That is, [Blood", to feed.

Lash: ???

You are amazing, you are high!

You take the blood of the demon god and feed some of these catfish!

And at that time, a large piece of [Blood] that was spilled by Su Bai through the power of space also made these dragon catfish absorb like crazy.

They are the smallest creatures of a few meters in size, and have a strangely large mouth, as omnivorous creatures.

Gulp and keep swallowing.

And as a result, they're evolving like crazy.

Evolved several times in a row, and began to move towards the dragon posture ~ state.

And the original dragon catfish, the number - the amount also began to skyrocket.

They have a whole evolutionary line.

So when weak, the number of cubs produced is also large.

Although the higher up the evolution, the harder it gets.

But this base is still very large.

Like in the legend of the immortal family, there are few real dragons, and there are dragon bloodlines for half a day, everywhere, the number is overwhelming, there is no trace of dragon bloodline water creatures, you don't even have the face to stay there.

Don't say it yet.

After the addition of [Blood], Su Bai thought thoughtfully.

The original evolution is that they can evolve into fire dragons, that is, the kind of huge dragons that have the posture of harnessing the fire element, releasing a series of attacks, and spreading their wings to travel the world!

And now with blood, there seems to be a new direction of evolution.


There will be a rare probability of evolving into that kind of slender dragon body fire dragon.

+ dragon, a new dragon created.

Just like the game, the same species has two different evolutionary routes.

Not to mention spiders.

Normal evolution is towards large spiders, queen spiders.

It's just that she went towards the small and human form.

That is, the small poisonous spider monster, the scythe of the Grim Reaper, the shadow of the Grim Reaper, the undead spider queen, and the special [Girl Spider].

The upper body is human, and the lower body is a spider.

On this way.

There is also an evolutionary branch of [sage spider],

It is equivalent to a magic spider, but the spider feels that it is average, and he chooses better, so he continues to [Shadow of Death].

Evolution is that wonderful.

New changes will occur because of external forces.

Therefore, it would be nice if a slender fire dragon could be produced in the future.


After all, for a person like Su Bai, whether it is a dragon with a posture like Twalin, or a slender and wingless dragon in the Liyue style, it can be.

Children compete for one or the other.

Adults know, I want it all! .jpg

At that time, there will be many dragons in Liyue, and it will be normal for any posture to appear.


Look at the big fat dragon like that.

Isn't it still a dragon.

And, how can there be a dragon that is thin and beautiful?

Ruota: ??? Are you polite.

Not to mention that among the dragons of Tivat, there are dragons like Twalin, a crocodile dragon-like posture like Ruto, and a grass dragon with the same slender and coercive posture.

Contains many.

All can be summarized into the total [dragon].

Dragon score N.


Don't ask, ask is the dragon of Tivat, indeed there are all kinds of gestures.

Therefore, in the plan of the Liyue Dragon Country envisaged by Su Bai, it is best to have dragons of various postures, and a hundred flowers are blooming, which is more lively at that time.

As for today's low-level posture [dragon catfish], it is used as food, a delicacy.


Only by becoming the highest fire dragon can you have high wisdom.

Become an official member of Liyue.

Low-level creatures like this, like carps, are nothing without dragons.

The gap is like two creatures.

Do dragons care about carp?

Fishermen just catch it.

So now it is an excellent meat quality food in itself.

Coupled with Liyue's series of food processing methods, the resulting delicacy is delicious even for Lei Movie.

It's delicious.

Soon, the two talked and ate, and finished this portion of grilled fish.

Ray Movie also had an expression of unfinished thought.

On the side of her mouth, there was still some residual oil, looking at her stupid appearance, Su Bai took out a tissue.

"Shadow, do you want to wipe it?"


"No need."

She smiled confidently and erased these with thunder elements.

They changed back to their clean little lips.

"Thank you for your kindness, Su Bai, look, isn't this good?"

The general in the Pure Land came to complain coldly at this time.

"Straight girl."

Before the Miko took the communication and skills between the man and the woman, the general casually flipped it and saw it.

You make him wipe his mouth.

Isn't the relationship closer?

Do you still want to resurrect those two?!


But between the two of you, don't worry about me.

The haughty Raiden General hugged his chest again and closed his eyes.

But this stunned the shadow.

Did you do something wrong?


Why do you feel like you've done something stupid?


I don't want to affect my relationship with Su Bai.

I don't want to make him angry either.

As a result, Ying asked the general, and the general was the same as not hearing, that is, he did not make a sound, and directly pretended to be dead.

Make her so angry!

General, you bastard! If you have something to say, just say it!

Let me change it!

No way.

So she spoke out weakly.

"Su Bai, I shouldn't have acted very strangely, right?"

This made Su Bai couldn't help it.

"Nothing, it's very much in line with your personality. And have you forgotten that you brought Kujo Sara and Hanasari with you. "

"They're standing outside all the time."


Can I say that your fish is so delicious, I don't remember this stubble for the time being?


Kage walked out of the office, but instead let Kujo Hiroshi in.

Because of the Tengu cultivation method that was said last time, Su Bai has also studied almost the same, and this time it was taught to Qiluo by Su Bai by the way, and Jean Ying was also very happy, so that Qiluo could be stronger.

As a shogunate general, it is better to be stronger.

After all, she works hard.

It's just that the shadow's face is strange, and she suddenly heard an exclamation from the Kujo Qiluo inside.

"Lord Su Bai, what's the matter, my wings! You, you really don't want to be. "

It's just that it seems that Su Bai said something, and the shadow can hear it.


The sound inside stopped abruptly.

Ying was speechless, this is Su Bai touching the wings of the Nine Heavenly Dogs, continuing to perfect her Crow Tengu technique?

It's just that for her, won't it be a little too shameful.


Since Qiu Luo didn't say anything later, it was not good for him to take the initiative to speak out.

Never mind.

Instead, the shadow substituted Kujo Luo's feelings, and in an instant, her face turned red, and she quickly shook her head.

, what for!

Why should I substitute it!

Obviously I don't have wings.

After a while, Kujo Luo's cheeks were red, and he walked out without saying a word with his head bowed, silently following behind the shadow.

"Lord General, Lord Su Bai has finished teaching." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then she didn't say anything.

As always, it is the same as the style of the original general who was duty-defying.

The premise is to exclude her expression that does not dare to raise her head, her trembling body.

A forging room.

At this time, Lei Movie was shining with his eyes and touching the many ores placed here.

"A high-quality ore that has never been seen before, very unusual, Olihagang, a rare ore from your Divine Secret Realm?"

"High hardness black silver steel, super hard metal hard steel, and mountain copper that can create immortal weapons, which means that the weapons created are very difficult to damage, can they not be broken."

"For the forger. This kind of thing is simply a rare treasure, right? "

"And this kind of Mithril is also very powerful, just need a little, can greatly improve the performance of the weapon." And the focus is on the flow conductivity of the elements is excellent, suitable for alchemy props and magic guides. "

Before Su Bai became famous, there were alchemy and alchemy props.

And the magic guide, but Lisa's kind of witch used to like to study the technology, is called the magic guide.

In Fontaine, there are still a lot of research on this.


She followed Su Bai here, which was used as a more common forging room, and there were many similarities, all located here in Liyue Sky Harbor, used by high-level and immortal families.

On weekdays, it is also a place to store ore.

With so many rare ores, Ying was also quite surprised and hungry.

After all, she understands ore.

Inazuma's forging industry for thousands of years was passed down by her.

It's a pity as a key place.

【Tatarasa】 has been hit hard in the past and caught in a conspiracy.

Greatly turbulent Inazuma's Raiden Five Den.

But even so.

Inazuma itself has the resource of "crystallized bone marrow], and when forging, adding this can greatly enhance the strength and toughness of steel.

Therefore, even if it is forged normally, it can make a very good sword.

Famous in all countries.

It's just that when I look at it now, I am directly dumbfounded.


We all only have one such rare resource, why do you have so many Liyue?

What she read just now was only part of it.

And later.

Once again, Lei Movie felt the vastness and richness of Liyue, and she was about to cry with envy.

You guys Liyue are really rich!

Mithril alone is enough to become the backbone of a nation's forging industry, right?

So that it continues to grow and develop, brilliant.

The result is a level of Mithril silver, there are more than six or seven kinds here, what else can she say?

Liyue is too fierce!

This god who has not been forged for many years is a little itchy in her hands.

Shadows can be discerned.

These ores are added when forging, which can bring great changes to the weapon, and good materials can make the weapon even better!

So Su Bai said that he could sell her a batch of these rare ores.

Shadow is embarrassed.


She is not the kind of woman who does not know the proportions, which means that I want a little is enough.

Later rewards can also be given to the knife makers.

Let them go forge.

After all.

He owes Su Bai too much, and if it goes on like this, he really gives him everything, not only the shadow warrior, but himself and Kujo Iro who become his women.

But thinking of the exclamation and reaction of Kujo Luo just now.

Shadow's shy brain trembled.

Too, too exaggerated!

Being touched by him or something.

The decision he made was that as his shadow warrior in the future, he didn't think of going so much.

Yes, can you let me slow down first!

Let's talk about these things later!

So seeing that he was bearing more and more of Su Bai's kindness, Ying was afraid, and Ying was flustered.

She is by no means the kind of goddess who does not know the importance and kindness.


In this situation, I really can't face him, woo, don't be so nice to me, how can I repay you!

Obviously I'm just a useless goddess.

A guy whose best friend didn't save him, his relatives didn't save him, and he didn't do anything well after all.

So Ying felt that this matter was very hot.

Su Bai said with a smile that this was nothing.

With our relationship, it is no problem to promote in-depth cooperation between the two countries.

It's just some ore.

After all, in Su Bai's eyes, this is really not a big deal.

For example, take the [Olihagang] of the Shenzhou Secret Realm, this thing is called Ohari steel, it is indeed a material for making imperial tools, and it can also make alchemy equipment.


Even the imperial tool itself is created using the materials of the [Super Dangerous Species], plus a series of rare metals, and secret techniques.

See no.

The big head is always [Super Dangerous Species] and other dangerous species.

Without this material, it can't be made at all.

That's the core, that's the key.

It plays more than 90% of the role!

And the [Shenzhou Secret Realm] has always been firmly controlled by Liyue.

Also, you need a secret technique.

Otherwise, in the previous empire, Oliha Rigid Metal would not be found?

But still can't make imperial tools.

A series of secret techniques have been lost, but it just can't work.

[Olihagang] is a rare metal, but it is only a rare metal, there is no dangerous material, there is no secret technique, it is nothing.

So understand what it is called, does Liyue master the core technology.jpg

Those powerful dangerous species, the materials on their bodies are the real best, and even many of Su Bai's alchemy props are the materials of these powerful creatures.

Therefore, Oliha has just been in Liyue, which is in normal circulation, and those students in Liyue Academy can have more contact.

Put it in someone else's place though.

That is, ore with higher hardness.

The one who can really turn decay into magic is always a genius like Su Bai who has mastered skills and alchemy, unique secret methods, and so on.

Not to mention the funny thing, these ores began to degenerate into a foundation.

Although this is the foundation.

A new alloy like the one developed by Cutting Moon Tsukiyang Zhenjun, this is a stronger metal.

The advantages of gathering several ores.

So it's still okay for Su Bai to let him study alloys, don't practice what alloy Dan.

I really picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon.

So isn't it very pleasant to sell Ray Movie some basic ore and still make her panic like this?


If Esders saw this, they would have to complain again.

You're just going to tease the Ray movie.

Man with a black belly million!.

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