After the gangster leader was knocked to the ground by the Yuzhang shield, the little brothers he brought finally reacted.

Lu Chen saw that these guys all took out their respective weapons and surrounded them with serious faces.

And he himself just calmly sat at the bar and drank juice, taking a sip after sip, without the slightest reaction.

Seeing that the young man's expression was so calm, one of the punks felt more and more wrong.

But thinking that this was just a teenager, he gritted his teeth and released cruel words.

"Let's go together! Smashed their shop! "

Call me!"

The five punks attacked together, and Lu Chen put down the juice unhurriedly, and then stretched out his finger and waved it gently like a conductor.

The flames in the fireplace shook violently, and suddenly there was no wind in the closed bar environment.

A wind element at a very tricky angle rushed past their ankles, as if someone was tripping them, and the five punks fell to the ground on their backs as if the soles of their feet were slipping.

"Oops... What's going on? "

It hurts..." "

What the hell?"

Seeing the scene of people turning on their backs, Lu Chen turned his head, picked up the juice again, and took a sip gently.

Diluc was also expressionless, but the little bartender who followed him was already stunned.

He knew that these bosses were not ordinary people, so he was very calm when facing these punks, but just now these gangsters did not even make a move and "fell flat" one after another, which was a magical development that he could not have imagined at all....

Wendy, who was sitting on the other side watching the excitement, applauded loudly.

He looked at Lu Chen who was drinking juice, although he knew the result earlier, he did not expect that his control of elemental power became more and more sophisticated.

The control of elemental power is actually not bigger and more powerful, the more spectacular and powerful, the most exquisite embodiment is actually in extremely small aspects, such as Lu Chen's magical ability to make people think that he has hit a ghost just now, which is the case.

"Are you really going to return to your former heyday..."


After Lu Chen Xiaolu's hand, the follow-up cleanup work was handed over to Diluc.

Lu Chen was surprised to see that this guy walked around the bar and stepped forward, knocking those guys who were overturned on their backs one by one, and then...

All dragged to the underground cellar of the bar, all flowers.

"I lean, did you change this place into a dungeon?" Lu Chen was shocked when he saw the underground wine cellar.

Except for the six gangsters who had just been knocked unconscious and tied up, and the two guys who had previously disguised themselves as drinkers to make trouble, they were all locked up in a separate small room, and this dark environment was like an interrogation room in a dungeon.

"Let's tie one by one..." Wendy fumbled her chin in thought.

"Two last time, six this time, how many next time?"

"No matter how many next time, as long as they dare to come, they don't want to go back." Diluc said expressionlessly.

"What are you doing? Human trafficking..." Lu Chen suddenly felt cold, this righteous talent of Mond is a real ruthless character!

"Catch the big fish." Wendy helped Diluc explain.

Diluc looked at Lu Chen's puzzled eyes and explained: "Due to the particularity of the 'underground world', these people dare not call the police, so they can only send people over wave after wave, I am not familiar with life, there is no intelligence network of this world, so I can't track down their leader, I can only use this method." When

Lu Chen heard him say this, he nodded wordlessly.

Whether it is for the consideration of deterring the forces behind it, or the initial idea of finding out the mastermind, this is indeed the most labor-saving way... Worthy of Diluc.

"And after that, how did you think about it?" Lu Chen was curious, as Mond's "righteous man", he wouldn't want to punish evil and promote good and uproot the gang in the real world, right? You don't need superheroes here.

"Remember our mission?" Diluc said.

"Remember!" Lu Chen nodded, "Rebuild the Sunrise Winery and mix the acclaimed wines from another world." "

The first half is done, only the second half is missing.

"Our bar is remote, naturally inadequate, and there is no so-called 'backstage' cover, so business can easily be spoiled, while the other bar is the complete opposite, we might as well use their channels to sell our mond drinks."

"Good fellow..." Lu Chen didn't expect him to have such a big appetite, and he actually wanted to swallow the opposite competitor directly.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Lu Chen took one last look at the few punks whose eyes had become very frightened, feeling that such a large place might not be enough for him to close.

"Anyway, don't turn our cellar into a prison in the end..." Back

upstairs, the bartender was busy entertaining new guests, and the bar was noticeably more popular in the evening.

Just as he was about to drink the glass of juice just now, a phone call suddenly came.

It was Ying's phone, and Lu Chen was a little puzzled, because she usually didn't like to call.

After connecting, Shadow said directly over there:

"There is a new guest at home, you are coming back soon!"

"New guest?" Lu Chen was curious in his heart, what kind of new guest was it?

Before he could ask for an exit, the system answered his question.

[Challenge Mission: Millennium Karma]

[After a thousand years of killing and accumulating thousands of years of karma, this body has the danger of degenerating into a terrifying ghost and god.

Please help the fish to get rid of the "karma" they are carrying, and to dissolve the hatred, attachment, and pain brought about by the "karma".

[8,000 rough stones will be awarded after completion, and eight million yuan will be rewarded with real-world currency]

"Yes... Liyue Immortals. Shadow said on the other end of the phone.

"I know, I'll go back right away!"

Lu Chen put down his mobile phone, a little surprised in his heart, the task has not appeared for a while, but he did not expect that it was Wei who came to this world this time.

After informing Diluc and Wendy, Lu Chen hurried back to the beach villa.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw a bluish mist dispersing, and a handsome young man with short cyan hair and golden eyes was standing there.

He has an unusual temperament, his bare right arm is tattooed with an immortal beast pattern, and a fang mask is equipped on his waist, both with the ethereal temperament of an immortal and with an indescribable evil aura, Lu Chen thought about it, that breath seems to be the so-called "karma".

Kage and Miko seemed to have been communicating with him for a while, and the fish did not hold a weapon, but did not seem to have completely let down his guard, and his golden eyes were now looking around sharply.

"Achen, you're finally back."

Ying saw Lu Chen push open the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You should be more familiar with each other, you come and talk to him about this..."

Lu Chen smiled helplessly, a big living person, ah no, a big living immortal, suddenly came to this kind of place for no reason, indeed ordinary people can't understand.

"Lu Chen?" When Wei saw Lu Chen, his sharp golden eyes eased for a moment, and he asked with some doubt:

"Why are you here?"


he looked at the shadow, "why is this Inazuma god here?" "

That's a long story..." Lu Chen was about to explain at length when there was another sound of the door opening behind him.

Then he saw that Wei Yi changed his previous calm and suspicious expression, and instead looked behind him with a trusting gaze.

As soon as Lu Chen turned around, he found that it was Zhong Li who had returned in time for dinner.

But his appearance at this time is somewhat ...

Dressed in a modern loose polo shirt and a bracelet on his wrist, he was pulling a small cart of the kind that was stocked from a wholesale market, with a pile of black bottles and jars tied to it, and I don't know which antique store he had scooped up the rags...

The Rock King Emperor is indeed still handsome, but this look may be the same as what Wei usually sees, a little... Not quite the same....


Emperor..." "Emperor..." "

Lord Zhongli?"

Lu Chen turned around again and saw that Wei showed an indescribable confused look, afraid that he didn't dare to recognize it.

His usual calm golden eyes blinked several times in a row before calming down.

Then he rubbed his chin, his brows furrowed, and he thought thoughtfully.

"Lord Zhongli, do you have any deep meaning in doing this?"

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