Face the rush of those who know the law.

Kiana opened a space not far in front of her, and a small meteorite with extremely fast speed turned into a streamer and collided with it in an instant!

"So fast!"

The person who knows the law is first surprised, then dismissive.

"It's useless, just such a small size, what kind of power can it create? Even if it's ten, a hundred, I don't put it in my eyes! "

In her memory, the second lawyer of the past, Celine, set off a huge meteorite and planned to fall from the sky.

Destroyed by his own sword god.

And today's meteorite, hum, just such a little size, Kiana, you are so cute.

Is it reluctant to hurt me, the squad leader, hee-hee.


Just let me punch it!

This meteorite, which is only the size of a basin, has also ushered in a powerful blow from the Law of Knowledge!

A blatant punch!

Her fist style alone was enough to lift the ground, smash the boulder, and directly collide the two.


"What, what?"

Originally, according to the idea of the law of knowledge, what is the use of just lighting meteorites?

I can split it casually without using strength!

But when facing this small meteorite, Zhibao found that he was wrong, and an extremely huge and amazing impact instantly came from above, which was even more terrifying than a large meteorite!

Treasure Reading was stunned!

It also made her startled quickly increase her strength, its momentum shook, the ground below instantly shattered, directly dented, shocking spider web-like traces spread rapidly.

Its fist is also even more amazing!

"Open the sky!"

With her big drink, the meteorite was successfully burst, and the violent collapse energy spread out 24, causing a ripple, and the storm raged and shattered everything around.

Just this wave, it felt like Kiana had pulled a meteorite from outside the planet.

After a series of frictions and falls, it has such a trend!

However, the person who knows the law immediately became proud.

"Little sample, although the power is very good, I can destroy it at once."


Kiana, the Void Lawyer, just smiled slightly, waved her little hand gracefully and nobly again, and around her, a spatial hole appeared here, and meteorites large and small appeared.

"Then eat my trick."

Treasure: ???

That kind of meteorite, obviously you gave the power on it.

As a result, it is impossible to distinguish the power by body size.

But with so much, how much power do you have to consume?

Kiana, are you so serious.

Is it because I am usually too strict with you, making you want to defeat me so much now?


But I'm invincible in the world, don't even think about it.

Really, I'll be nice to you in the future and let you know what a good class leader is.

As a result, in the face of such a meteorite rain, the person who knows the law is also serious, if each one has the power just now, it is amazing, Kiana this guy is usually lively and naughty.

Humble made everyone helpless, angry and corrupted.

As a result, there are actually such space meteorites?

Faced with the battle picture of the astonishing battle and confrontation collision again, and the earth-shattering sound from time to time, Sorukiana floated gracefully and nobly in midair, smiling smugly.

This is indeed a space meteorite.

Conventional meteorite tricks require falling from a high altitude, or pulling free meteorites floating outside the planet with a strong force, or asteroids, to increase their power at such a distance.

Thus creating the scene of the sky falling apart.

But he is the law of emptiness, in charge of space!

So she found a meteorite and let it simulate this scene of falling from outside the star, so as to keep flying, and she also applied air power on it to make it continue to accelerate.

Once the end is reached, the spatial energy that crosses the space and returns to the starting point again.

Make it continue its flight in an infinite loop.

It's a never-ending space, so you don't have to worry about the meteorite stopping or something.

Well, this trick is well stocked.

Isn't that envisioned?

Giving a stone constant acceleration, after reaching a certain level, can it break through a planet and punch a big hole?

And according to the mass-energy equation, constant acceleration leads to an increasing mass of the stone.

Even later, it will tear the space, form a black hole, and produce the phenomenon of distorting space-time, cough, but in that case, Kiana knows exactly what an astronomical amount of energy to be applied.

Anyway, I'll see it later.

It's still developing.

Just a vision for later.

That is to say, as long as she Kiana is willing, a pile of small pebbles can easily destroy a large area, a large area of titans, there will be fire and explosions everywhere, what other broken beasts are needed? What bombardment?


The power consumed is much smaller than the loss of those moves.

However, it is better to need meteorites with high hardness, otherwise they will break.

If it is a small stone with extremely high hardness, then only one is needed for Kiana to control it and roam the battlefield wantonly.

Blast all the mechs.

Play enemies in applause.

At this point, she saw Riveria.

In her world, there was a hardest refined metal called [Mountain Copper], which was far stronger than the superhard metal mined in the dungeon.

It is already the material used as the highest grade metal in her [Earth Fault World], used to create the highest level equipment.

Because it was a miracle created by frantically investing countless materials and gathering the techniques of countless races and masters in that world, even the gods were amazed by it.

Not bad property, big reason is it.

Its hardness is so high that it is too difficult to destroy, and there is a group of fur in the original work, using this kind of thing to create a [artificial dungeon], which is also a strange among strange.

Just because there is a world called Daedalus.

He is a strange man.

He built the Tower of Babel in Eulari and a series of buildings and passages, and when he saw such a thing as a dungeon, he went crazy, can there be such a thing in the world?

No way!

Build your own work beyond the dungeon!

That is, artificial dungeons.

Using the hardest metal [mountain copper] to build the door, and then the super hard metal [strong steel] to build the passage, such a behemoth building, it took thousands of years to reach the middle floor.

True two-ratio behavior.

It also forcibly binds future generations and builds forever and ever.


I'm panicked.

But this artificial maze is really hard, even if the original Loki family rushed in, they were manipulated by others, opened and closed, scattered, and were made into falling soup chickens, all kinds of stomachs and backs.

is directly harvested.

A miserable comparison.

It took a hard time to escape the main force, but many people died there.

This is still to seize one of the keys, open the door of the passage before leaving, you can imagine that this metal hardness, is indeed very powerful.

It also became Kiana's target.

Hmph, anyway, that artificial maze has so many materials, don't do it in vain. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's a pie in the sky.

As a result, as soon as she asked, she was speechless, it turned out that it had long been demolished by Riveria and Su Bai, you guys!

Small hands are really unclean ha!

But who are they related to, Su Bai's big family!

Kiana directly got a lot to create her own small meteorite, this one has great development potential Oh, like what to know to pull the meteorite in the sky, and Celine's han.

Shattering the stones on the ground and levitating the boulders.

What primitive, rough, spicy chicken means without any content.

It's time, okay.

However, for the Law of Knowledge, Kiana did not come out with the meteorite alloy made of the hardest metal.

All are ordinary meteorites.

Anyway, using space acceleration means, it can also release a strong destructive force.

It's not really a life-and-death fight.


Isn't it very fun to know the treasure!

The strong bombardment and the 053 impact caused a huge movement, and the aftermath rushed to his face.

It is clear that they are so far apart.


It's a real treasure.

What a fierce fist monster, the next moment, there was an amazing light from there, a huge energy pattern appeared in the sky, and a red red iris-like pattern emerged.

Then there was a strong collision with the meteorites.

The terrible Big Bang was produced there.

Kiana who watched shook her head, the sword god used it, knowing treasures is willful, have you considered the feelings of the squad leader?

The sword heart of the people is broken.

I can't use this trick.

Oh, you think you're Fu Hua, that's fine.

When I didn't say!

The next moment.

The Law of Knowledge has already appeared in front of Kiana, and her leg raising is a sensational kick, carrying a strong wave of qi brought by extreme running.

But if you change to the outside, this wave is enough to set off countless things!

However, at this time, Kiana had a cyan light flowing on her body, and her feet were a little bit, and in an instant, she had already opened the distance at once, and directly avoided this blow.

Unhurried and ethereal.

The Law of Knowledge was taken aback.

"This? Am I right? Kiana, aren't you just a lawyer of emptiness? "

"Why did you appear to be the Wind Lawyer's ability?"

Even Fu Hua was surprised.

"Yes, Kiana, how did you do it?"

"After all, if I'm not mistaken, you don't have the power of the core of the wind law."

And according to the information, the desire gem, which represents the wind law, was originally kept in the Oceania branch of the Mandate of Heaven, but later mysteriously disappeared with the Valkyrie Wendy.

His whereabouts have not yet been seen.

This was not Kiana's doing, as Fu Hua found that Kiana was not keen on finding other gems.

Not the same as Celine in the past.

It is the law of multi-core space.

Now, how do you use the same effect as the multi-core lawyer?

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