Because there were "new guests" at home, no matter how busy they were, everyone rushed back to their homes.

After all, news from the world of Tivat is what matters.

The afterglow of the evening entered the living room through the floor-to-ceiling windows, coating this home with a warm light, and Lu Chen saw Barbara, who was wearing a small skirt and small leather shoes, pushing open the door and walking in beautifully.

She looked around and saw that everyone had arrived, and looked at Lu Chen with some embarrassment.

"I've been recording my debut song these days, and it's a little late to come back..."

Lu Chen waved his hand, because there was someone who came back later than him.

Diluc needed to look at the scene in the store, but somehow Wendy didn't make it back either.

Seeing the new guest, Barbara greeted her politely.


"Hello." The fish bowed slightly.

After speaking, there was silence, and neither of them had any follow-up.

Lu Chen looked at the immortal with a cold temperament, I am afraid that this is the limit of his conversation with strangers....

This Liyue immortal is not a social fear, nor does he disdain to talk to mortals, but because he has been hidden in the dark for many years, his life is full of killing, so he rarely has time to chat idly.

"Eh! What are you doing so raw! Hall Master Hu's hearty laughter broke the silence.

"We're a family here! The family does not speak two words! Come on, get ready to eat, get ready to eat! Hall

Master Hu's bright smile always infects everyone, and when the family sits around the table, the fish has become less raw.

Of course, it may also be the reason why Lu Chen made him his favorite almond tofu.

Although the kitchen area is basically Aying's territory, but when it is the family's turn to eat, Lu Chen still has to start it personally, and he doesn't want to be frightened by the magical dishes served by Aying when he first arrives.

Lu Chen looked around and coughed lightly, "Let me solemnly introduce the new guests."

Saying that, he looked at the fish and said thoughtfully:

"This is the three-eyed and five-manifested immortal who lives in the peerless clouds!"

"King Golden-winged Peng!"

"Liyue's Protector Yasha!"

"The one known as the Great Sage of Demon-"

Walnut immediately puffed out his small palm, and Barbara looked at the fish curiously.

"There are so many names, so powerful..." At

this time, a fresh breeze blew in from the window, and Wendy's voice suddenly appeared at the dining table.

"I have a lot of names?"

"I'm the greatest bard in Mond

-" "Tivat-

", "The best fishing master in Cider Lake—" "

The hottest singer in the music industry!"

"Wendy is also~"

After a series of non-serious titles were announced like the names of dishes, Wendy sat in his seat with a mischievous smile.

Everyone looked at him, and Wendy winked at the new guest, "Hey, long time no see."

After seeing Wendy appear, the ray's eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised a faint inaudible arc.

"The piper of Ogihuazhou, it's you."

"It's me." Wendy smiled and said, "What do you think of the new environment here?" After all, you'll be staying here for a long time after that.

Wei looked at the interior furnishings of the beach villa, and everyone who was familiar or unfamiliar, and shook his head.

"To be honest, I still find it hard to believe."

Just now, Lu Chen had already told him about the "Reality Tivat System", when he heard that only by completing the task could he reopen the gate of Tivat and return to Liyue.

He was inexplicably worried.

In order to fulfill the trust of the emperor, he has been fighting the darkness that threatens thousands of families in Liyue all his life, but when he suddenly relaxes one day, he suddenly feels a little at a loss.

What if the Demon God Remnant is once again a scourge for Liyue?

Rays quickly made up his mind, and he looked at everyone.

"I will try my best to cooperate with you in completing the mission, so that I can return to Liyue and continue to perform my duties."

"If any evil thing appears, please call my name at any time, and I will be-"

Zhongli interrupted him suddenly, his golden eyes fixed on the fish.

"If it comes, it is safe, there is no calamity caused by the residue of the demon god in this world, you can cultivate here to rest during this time, the matter is man-made, and I have my own arrangements for Liyue's affairs."

"Is this so..." Rays paused, slightly stunned.

"All right, Lord Zhongli."

He nodded slightly, since the emperor said this, there must be his considerations, and the emperor always had another deep meaning.

Lu Chen looked at the two of them suspiciously, "Another arrangement?" How did he feel that Zhongli was looking for a reason for his retirement.

By the way, I also took the fish with

me.... "That's fine." Lu Chen said silently: "Since the mission is to help you eliminate the 'karma', then you should not participate in the battle during this time, and cultivate and adjust more." "

Wei has been in contact with the remnants of the Demon God for many years, and he has been eaten by karma, and if he wants to help him completely eradicate karma, the first step is to make him stop killing and not continue to contact those things.

"Hmm..." Since Zhong Li and Lu Chen said so, there was no way for Wei to refuse.

After dinner and arranging for the fish to be in Zhongli's next room, it was late for Diluc to return in the evening.

Behind his bar, Diluc and Wendy were studying the affairs of the tavern, and Lu Chen curiously leaned over and sat next to Wendy.

Pouring Wendy a cup to drink, Lu Chen asked, "Regarding the karma on the fish, is there a way to help him lift it?"

"How is that possible?" Wendy frowned, "You should know, even Zhongli and I may not be able to completely kill the rest of the demon gods, even if they are killed, their strong resentment will still not be extinguished." "

The so-called Demon God Remnants, that is, the resentment from the past, the unfulfilled wishes, the sighs of the losers..." The

emerald eyes looked at Lu Chen, "For example, on your side of Baxi Island, after the Demon God was killed by the thunder movie, to this day, the artifacts caused by the remains of the giant snake are also faintly moving, the entire island is almost full of resentments, and the earth is so corroded that it can't even grow food..."

Lu Chen said with some regret, "But, after all, you once saved the fish, I thought."

Wendy recalled the past, thought of the state of the fish at that time, and shook her head and sighed.

"Do you know what he was like?"

"He must have been fighting all night before, exhausted and shaky, and those contaminated demon god grudges took advantage

of the situation..." "He fell in the flowers with a painful face

..." "I used the flute to help him suppress evil thoughts and restlessness, but it was only suppression, karma still exists, if one day his will can no

longer continue to resist, then..." Lu Chen no longer wanted to continue to think, When Rays can't suppress karma, I'm afraid he will end up like the rest of Yasha...

Either they were eaten to death or fell into madness.

"If you can stay away from that endless fight, away from the debris of the Demon God, there may be plenty of time..." Wendy sighed

, "but you also saw it today, I'm afraid he won't want to."

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