." Hearing

Zhong Li's tirade about antique identification knowledge, Lu Chen's brain buzzed.

I wanted to ask him, "Why is the money spent so quickly?" ", the result was all interrupted, and finally the mind was full of porcelain knowledge of various dynasties....

He looked around, and everyone dispersed, and only Wei sat next to him and listened intently.

After Zhong Li finished speaking, Lu Chen suddenly remembered something, "Huh? I remember you made a lot of money playing with stones to help your family, right? Why haven't you been gambling on stones lately? "

Although Zhongli spent a lot of flowers before, he also earned a lot, and it was strange that I hadn't seen a half-human-tall jadeite rough stone for a while recently.

"Oh, jade business." Zhongli seemed to think for a moment, and then said slowly.

"That jade boss is bankrupt."

"Eh..." Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, "Bankrupt? He

remembered that Zhong Li liked to buy stones in a shop, shouldn't the jade boss make a lot of money?

Zhong Li replied, "The jade boss saw that I always opened jadeite in his shop, and thought that the supply was very good, so he stopped cooperating with me, and it is said that later he sold his property and spent a large price to buy a jade mine."

Lu Chen understood, but he didn't expect that the boss was so short-sighted, and he actually wanted to monopolize interests, but he didn't know that the reason why he could open jadeite from his shop was Zhongli, and this time it must be bloodless.

When the three of them were drinking tea and reminiscing, it happened that Hu Tao and Qiqi came back holding hands.

"Huh?" Lu Chen looked at the two children, "Do you have such a good relationship now?"

"What do you mean a good relationship now?" Hu Tao hugged Qiqi and rubbed around, "Our relationship has always been very good!" Qiqi

awkwardly squeezed out of her arms, with a hint of disgust on her expressionless little face.

"It's so hot... I don't like it..." Even

so, Hall Master Hu didn't let go until Qiqi's ice element froze Hall Master Hu away.

Zhongli saw the interesting interaction between the two of them, and his golden eyes were smiling.

"I'm glad to see Qiqi change his attitude towards you."

Lu Chen also laughed when he heard this, after this period of time getting along day and night, Qiqi had long ago not been shocked when he saw Hu Tao, and walked around like a plague.

Hu Tao and Qiqi looked at Zhong Li together, and naturally saw the fish beside Zhong Li.

"Huh?" Hall Master Hu saw him appear, and showed a very surprised expression.

And Qiqi didn't have a little emotion on his face, still that cold zombie little face.

Lu Chen became a little curious, it seemed that Hu Tao knew the fish, and Qiqi had lived for so many years, but he didn't have a little familiar feeling about the fish.

"Don't you know me? The medicine girl in the white art shop. Wei looked at the small Qiqi, and I didn't know what I thought, and I rarely showed a smile of a pixel.

Qiqi raised his head, his eyes stared at this handsome, very powerful teenager without blinking, and did not react for a long time.

Finally, she tilted her head and said very seriously:

"I don't know you."

"But... The breath on your body is familiar

..." "That's the breath of death..."

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