
Compared with her like this, he is indeed too dish.

Jean has no place to be self-contained.

Lisa is really powerful, charming, knows a lot, is knowledgeable on weekdays, and can find the best solution to all kinds of troubles, such as what kind of monster knowledge, medicinal materials, alchemy and a series of other things, can be answered casually.

Worthy of being a genius graduate.

In addition, she is still so charming, sexy and plump, so sultry for Su Bai.

And devoted himself to Su Bai.

Make no secret of your love.

No wonder Su Bai likes Lisa so much, such a wonderful beautiful woman, who doesn't like it?

So the two of them, in the eyes of everyone else, are the perfect pair.

I feel like I'm dumb.

It is true that he has not invited Su Bai to his own home, he has come to Su Bai and Lisa's house by himself, and he has not done a good job at this point.

And Lisa?

In the past, she talked with Su Bai very happily, often conducted research with Su Bai at home, and the two of them lived together very early, and the relationship progressed faster and faster.

In the end, it became a common home for the two.

Really powerful.

No wonder Lisa said that she and Su Bai had many happy and good memories, which were treasures and cherished by her.

And such happiness can still be produced.

Every day.

The future is also endless.

At that time, Lisa, that happy expression, Ling Qin is still unforgettable.

And after learning a series of opportunities to take the initiative, Lisa suddenly smiled teasingly at the piano.

"Qin, then I got along as Su Bai's girlfriend and lover, it can be regarded as an advanced course, pay attention to it."

"Before it was to deepen affection and communication, so that you can understand what is for the man you like, how positive and active women will be, and 24 close relationship."

"After all, my favorite is Su Bai, and I love the little cutie very much."

"Then it's about caring for him, taking care of him, living and living, daily life, such as tailoring a set of handsome clothes for the little cutie, come, little cute, let my sister use her legs to help you measure your waist circumference."

Jean's eyes widened instantly.

His face was as red as fire.


Is this the life after being Su Bai's lover?

Once again.

Jean realizes the huge gap between herself and Lisa.

She was overwhelmed.

If only Rosalyn was here.

When she saw Jean like this, she would definitely be very complaining.

That's right.

Because this is women's suppression and crushing of girls.

Even if it was her, Rosalind, she could only blush with shame and fled.

So get used to it.

It's nothing.

Anyway, there will be more and more exaggerated in the future.

Rosalind: Now, I'm finally a senior, right? (laughs)

So Jean then launched a series of Lisa teachings, which made her scream in various ways, constantly covering her eyes, too bold, Lisa was really too bold.

I can't learn it myself!


Only if it is a little slighter, can I follow suit.


Lisa smiled and said nothing after watching Su Bai and Qin leave for a date.

Very gratifying.

I hope my teaching and training can help you.


My good sister, good girlfriend.

Whatever one may say.

This time, it's no problem for you to become Su Bai's girlfriend, you have to confess well!

Before it was all a strong ambiguity and escape.

Although I think about it, the skills I taught, Su Bai is here, and then the piano is used again, poofhahaha, I almost want to die of pleasure.

What a social death act of Jean.

The thought of the picture that might be produced made her witch almost happy.

That's so much fun.

I really want to laugh, although this is very unladylike, but occasionally, it is no problem.

Flexible lady!

Oops, oops, really want to see it.


That would be counterproductive.

Anyway, this wave, Lisa died happily, this is also too fun, I wish you guys a happy date, hum.

She hummed a brisk ditty, gently swayed her slender waist, walked with slender black silk legs to the second floor, returned to her desk, well, made coffee, and then read.

At this time, the Great Cishu King, who had returned to adult size, looked at her with a complicated face.

Because she also witnessed what happened just now.

"Lisa, is the love between men and women really so good, really so happy?"


For the Great Compassion Tree King couldn't help but speak, Lisa Meimu smiled.

"Oh, what, Buyel is cute, on weekdays, don't you also see the love life of our women and Su Bai?"

"Although you, as a goddess who likes to plant trees, do not feel this way at all, and do not understand this love of human beings."

King Daci Tree: .....

The saying of planting trees is unpassable, right?

"But I can say this, yes, it's great, I like the little cute, hugging him, I can easily show emotional eyes, being able to meet him is the happiest thing for me."

"So, the tree king is cute, you have to catch it too." Hmm, forget it, don't tease you, last time it already made you panic. "

"Our family is so fun, there are funny women everywhere."

Looking at Lisa, who covered her mouth and snickered, the Great Compassion Tree King's face became helpless.


Lisa is really dark-bellied.

And, and the words of herself and Su Bai, a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes again.

About this, Lisa looked in her eyes.


Sometimes love is like this, before you know it, there is a good feeling, and there is a shadow in the heart.

Lisa also remembered Rosalind recently.


Su Bai helped her refine a pair of white conch props, which were obtained in the palace in the sea, and now they have become auxiliary alchemy equipment, with many wonderful abilities.

One of them is to whisper with a conch.

Another conch can be heard. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So she was one, Su Bai one, and Rosalyn would use this conch in the quilt in the evening, and Su Bai, who slept in other rooms, kept blushing and chatting with him.

Nice and cozy.


That's nice.

Let yourself be a little envious.

Why didn't she play like this when she and Little Cute were in the first place?

In that case, the little cutie is at Liyue's home, and then talks with herself in Mond's home until midnight every day, it must be great!

And if he deliberately teases the little cutie, he must not be angry.

Running from Liyue to Mond?

And then toss yourself hard?

It's a pity, it's a pity!

That's why Lisa said that, the family, it's all very interesting.

A few days later.

The Great Compassion Tree King found Su Bai who had just come out of Lisa's room, she couldn't help but blush slightly, her best friend is really, do you like Lisa so much, but it's daylight.

But remembering Lisa's statement, she also understood.

Both of them are deeply in love with each other.

The feelings are too good.

But she, this time did come to Su Bai.

"That, Su Bai, I have something I want to tell you. I want to complete a convention. "


"It's me and the Grass Dragon [Apep], perhaps, when I say this, you should have guessed."

"So it is, I do know."

The Great Compassion Tree King chuckled softly.

"So I will report to you first, after all, although we are close friends, and I am very grateful for treating me like this, but in essence I understand that I am your possession, your powerful spirit."

"It's already a miracle to be resurrected, and I don't expect anything."

"And I was so lucky to meet you, if I change to someone else, but if I have a little bad thought, I can't resist, I can only be played with at will, make me bigger or something."

Yes, everything about her is at Su Bai's disposal.

In front of Su Bai.

The Great Cishu King did not have any power to resist, and even Su Bai could erase her with a single thought.

Or do those things that go too far.

She couldn't help it.

I can only let Su Baihu come.

However, Su Bai did not do this, but has always respected her, treated her in various ways, and gave her the life of living here, and the Great Cishu King was very happy, and everyone was also excellent and interesting.

She also loves it deeply.

I have long recognized myself as a member of this place.

But if she changed to another guy with a dark mind, I am afraid that her Great Compassion Tree King would have become a slave long ago.


The Great Compassion Tree King was very grateful to Su Bai.

Su Bai is indeed very good, in a sense, he is his own master.


That's the essence.

Therefore, this time, the Great Compassion Tree King had to specifically talk to Su Bai with his permission.

"And with the disappearance of forbidden knowledge, presumably a huge void has appeared in the body of the grass dragon, and I made a promise with the living beings that if I am still there in the future, I will save the dragon."

"After all, once the power of the Grass Dragon gets out of control and erupts, the entire Meru will usher in disaster, obviously, you and my desert rainforest reconstruction plan has only begun not long ago, isn't it?"

So for Meru, for her and Su Bai, with Nasida, with the rainforest and the desert people.


She is going to heal the grass dragon.

This means that she has to consume a lot of power.

"Not to mention that this is my business, my responsibility."

"Don't worry, just leave it to me, I know you will be worried, so I have accumulated a lot of strength, until now, I am sure that I will come back safely."

Su Bai said faintly.

"Why, are you worried that you will get angry with me because of the death of the grass dragon and directly beat the grass dragon to death?"

The Great Cishu King smiled awkwardly.

"No, no."

"I'm also very happy about your concern, and I can't die like this, then I'm so sorry for all of you, so it's not time to go."

"But you are still like this, you like to go alone, you don't want to trouble us, King Dacishu, you have to change this habit."

“... I, I'm not sure, and I've been bothering you and everyone, it's really not good, I don't care about it. "

As a result, Su Bai still shook his head.

"Forget it, don't be tough, I'll go with you, this little thing between best friends is nothing at all, remember, you are part of our family, I will not allow you to disappear."

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