Fortunately, Nha Yi's personality is also very good, and everyone still played smoothly after that.

Especially to see that sentence.

As long as there is Bud Yi, I have the power of a hundred people.

Let Nha Yi involuntarily dissipate most of her anger, and can only glare at her angrily.

Anyway, since it is a game.

You made me a serious point!

Isn't it nice like this, don't be astringent!


Sometimes she really can't help it, ~ naughty and lovable.


The office of the head of the headquarters of the Zephyr Knights.

"Lisa, I plan to introduce the alchemy vending machine from Liyue, this magical device, which does not need to be run by people at all, as long as the people need it, they can directly put it into Mora and buy items."

"This kind of alchemy item is really suitable for a free city-state like Mond, especially in the lively main streets, it will definitely be very popular."

"So there should be a little more introduction, I'm afraid there are quite a few." So, is Su Bai free today? "

At this time, Jean was talking to Lisa next to her.

She is interested in vending machines.

Especially the people of Mond, after returning from Liyue tourism, said that there was no such vending machine on Mond's side, which was too inconvenient.

When traveling through the streets.

If you are hungry and thirsty, just buy it directly.

For example, buy a bottle of juice, or a good wine.

Meimei took a big sip.

This life is comfortable.

Usually you don't need to hold it in your hand, you don't need to carry it specifically, the highlight is a convenience, really convenient.

Even the Knights lamented like this.

Ling Qin was surprised.

So she wanted to find Su Bai to introduce it and cooperate with the two parties.

However, considering the transportation of goods and manpower, I am afraid that Mond's side will spend a lot of money, and if it is divided, it must be Liyue who accounts for the lion's share, but this should be.

Lisa smiled gracefully and spoke slowly.

"Yes, he's in oh, anyway, Mond and Liyue, you can cooperate more, after all, the relationship between the two sides is good."

"As a Mond, of course, I also hope that this place will become better, of course, now I am a little cute wife, it should be said, now I am from Liyue."

"It's just that we don't care about this, but I'm his woman, so naturally I'm on his side."

"Not to mention that you also like him, and the future is also his woman, so the intimacy of the two countries is a matter of course."

Other countries are crying with envy.

For example, Fontaine, Nata, Solstice and the like, but who let their rulers or goddesses have nothing to do with cuties.

So it's just a normal relationship.

You can't go as deep as this, get deals and great support or anything.

For Lisa's words, she said that she liked Su Bai.

About that.

Jean just blushed and didn't deny it.

After all, she has been teased by Lisa many times, and no matter how shy the girl is, she should admit this fact.


I like Su Bai.

After all, I often go to his house, or consult and chat with him, and interact with him often.

It's actually already half a girlfriend.

The relationship is ambiguous.

If it wasn't very busy, I'm afraid she would start dating Su Bai and go outside together.

This also made Lisa dumbfounded and complained.

How are you the same as Keqing.

Just know the work?

One by one, they are too capable of struggle, right?

Let's be honest.

Lisa feels that in a lazy free city like Mond, it is really bizarre to appear a workaholic like Jean.

She is more like someone from Liyue's side.

And Keqing must also be able to talk very well.

Of course.

The city-state of Mond can operate beautifully today, and it is inseparable from Qin's efforts and excellence.

She really gave a lot for Mond.

Fully play out the belief that as the Gunnhilde family, forever protect Mond!

Very admirable.

Even Lisa herself is a good sister.

The citizens of the Order and Mond, as well as quite a few people, adored her.

is a very good acting leader.

Never mind.

Just ignore this agent, after all, the Grand Commander Falgar went on an expedition with most of the men and horses, and he didn't know that the Year of the Monkey would come back.

And even if it comes back.

Falgar would also leave most of the work to Kotogan, and it always did.

This large regiment commander is more suitable for battle.

So Jean is undoubtedly the leading wind of Mond!

And Jean sighed.

"Su Bai is really powerful, building Liyue into such a prosperous country, the original Liyue is the place where all the wealth precipitates and trades on the mainland."

"It's even more amazing now, far more than in the past."

"When he was a master who could invent a series of magical alchemical items, I knew that his legend would shine even more, of course, now even I didn't expect it."

"Where is this legend, it has been creating myths."

"And I really miss the days when I bought the wind prop [Hermes Flying Boots] from him."

It was a Mond-style flying rig.

Like Liyue.

Later, Su Bai developed a flying sword.

It is also very characteristic of Liyue.

Each has its own style.

As a result, in the back, Liyue's various brand new alchemy items really made Qin dumbfounded.

and a steady stream of new resources.


Gave that ancient country, wave after wave of great change.

And the ripples that are produced.

Sensation and impact the Seven Kingdoms!

Let countless people continue to be shocked, again and again, simply can't stop, so that many people have become numb.

Liyue is simply the land of miracles.

Lisa couldn't help but quip either.

"Yes, the dangerous meat last time was delicious, the little cutie gave you a bunch of it, I heard that because there were too many, you couldn't finish eating, so I gave it to the rest of the family."

"Eat them (they) stupidly, and the delicious ones burst into tears, indicating that they are stained with your light." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Moreover, your family is aware of your relationship with him."

"I urge you to hurry up and speed up, you and Su Bai, not only will no one stop it, in fact, everyone is desperate, everyone is supporting you behind your back, heck, this atmosphere is really good."

After all, this Gunnhilde family from which Qin came from has too high a moral level.

In the history of Mond, the major families have their own problems.

Or when going astray.

Only them, all the time.

Unwaveringly guarding Mond, there have never been any bad thoughts and actions.

So these people also know how good the relationship between Jean and that adult is.

It will make a huge difference for Mond.


The most important thing is that Jean can be happy.

Well, the happiness of the clansmen is more important than anything else.

“... I. "

These words really made Qin speechless, and her face turned red.

"Well, that, Lisa, or get busy with work first, I'm afraid I won't be busy later, and I'll talk about this when I'm done."

"Huh? Okay. "

Jean breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank you good sister.

In fact, she is also working hard, but as a young girl, she has never been in love.

Experience 0.

So recently.

She wanted to ask Lisa.

It's just that now, it's really time to work first.

"Ah yes, there is also the issue of the establishment of the [Kunlun Mirror Portal], I think two more can be built in this location to strengthen the circulation of our two countries on this resource."

"As for the road, I also want to mobilize people to build it, so that everyone on the Liyue side can come over with that peculiar wind blade, which is really wonderful."

"I heard that recently there are also machine birds, which can automatically transport goods, and ordering food can also deliver takeaway to people's hands, so amazing, are you not afraid of sending mistakes? I really want to see it. "

Every time, something new will appear in Liyue.

Jean Qin is really full of curiosity.

Liyue, where mechanical birds are flying everywhere, all have items on their bodies, and then send them to thousands of households, and there will be no problems.

People who are waiting can see it after it is delivered.

They all smiled.

That kind of scene feels very good.

Lisa was also smiling.

"Well, of course it can't be wrong, after all, it is docked with the Heavenly Dao Terminal, as for wanting to see, you can oh, Qin." You take a day off then, and we'll take you to have fun. "

And then next.

Koto also dealt with a series of issues such as the purchase of alchemical ships, the arming of sea beasts, hunting, breeding, and establishing fishing grounds.

After all.

Mond has a port.

Jingfu Port.

So Mond naturally also has its own cargo ships, from Jingfu Port to Liyue, Inazuma, Mond, Meru and so on.

And sea beasts appeared again in large numbers.

It was also a sensation in Tivat.

Here, Mond is also hunting sea beasts, expelling sea beasts, and maintaining the safety of the sea here.

And the appearance of sea beasts.

It is equivalent to an additional large offshore income, which can directly affect the development of all aspects of the industry, and itself, it can be regarded as promoting and forming a big new industry.

Previously, Qin also reached a cooperation with Liyue's Xianzhou.

Mond and Liyue together killed some dangerous sea beasts.

This was reminded by Su Bai before, Sumi's Nasida, Inazuma's Ray Movie all received news.

So did she.

And about aquaculture and the establishment of fishing grounds.

It's just that all countries are learning from Liyue.

Huge fishing grounds, rich in various new species, a steady stream of cultivation and production of various artificial breeding dangerous species, sea beasts, monsters.

And thus into the market.

It's a steady stream of wealth.

Chickens that lay golden eggs.

But other countries can't learn it, and those strange creatures don't know how Liyue came up with it.

Inexplicably, there is.

Liyue is simply a country filled with mist.

No one dared to probe.

The last person with some ability, who wanted to peek into the secret of Liyue, or the doctor, it has been a long, long time, and his grave grass does not know how high it is.

As for some small characters, they were even arrested by the Thousand Rock Army I don't know how much.

For other countries, they are normal, and they can't imitate until the appearance of sea beasts, so that countries try to start trying to see if they can cultivate sea beasts.

For example, small, gentle in character, suitable for reproduction, and can provide a certain value in itself.

It can only be said that it is an attempt.

It's nothing to try anyway.

No way, it can't be compared with Liyue, it can only be groped for Wan.

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