Early the next morning, Lu Chen came to his bar to help Diluc town.

Although Diluc said that he could settle this matter himself, Lu Chen was too bored, his hands were itchy, and he couldn't wait to find someone to fight.

In the past few days, Ah Ying is addicted to the book "Baking Encyclopedia, You Can Learn It Easily", concentrating on studying the broken oven, and has no time to take care of herself during the day.

The key is not to take care of yourself, and you have to try it yourself after each roast...

Every time he saw Aying's expectant and pitiful look, Lu Chen couldn't care if he didn't eat, no way, his heart was too soft, so after thinking about the pain, Lu Chen decided to solve the problem from the root - he

slipped away.

In the morning, he slipped out on the grounds of "helping the town of Diluc", and before slipping, he also gave Miko a well-received light novel, and if nothing else, everyone went out to play, and there should be only a fox left at home reading novels.

In other words, Miko will be the only one of Akage's tasting subjects.

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Chen felt a sense of joy that the conspiracy had succeeded.

Wendy glanced at Lu Chen suspiciously.

"What are you laughing at? Why such a sinister feeling? "

Huh? It's nothing. Lu Chen coughed awkwardly and withdrew the sinister villain-like expression just now.

"It always feels like you're calculating someone else?" Wendy stared at him suspiciously.

"Whatever... What a brilliant boy I am..."

Wendy pouted wordlessly, "Only four words in this whole sentence are true."

Lu Chen laughed dryly twice, and Wendy winked at him and asked urgently, "What about that Yae Miyaji-sama again?"

"How do you know?" Lu Chen was a little surprised.

Wendy was speechless: "In this family, only the two of you calculate each other every day, right?" It's much more convergent now than

before..." "This is also..." Lu Chen thought about it, it was true, because of some things, the two did not seem to be as taboo to tease each other as before.

In the past, it was always rua to rua, but now it seems that he doesn't even make jokes that are excessive, and when he thinks of this, Lu Chen's eyes are a little complicated.

Wendy looked at his appearance at this time, sighed faintly, and withdrew the idea of continuing to joke.

The two pushed open the door of the bar, and the crisp bell rang.

Diluc had already arrived, and at this time he was whispering something with the newly recruited bartender, and not far away the fireplace crackled, the warm yellow fire swayed slightly, and an intoxicated atmosphere lingered throughout the Morning Light Craft Tavern.

"The two bosses are good~" The

little bartender greeted him attentively, and Lu Chen nodded at him.

Wendy walked straight to the wine cabinet, casually pulled out a bottle of wine, the smoothness of the movement seemed to have been rehearsed countless times

, Lu Chen sat in front of the bar, looked around the morning light brew, except for the clerk and the boss, there was no customer.

Diluc, who was wearing a white shirt, came over and poured a glass of Mondite drink for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen glanced at him, Diluc has a long posture, the white shirt has a tall beauty on the body, and his figure is not dry and thin at all, the shoulders are very broad, and you can see the looming abs, it is definitely the kind of superb body that is thin and undressed.

"What's wrong?" Diluc frowned slightly, feeling that Lu Chen's eyes were a little strange.

"Ah, nothing." Lu Chen took a sip of Mondette's drink, feeling that his eyes just now were indeed a little perverted.

Then he glanced at Diluc again, and said casually: "Otherwise, you will also debut, with our Master Lu's posture, it will definitely sweep the world and be popular on the streets..." Diluc

took back the Mondite drink in Lu Chen's hand and exchanged it for a glass of juice.

"You've drunk too much."

"Hey, hey..." Lu Chen smiled.

The three bosses and an employee chatted without a match, and sat in the bar until the afternoon.

There were few customers during the day, and just when Lu Chen was bored and ready to wait until night, the door of the bar was knocked open by a brutal force.

Several people in the bar looked towards the door together.

A few uninvited guests suddenly broke into the bar, and although they had been prepared, the little bartender was still frightened by the momentum of this group.

And Lu Chen frowned and observed these guys, bald, tattooed, scarred, simply textbook like a gangster.

I couldn't help but mumble in my mouth: "What era... Can you not look so stereotyped..."

"What kind of stuff?" The leader of the gangsters looked tall, he first glared at Lu Chen fiercely, and then his eyes bypassed him and looked at Diluc behind the bar.

Diluc was wiping the cup unhurriedly, and the bastard-looking bastard saw that he was so calm, so he came over arrogantly.

"You're the boss here?"

Diluc glanced at him slightly, and then pointed at Lu Chen.

"He is."

"Him?" The gangster leader looked at Lu Chen again, how to see how he felt that the age was wrong, so he felt that the red-haired man was playing on himself.

"You don't give me this set, yesterday our two brothers disappeared from you, what about them?"

"So you admit that those stubble drinkers are your accomplices?" Wendy, who was sitting on the other side, asked.

"Yes and how? Isn't it what? The gangster leader was on his toes, and he didn't look at the few people in this tavern at all.

"Hurry, hand over the person to me! Otherwise, if you open this bar for a day, I will trouble you for a day! "

People?" Lu Chen looked at Diluc suspiciously, this guy actually didn't let go of the gangster who caused trouble yesterday?

Diluc shrugged, Lu Chen couldn't see what he meant, so he looked at the gangster leader again.

The gangster leader saw that these young people were not afraid of him at all, as if they were not doing the right thing, and their anger inexplicably grew.

"I ask you what about people? What about my brother?

Lu Chen looked at him sincerely and shook his head, "I don't know." The

gangster leader suddenly became angry, and immediately stepped forward to pick up Lu Chen's neck.

Unexpectedly, before he reached the halfway point, his head suddenly hit an invisible wall.

Because he walked too quickly, the leader of this gangster immediately broke his head and bleed, grinned in pain, and squatted on the ground.

Therefore, I did not see the golden light that flickered slightly in the air.

The little brothers behind him rushed up one after another and quickly helped him up.

"Big brother?"

"Big brother, what's wrong with you?"

"Big brother, have you drunk too much? How do you fall down while walking? Lu

Chen gently waved his palm, controlling the faint rock element looming in the air, this time the jade shield was not as gorgeous as before, and even the light of the golden stone flow could not be seen, this is because these ordinary people are not as big as him, only a weak elemental force is enough.

Of course, when releasing the skill, he also did not forget to say: "Eclectic-

" Wendy looked at him strangely, "Why do you have to add this sentence?" Does it take some spells to control the rock element?

Lu Chen shook his head.


"It's just a sense of ritual."

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