Looking at both sides in front of him, there are such questions.

Kiana just gently put up a slender finger, located at the position of her lips, and smiled slightly mysteriously.

"Lovely girl, she can do anything!"

"Not to mention my extremely cute Kiana who exploded in the world, well, this time I finally didn't say it wrong, but I felt like I said it wrong, forget it, don't care." "

"So, what's so strange?"

Fu Hua: ...

The Law of Knowledge: .....

Both showed the same look and speechlessness.

"Kiana, has anyone ever told you that you are narcissistic x2!"

"I'm sorry, there is, and it's still a regular thing, but it's also taken as a compliment by me. "

Today's Kiana, but in the chat group extracted several wind ability to blow snow, it is much better than the previous Celine, how did the previous Celine use it?

First he was punched in the face by Fu Hua, and then he was beaten down by Inch Qiantian.

Angry and corrupted, he used a wind blade.

Even people can't hit.

And that move to accelerate flight.

What is this?

Even the Wind Law who created it was killed by Cecilia in seconds.

And Kiana can play a lot of tricks, hee, are all skills developed by Blowing Snow, able to use her martial arts like the fluid of the wind, I heard that Su Bai taught her in the past?

Then blowing snow was redeveloped.

The power of wind law is also added.

Among them, she got two moves, and there were cyan hurricanes that tore everything apart, endless wind fields that shrouded space, storms and tornadoes that ravaged the sky and earth, triggered celestial phenomena, and pried the huge natural forces of the outside world with their own power, and so on.

It's cool to check in.

Although she still didn't get the incarnation of the god monarch who blew the snow, it made her pout a little.

I am not the luck of the squad leader.

It's good to hurry.

Damn it.

It can't be said that chat groups don't eat this set.

Or is it that the previous series has been extracted, which is already very European?

And not only the ability of wind law to blow snow, Kiana also extracted the ability of a rock law heavenly boy wood, hmph, isn't this beautiful, even Celine did not have the power of rock law before.


My own upper limit is much happier than hers.

Not to mention Luo Hao, she is even more fierce, those powers and skills are even more heavyweight, she is a master among the masters, and she is much stronger than the other members of the lawyer group.

At the beginning, he obtained another spatial power, expanding the upper limit of the void law.

Hey, happiness.

It's much more comfortable than my previous life.

Of course.

She herself continues to develop her capabilities.

So at this time, Kiana was like a fluid momentum, her body was full of cyan wind flowing, and on the back of her palm, there was a wisp of cyan wind flowing through, making her more and more radiant.

And dodge the attacks of the Law of Knowledge.

There is a confrontation with her in martial arts again, and Kiana is still speaking out.

"Hey, okay, the attack of the Void Law, I also used ah, anyway, I can't beat it, so it's almost the same~?"

"I, Kiana, have to admit that this time, you are still stronger!"

Facing Kiana, who was full of vitality, with a smile on her face, the person who knew the law snorted, naturally not angry with her.

He is a generous Fuhua.

Besides, Kiana said that she was strong, so wouldn't that be.


Sure enough, she Fuhua is so strong.

So the Law of Knowledge accepted the result and put away the attack.

The collapse energy and breath on the body are converged.

The original state was restored.

The space disappeared, and they returned to the shore of their form.

Not far away, there are waves churning and lapping on the beach, leaving behind some sea creatures and shells and other things.

Washed ashore.

Then the Knower held one of Kiana's arms, very kindly.

"Go, Kiana, let's go back to St. Freya's Academy, I miss the food you brought, hey, I don't remember where you got it?"


Could it be that her memory hasn't been read yet?

Did I hurt my brain, I was really puzzled, I couldn't remember a lot of things, and I had so many memories that I still needed to spend a long time browsing them one by one.

It's so strenuous.

So, let's go eat a big meal first.

With so much strength, I was really tired and hungry.

"And the food is also delicious, ah, it's really full of anticipation to think about it, it's great, let's go." "

As a result, Fu Hua couldn't bear it at this time.

She jumped out of Kiana, appeared illusory figure, and spoke out seriously.

"Wait a minute, you're not me. "

"Give me back my body, I am Fu Hua. "


Looking at the Fu Hua that appeared in the form of a red kite, the person who knew the law was stunned for a moment, what the hell, and then she suddenly realized and clapped her hands directly.

"I see, you're my feather, right?"

"As a memory and thought copied by me, it is a doppelganger-like existence, well, although I don't remember when I divided you, but come back and give me back the memory and power." "

"So I can know more, really, why am I somehow at the bottom of the sea." "

Fu Hua was stunned.

Am I formed?

What anti-customer-oriented behavior.

"There is something wrong with your judgment, think about it, you, is it really Fu Hua, don't you notice the slightest abnormality, especially since you have been fighting Kiana for so long. "

To be honest, Fu Hua was speechless. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Is this still a lawyer?

You have used your strength to fight for so long, could it be that in the end you have never found out that you are actually a lawyer?

Not people?

This reaction arc is a little too long.

It's a little too big.

Inexplicably, Fu Hua felt that this guy really got his own memory?

It always felt like I had Kiana's.

The result is at this time.

The Law of Knowledge showed a look of concern for the silly roe deer, with an inexplicable expression.

"Of course I'm Fu Hua, what's wrong with you, maybe you've been outside for too long, and you have problems with your self-perception?"

"Can't tell who you are, can't tell what you should do, confused, heck, you don't have to worry, these are all possible problems." "

"I know, I know. "

Fu Hua's face twitched.


You don't understand.

You can't know Fu Hua better than I do.

And at this time, the person who knew the law was still happy to smile, her eyes seemed to bend into a silver moon when she laughed, and she also patted her chest.

"It's okay, then you exist like this, I'm very open-minded, am I okay with you?"

"After all, you are also me, we don't distinguish each other, you don't need to be so polite, maybe when you want to come back, then tell me again." "

Fu Hua was silent again.

For her, it's like she's about to recover and usher in the best of times.

Suddenly, there was an attack.

Not only could he only avoid it temporarily, but when he came back to find that there was already another person in his body, that person also said that he was a doppelganger, and said with a big belly that she could exist like this.

Boarding in a mauri.

It's outrageous!

She is the real Fuhua!

So Fu Hua's eyes showed great hostility.

"~ No, I said, you are not Fu Hua. You are just awakening from her body to a whole new being. You who have most of her memories should be able to react, what is it?"

"That's right, you're a lawyer!"

Because Kiana was here, Fu Hua didn't need to guide her slowly.

lest the other party become angry and erase himself.

So she directly opened this truth and came to a king fried.

Only the next moment, Fu Hua was stunned again.

Because this person who knows the law looks dumbfounded, and then laughs.

"Kiana, look, what am this feather of mine talking about, she has become insane, and in order to try to fool me, she even made up such low-level falsehoods. "

"Oh my God, the lawyer. This really shouldn't be you, who have my memory, will say it, you really disappointed me so much. "

Looking at her heart-wrenching expression, Fu Hua had a headache.

What's going on with this guy!

Oil and salt do not enter.

It's like being helpless!

It's very different from her own personality, wouldn't it be because of the memories she got along with Kiana that made her like this?

So assimilated by Kiana?

Insect charms?

Kiana: ???

Squad leader, don't slander me!

Fu Hua took a deep breath and regained his composure again.

"Because you are a lawyer, you don't know what happened before, I (Qian Zhao) will tell you, because I fought with a terrible flame giant and almost died of serious injuries. "

"In order to save myself, I was reborn with the help of that flame and unleashed my potential. So an egg is formed. "

"You don't know any of this, do you?"

The eyes of the person who knows the law change.

She really doesn't know.

At first, it was not clear why he was in the egg and why he appeared in the sea.

Can't find the answer.

It's like losing a lot of memories inexplicably.

"And you don't know about me and Su Bai, as well as, a series of martial arts competitions, I also lost to him, and there are also Xianzhou, sea beasts, and so on. "

"You don't even know. "

"Because what you know, I know, but what I know, you don't know a lot!"

"Martial arts, lost to others?"

Zhibao was shocked, and then could not choose to believe.

"This can't be draped!"

How could someone defeat themselves in martial arts?

But if you think about it, who is Shiro?


Why don't you seem to have any impression of this person's name.

What is Xianzhou?

Sea beasts, do they refer to larger creatures in the sea?

As Fu Hua said the things that the person who knew the law of knowledge did not know one by one, Zhibao's expression became more and more angry, more and more fierce, and his mouth became unhappy.

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