And for the person who said that he wanted to cry, Kiana was not angry.

"What to do! Dame! I, Kiana, am so well-behaved and sensible, are you willing to beat me to tears, I am a very cute giant TM invincible grass crawler... Blah blah!! "

"Anyway, it's over if I think about it, but I made a vow to hang Kevin!"


Hearing this name, the Wise Man took a quick look at his memory.

Then be confident not to put the other person in your eyes.

Directly pat your chest boldly.

"Isn't it Kevin, what are you afraid of, Xiao Zian, I can do it too!" But it's okay, Kiana, if he shows up later, the two of us will hammer him, hahaha. "

"Now, you let me loosen first."


As soon as she spoke, a large amount of golden sword qi reappeared.

Fierce and fierce!

As a treasure of the strength of the heyday + lawyer, she can use all the moves of Fuhua, even if it is a sword god who can't use it!

Of course.

Still can't beat Kevin.

And in the face of such a move, Kiana also lightly snapped her fingers.

A series of spatial holes appeared here, swallowing all the attacks.

Then she waved her hand again.

The "270" space hole opened again, and those who were too illusory sword qi killed those who knew the law instead.

A slight move embodies the ability of the Void Lawyer.

This made her face look excited.

"Good to go!"

For their own attacks.

The Law of Knowledge rushed directly up, blatantly swung his fist, and with one punch, the Tai Void Sword Qi was smashed with a bang, shattering all the way from the tip of the sword to the hilt, all turned into pieces!

And her figure turned into a rapid light and shadow.

Like a terrifying tyrannosaurus, it crushed the Gula!

In the rain of swords, the slightest stand tall!

Instead, it turned into countless fist shadows, throwing that powerful punch after punch, tearing the atmosphere, shaking the air, and the strong energy set off terrifying ripples, even the sea roared!

I couldn't help but roll up and fly, rushing to the sky!

An astonishing sight emerges here.

And that's just a warm-up.

In terms of the original development, if the Knower woke up at the headquarters of Heavenly Destiny, she forcefully crushed many Valkyries of Heaven's Destiny, and even Lauderdale was difficult to match, panting hard.

However, she has Fu Hua's memory and is very measured.

I have been converging my strength.

It was just a matter of accidentally blowing up some buildings, and it was already a blessing that he didn't directly blast down the Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

However, it was only a small amount of destruction, and she was annoyed by it.

But here it is.

You don't need to be so tied!

"Hahaha, how's it going, Kiana."

Just after she finished fighting, Yana had already entered the Void Lawyer stance.

Three sub-empty spears appeared beside them, and golden wings fluttered for them, exuding brilliant points of light.

It looks noble and majestic.

And in the face of the Knower who rushed over, as soon as she stretched out her hand, the space here turned, as if the world had become a square, distributed into several layers, constantly rotating.

Cross and superimpose.

The impact of the law of knowledge and herself is also getting farther and farther away, obviously running towards this side, but it is the opposite effect.

And as the space rotated, her whole person was changed to another position.

Up and down, coordinates, space, all are confused.

Only Kiana, the lawyer of emptiness, slowly walked here, like a queen looking down on the world.

Calm and elegant.

This made Fu Hua's consciousness surprised, interesting, that lawyer can force Kiana's true ability out.

I don't see her like this on weekdays.

I didn't expect that oh, her power, has been developed like this.

Now presented in Fu Hua's eyes is.

At this time, this place has become a huge Rubik's Cube world, and countless squares are turning, constantly shifting, flowing, and switching positions.

Every block area is huge.

Those who can see the Law of Knowledge are on a block in the distance, but the blocks in other areas begin to attack at this time.

On the walls, a Rubik's Cube with a regular hexahedron will pop up and be created.

So that it keeps emerging, and then blasts over!

It's a bunch at once.

Empty Law Imaginary Number Rubik's Cube!

This made the Knower grin, his eyes burning with fierce fighting spirit, and he crossed his arms, while blocking a Rubik's cube, and suddenly his hands and feet were four Rubik's cubes.

All stopped by her!

Intense sparks continue to arise from here.

And after the arrival of the other imaginary Rubik's cubes, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from her body, and the black and red collapse could instantly shake these Rubik's cubes apart, and she turned into a black streamer and instantly appeared in the air.

Blast, one punch!

The main thing is violence!

With your fists, shake the heavens and the earth!


The sound of explosions and fires sounded constantly in the air, and carried the maniacal laughter of the lawyer.

"Kiana, you are amazing, I want more surprises, more!"

When the words fell, in the other square areas, a handle [Yakong Spear] suddenly appeared, and in an instant, it had launched a storm-like attack, covering this area completely!

These are not the three roots around Kiana.

All emerged from this huge Rubik's Cube area.

The Law of Emptiness has the authority to build his own imaginary space.

Then Kiana spent time building her home stadium and turning it into a battle board that absolutely suits her! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This giant Rubik's Cube is her achievement.

Being able to constantly transform attacks, easily show up in various postures, do whatever you want, and instill all kinds of time and space energy into it, it is completely an overwhelming arsenal of super weapons!

She herself can add all kinds of power to it.

Make weapons even more terrifying.

And this is equivalent to the space chaos area, the enemy has to endure the constantly moving space, upside down, unable to stand firm, and may be swept into the hole in space in the next moment and directly torn apart.

It is also possible to fall somewhere else and be hit by a bunch of attacks.

Various shifts.

Enough for them to be uncomfortable and suffocated, plus a series of attacks, it is even more difficult.

You need to face multiple situations at the same time.

And those [Imaginary Magic Cube] and [Subempty Spear] are the strength released by the original Void Law.


However, in his own place, it has become a basic massive small attack.

When the mind moves, it is innumerable.

These three roots behind her are truly terrifying tricks.

It contains earth-shattering power.

But this time, Kiana won't use it.

And even so, it has already put the Law of Knowledge in trouble, although she continues to fly the Spear of the Sky, but the sky under her feet, and instantly fell to other areas.

Then it was directly run over by a large Rubik's Cube!

But she got stuck halfway, because she laughed maniacally, slammed her fist with one hand to forcibly block it, and burst with a bang! As a result, the bottom changed again, and there were a bunch of Yakong spears, and the Rubik's Cube was constantly attacking...

In the midst of various changes, she fell into various spatial areas one after another.

This spatial change also made Zhibao more and more irritable.

it, Kiana!

Your space is also disgusting!

No matter how many people fall in, a bunch of armies will also be constantly transferred by you, this huge Rubik's Cube area, it is really disgusting!

The Law of Emptiness is so despicable!

She has not touched Kiana so far, and she is playing long-range here.

And with another violent explosion, the area here changed and alternated again, and a spatial hole appeared under her feet, allowing the Law of Knower to react instantly and spread her legs!

Straight straight without leaving a single bend!

Fixed on this space ring.

Kiana saw it too.

Can't help but clap your hands.

And her pleasant voice sounded here.

"My sister is so awesome and sassy! This one-word horse pose is amazing! So, let me expand a bit? "

The Law of Knowledge: ???

When the words fell, the space hole became larger, and the person who knew the law fell instantly.

Kiana smiled and said nothing.

The authority of space is very advanced.

After a while, the terrifying energy burst out, a large area of the Rubik's Cube was directly blown up, and the turbulent and violent black and red flames continued to spread, and a figure with a collapsed light flame on his body walked out from there.

The sense of oppression is full, and the space here is shaking.

She also stepped on the void.

Like black fireworks, it was constantly flowing and burning, and at this time, her unkind and fierce eyes stared at Kiana, and the corners of her mouth grinned directly with irritability.

"Kiana, I've been in free fall for a long time, and there has been no end, thank you."

"So, I directly blasted your space with power, no problem, right?"

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Kiana's forehead.

What perverts.

Tear me up space, huh?

Just like Kevin, directly penetrating the space and galloping through these battlefields, you strong people, how can it be like this.

Suppress space with an absolute force of 3.0.


The power is amazing!

It can only be said that it is worthy of Fu Hua.

It's really outrageous.

Facing this disgusting space and the Rubik's Cube, the Law of Knowledge directly let out a roar, and the exaggerated huge energy shattered the area here, and the overwhelming impact annihilated these blocks!

Countless fragments are produced here.

A series of spatial moves, all lose their effect!

And she came straight to kill here!


This made Kiana's panicked voice come over.

"Wait a minute, isn't it a discussion, there is no need to be serious, it's too much!"

"You are a 50,000-year-old senior, can you bear to bully me this little cutie, heh, how did I learn the tone of Lisa and Su Bai?"

"Anyway, it's Shenzhou culture, don't you understand what traditional kung fu is, it's time to stop!"

However, Zhibao was annoyed.

"No, you teased me, and now you want to retreat with your whole body, isn't it too comfortable."

"Quick, fight with me, the kind that fists to the flesh!"

Kiana's expression instantly switched from panic to sigh, and she spread her small hands.


"Then, eat my trick."

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