Everyone also sighed.

Liyue is too perverted.

As for Mond here, there is also this kind of plan, Jean gave approval, it is not bad to be able to do it.

If it doesn't work, forget it.

If it can be done, Mond has an extra kind of sea beast breeding fishery.

It's a new feature, isn't it?

It can bring a lot of income and value, export to other countries, and can also promote development and trade flows.

A series of parts on the body of a sea beast.

It can be used in all aspects.

Just look at Liyue.

Many industries, that is developing rapidly.

Sea animal skins can be used for clothing, armor, expensive leather luxury, furniture, shoes, bags, medicinal and alchemical materials, and some tender ones can be used to make food.

The bones of sea beasts are a treasure trove of nutrition, ground into powder can feed animals, grow herbs, boil into bone glue, and what bone carvings, musical instruments, decorations, and so on, there are too many.

Not to mention.

There are far more parts on the sea beast's body than these two.

So how rich and huge the total uses add up.

And it is mainly developed by Liyue.

Can research a variety of materials one after another to find new uses, their industries are many, there are many personnel, and they can be like a hundred flowers, and countless possibilities emerge at once "zero 20".

So Liyue triggered changes that led to other countries, many, many.

Qin also really wanted to go to Liyue Sky Harbor to see it, just listening to Lisa talk like that, the huge and vast sky city cluster is full of towering tall buildings, and they are connected at every turn.

Not messy, but very regular and beautiful.

Divided into various areas.

Residential, commercial, industrial, cargo handling areas, all-night markets, snack streets, and areas dedicated to sightseeing and tourism, where you can look up at the sky and get closer to the stars at night.

Of course, it is basically Liyue people traveling.

But Lisa said, Jean used to play casually, this is nothing.

You can stay there as long as you want.

Jean quickly dumbfounded and shook his head, no, Mond still has so many things, how can he run over there.

Instead, I thought of the heavenly harbor there.

There are immortal boats departing and returning, flying back from other places, and then under the remote guidance of the staff of the [Xianzhou Division], constantly docking inside, various elements of Xianzhou, exquisite shape.

Magnificent and numerous, the picture feels beautiful.

And Qin also thought that if he could be with Su Bai at the observation deck of the city in the sky, watching the meteor shower pass by in the evening, the two stood together very closely, and then chatted about the sky, laughing from time to time.

Jean also covered her mouth and smiled from time to time.

Under the night and a series of starlight, the two slowly held hands, at first Su Bai wanted to touch his hand, and he was startled, and then slowly, he did not resist.

Let the little hand be held by him.

Then his face showed a blush, and from time to time he felt shy, and he would turn his head embarrassed.


It's great to think about!

Jean fell into a beautiful reverie, her face showed the shy expression of a girl Huaichun, Lisa on the side smiled and did not disturb her, really, can you also be so distracted at work?

There's yours, Jean.

I guess I'm thinking about what kind of girl is in love.

After all, Lisa, a girlfriend, knows everything about Jean, and knows very well that Jean actually likes to read girly romance novels.

She yearns for the beautiful feeling of male and female love.

Favorite one.

It is "The Melancholy of the Girl Vera".

What do you think?

Isn't it wonderful?

The mature and stable piano who is serious will actually have such a side in private?

I was surprised.

So Jean is such a girl, Lisa covered her mouth and smiled, unlike herself, she has long been a mature woman.

And after waking up in the reverie and reacting, Jean looked up and saw Lisa's playful smile, couldn't help but blush, quickly lowered her head and continued to work, since, what's wrong with herself?

I was in a daze just now.

Fortunately, Lisa didn't ask herself what she was thinking, otherwise she would have died of shame!


Lisa's understanding personality is so good, especially after being with Su Bai, she is becoming more and more gentle, like water.

Dignified and mature, intellectually lazy reliable big sister.

My own good girlfriend.

That's how it feels.

Although because of Lisa's increasingly femininity, it also makes Jean sometimes dumbfounded and shy.

I can't help but think about what she and Su Bai will do on weekdays.


Can't think about that!

Soon, with Lisa's help, Jean's affairs were quickly emptied.

Otherwise, she would have been unable to work until late at night.

Everyone else is off work, and her office here is still lit.

In this regard, Lisa also asked her to train a few more assistants.

It's like starding.

There are three henchmen of Baiwen, Baixiao, and Baizhi, and the people who do things for her have expanded to a lot of degrees.

So this side of the piano, like that Erin, is good, you can cultivate one or two.

It is not advisable for one person to inherit it all.

And after everything was okay, the ladies' chat began, and Lisa listened for a while and thought thoughtfully.

"So that's the case, it's Qin, don't you know how to progress with Su Bai, how to be his girlfriend?"

"Or from the identity of half a girlfriend, to a positive type."

"Well, this is very in line with your young personality, like before, I asked you to learn me to kiss Su Bai, you all ran away, poof, it's true."

"In that case, let me teach you, the most direct thing is to take the initiative to create opportunities for Su Bai to be cute."

"Creating opportunities?"

Jean wondered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Well, when a woman meets someone she really likes, some of them will be very active."

"In that case, teach directly on the spot, go, let's go find the little cutie."


Hearing this, Jean was shocked.

After this.

At home.

"How, how did things come to be like this."

At this time, Qin stood not far from Su Bai and Lisa, very unnatural and shyly bowed her head.

At first she wanted to run.

It was pulled back by Lisala.

And was said by Lisa, do you want to have a better relationship with the little cutie?

It's nothing, you learn more.

So at this time, Lisa is responsible for playing the past tense, as Su Bai's half girlfriend, or the state of the ambiguous period, playing and talking with him, and saying that she will take the initiative to create opportunities.

Let Kotodo learn.

Like now.

On the fourth floor of the magic tower, there is a lot of space here, with courtyards and gardens, long paths, surrounded by flowers and plants, Su Bai cooperated with Lisa, he smiled slightly.

It's not bad to do this occasionally.

And Lisa and he were walking, Jean saw that Lisa deliberately wore high heels, and also deliberately looked at her from time to time, chuckling and explaining.

"Jean, look, generally girls wear high heels and boys go out for a walk, this is a hint, not to mention that it will be very tired after wearing it for a long time, at this time you can try to let the little cutie hold my hand."

"And gradually, the two got closer."

"That's what I'm creating opportunities because I like him, so I mean it."

Even boldly, you can pretend to fall, let Su Bai quickly grab her and put his arm around her waist or something.

Of course.

Lisa thought, just like this.

Thank goodness to be able to hold hands.


Or invite the little cutie to walk, strain the starry sky and beautiful scenery, and deliberately go to the place where the wind blows and the temperature is relatively low.

Then it involves topics such as cold hands.

Let him blow and hold, or knead.


And Jean was also ashamed, because Lisa next let her learn to discharge her eyes, for people she likes, she will actively blink and have shyness in her eyes, and dare not look directly at any eyes.

Or Lisa, her eyes are bold and numb.


Jean felt that she could not do the second one.

Only Lisa's initiative and enthusiasm are more suitable for this.

I didn't expect that she was like this with Su Bai at the beginning.

Hearing this, Lisa and Su Bai looked at each other and smiled.

Is it.

In fact, the two of them used to tease each other, which was much more ambiguous and direct than Qin.

Then Qin also got a behavior plan that often invited Su Bai to his home, invited him to dinner, etc., which were all like his performance, deepening interaction and feelings.

Anyway, Lisa's cooking was delicious.

It often makes Su Bai praise.

Let Qin also learn more, by the way, Su Bai can see a different self, himself in daily life.

And not as work clothing all the time.

So Lisa complained.

When she is with Su Bai, change her clothes and wear a fresh style that reflects the girly and beautiful, such as big white legs, sea breeze clothing, or a straw hat girl style suitable for grass and 4.3 sides travel.

After all, it is two people who get along, not work, you can relax more and be natural.

In this way, the relationship can progress faster and harmoniously.

Qin's face has been constantly weakening, saying that this situation is really embarrassing, Lisa and Su Bai came to make a demonstration, and then learned it themselves, and used it on Su Bai after learning.

But now Su Bai is here!!

He knew the whole time.


This is also too shameful, under his gaze, Jean can run away without falling into the desert, and it has taken a lot of courage.

If only Su Bai were no longer here.

But Qin also knew that Lisa must want him to be here so that they could demonstrate together.

Be able to understand yourself.

But in any case, the situation made her panic.

Shame on you!

Today is destined to be an unforgettable day for Jean, which will engrave deep traces in her memory, and as for remembering it later, whether it is happiness and sweetness, or shame to die.

This is not known.

But now, she really wants to cover her face, she is already red.

In love.

Are there so many tricks?

No wonder Lisa says she's a log!.

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