However, Shadow still insisted.

I'll buy a small batch, later, and later.

A smile flashed in Su Bai's eyes.

Shadows are fun.

With a little sesame seed, she can be shaken like this.

It's so much fun.

Therefore, after enjoying the tangled look of the shadow, Su Bai slowly drew out a fairy sword that emitted red light from the spatial fluctuations next to him.

Its blade body is mainly white, plus some danmo-colored patterns.

At the hilt, there is a white fox hair outfit, and the silver-white ruler blade spreads out from the hilt, as if fixing the blade body, and the shape of this knife looks direct and appropriate.

Nothing too much color and decoration.

It is mainly a combination of a silver-white handle and a red blade.

However, because of this, his appearance looks unusually handsome.


What a spirit knife!

At this time, Su Bai handed it to Hua Sanli, who was standing silently on the side.

She was surprised.

"Huh? Lord Su Bai, what are you? "

"Take it, you've worked hard lately, dealt with a lot of things, and worried about the shadow, presumably hard and laborious."

"No, no."

Hua Sanli hurriedly spoke up.

After all.

It sounds a bit like working for Kage-sama, and I'm tired.

It gives people a feeling that the shadow lord is unreliable.

So how can it be next.

Send propositions.

And Su Bai watched her hold the handle of the knife and slowly nodded, "Three nine three."

"This weapon is your defense, and it can be regarded as my reward for you. After all, you have no weapons, and you have always been filthy before. The name I gave it was [Reido Sakura Fuyuki]. "

"This name itself has a certain relationship with foxes."

"It just so happens that you are the Baichen Immortal Fox, and it just fits with it. It is an immortal-level equipment that has many abilities and can also produce cherry blossoms falling when used. "

"You study it slowly."

Hua Sanli quickly bowed his head in gratitude.

"Thank you Lord Su Bai for the weapon, Hua Sanli is grateful to you, this kindness will be engraved in the heart."


She wanted to follow Su Bai.

After all, she was truly resurrected because of Su Bai.

It's just that the memory of the Fox Palace makes her want to help Ray Movie again.

But Su Bai is indeed the first.

So she got Su Bai's order, always accompany Lei Movie can be, Inazuma needs you, as for her side, you have a chance in the future.

That is the situation now.

And now.

With this weapon, her strength has risen a lot again.

Fairy fox with fairy sword.

Although the identity and background of the fox palace sounds, it is like the use of a magic weapon.

But she is Hanasari.

This made Lei Movie also stunned, is the immortal family equipped?

Su Bai is still so generous.

Just take out such a weapon.

There are mines!

And Kujo Yuluo's eyes showed a little resentment, although she felt that she was very unsuitable for her martial style, she disappeared again, and her eyes returned to calm.

But there is still a look of envy across it.


Magical alchemical equipment!

Unexpectedly, Lord Su Bai actually sent a handful of flowers directly!

Kujo Iroh died of envy.

Obviously, she had long been eager to get this alchemy equipment.

It's hard to see.

The result is not yet their own.

There before, she was touched by Lord Su Bai's wings, which made her face blush and scream.

Because Su Bai came to say a word, the shadow could hear it.

She forcibly held back.

Kujo Yuro could not maintain her original heroic and sassy posture at that time, and she could only close her eyes, hoping to pass sooner.

My heart is really wailing.

Lord Su Bai, the wings of female crow tengu really can't be touched, woo.

You do.

How else can I get married?


It is rare to see that Kujo Choro also has a weak side.

At that time, she almost fell weakly, but she was still helped by Su Bai, which made Jiujo Luo ashamed and shocked, and almost fainted.

So after coming out.

She kept her mouth shut about what had happened when she taught the Tengu cultivation technique inside.

It can't always be said.

I was held by Lord Su Bai's hand, and I was held by the waist, right?


How did it become like this.

The point is, she can't let Lord General know yet.

Therefore, he had such contact with Lord Su Bai, and he had taken so much advantage by him, but as a result, there was still no alchemy equipment, how could this not make the Nine Clothes show a grudge.


I can't get married.

Fortunately, he will always follow the general.

But not a moment later, she directly cursed herself in her heart, not satisfied!

Obviously he has obtained the exclusive Tengu Immortal Art created by Lord Su Bai, why dare to be insatiable and try to ask for more?

Do you deserve it yourself?

She has already benefited so much.

It is time to solemnly thank Su Bai for the talent.

Therefore, she is also blessed to get such an immortal spirit knife in Hua Sanli.

This is what Hua Sanli deserves.

After all, she has been diligent and conscientious recently, assisting Lord General and solving worries.

Played a huge role.

She also brought back the lost skills and texts of Narugami Taisha Shrine, which allowed Kazura Daiyu to perform it again, and she was also very respectful when she learned what kind of ceremony it was.

This is equivalent to saving Narugami Island and so many people!

She deserves to be admired by all peoples.

And have today's rewards.

So Kujo Jura also stood behind Lei Movie and watched silently.

On the contrary, Su Bai's eyes flashed with playfulness.

"Qiu Luo, next time you cultivate to Xiaocheng, come to me again, and I'll help you with guidance."


Kujo Luo's face instantly turned red.

Sue, Lord Su Bai.

Are you serious about this pointer?

It won't be the same as the previous two times, right?

Let me go.

I really can't do it.


She panicked.

But you can't not go.

After all, this is the cultivation technique given to her by Lord Su Bai, so it is reasonable that she must listen to this adult's opinion respectfully. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


How did it come to this!!

Kujo Choro was completely stupid.

And Lei Movie is also sweating, ah this, it feels like Pi Luo seems to be being played by Su Bai.

This, this.

I can't manage it myself.

But Pi Luo didn't shout much, it should be fine.

Believe in yourself, Iroh's decision.

And respect her!


Hilly plains.

"Go, Fox Spirit!"

At this time, Yae Miko drove the three-headed fox spirit and launched an attack towards Hanasari on the opposite side.

The so-called [fox spirit].

In fact, it is a kind of demon that will start harming people after falling, that is, "wild gan".

This thing is two ranks lower than the [Heavenly Fox], so it is driven by Yae Miko.

It is manifested as a thunder elemental means, which can fall from the sky and blast out thunder.

In legend, the wild trunk is a creature that is smaller than a fox like a fox, but larger than a weasel, and has a slightly yellowed coat.

And here in Inazuma.

Nature refers to the inside of the fox clan, which is hierarchical.

Faced with such a blow, Hua Sanli smiled slightly, and his figure turned into a white shadow, which was avoided at once.

And turn to clap your hands.

"Astute and lovely dependents, run the earth!"

Beside her, several large foxes suddenly converged from the thunder light, spitting thunder balls in their mouths, galloping on this plain, and launched a pursuit towards Yae Miko.

This is very similar to the Sky Fox.

However, Hanasari is not a fox palace, so her rebirth did not awaken the foxes who turned into stone statues.

That kind of blood induction is different.

She is the new Baichen fairy fox.

Volatility is not the same.

As for Yae Miko, at that time, it was she who had already put away her breath, so Miko also admitted her mistake at first.

It's strange to see a completely similar appearance that is not dumbfounded.

And what about Yae Miko, in fact, she is obviously one level lower than Kitsunomiya ...

You can see it in her skills.

She's talking about our Sky Fox.

And the fox family itself has the Heavenly Fox and Earth Fox families, as well as the Baichen bloodline that commands all the fox races.

That is, [Baichen Big Fox]!

The Son of God is at most a [Heavenly Fox] with some Baichen bloodline, but it is not obvious.

So it's a pink fox.

The complete version of Baichen bloodline is a proper white hair like Fox Palace and now Hua Sanli!

And when Miko saw this attack, he was also surprised.

"Surprise, Sky Fox attack?"

"Gotta be careful."

With a sly smile, she also became like a phantom and dodged those attacks.

And floated with the figure.

One by one, the killing cherry blossoms remained in place, causing blows to those energy [Sky Fox], and thunder and lightning continued to fall, especially after the number of killing cherry blossoms increased.

It's all over the land.

Thus triggering an astonishing sea of thunderstorms, the dense energy rose wildly again.

Energy fluctuations are superimposed all the time.

The purple thunder arc ravaged the earth, crackling, and this scene was enough to scare those ordinary people in Inazuma to death.

It's like a natural disaster!

Hana Sanli also clapped his hands and praised.

"The killing cherry blossoms are cleverly arranged in a clever position, forming a cycle like a magic array, so that the power can increase while saving a lot of strength, Miko, you are very clever."

"Oh, hey, thank you, your appreciation."

Miko covered his mouth and snickered.

"After all, if you can be lazy, you don't need to end up in person." This is the case with the falling thunder that kills Sakura. "

"Hmph, Lord Huasanli's Heavenly Fox, it's not going to work."

Looking at the formation of killing cherry blossoms, one after another the thunder elemental sky fox was destroyed by falling thunder, even if they also rose up to resist, they still ushered in a decline under such a frequency of falling thunder offensive!

Ling Shenzi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

I'm awesome, right?

As a result, Hua Sanli also pursed his lips and smiled at this time.

"Yes, you look again."

Shenzi hurriedly looked over, and saw that after several thunder elemental heavenly foxes were eliminated, the power of thunder light did not dissipate, but turned into a short, chubby little fox and rushed to the position of killing cherry blossoms.

And then it exploded, breaking the cycle.

Self-detonating fox!

The remaining Thunder Heavenly Foxes rushed out of here and came towards this side.

The remaining killing cherry blossoms were all left in place.

After all, killing cherry blossoms doesn't move.

Want to be lazy like this.

While it is invisibly convenient and fast, it has also become a disadvantage.

4.0 This leaves the Son of God speechless.

"Lord Huasanli deserves to have the memory of the master mother of the Fox Palace, and has also inherited her exquisite skills, did she hide the [Earth Fox] in the Sky Fox from the beginning?"

"If I choose close combat, won't I suffer a big loss?"

"Fortunately, I like to stay away from the enemy."

"Well, I have to be serious! The Great Tantric Heavenly Fox Manifestation! "

With the coquettish splintering of the god son, those killing cherry blossoms all shattered and exploded, turning into countless purple streamers and soaring into the sky, and directly transformed into one after another of the heavenly fox thunder, slamming into those Hua scattered attacks!

Not only that, but the god son also controlled more than half of the [Heavenly Fox Thunder] at the same time, stretched out his hand, and flew to Huashanli.

It's like a killer!

Thunder roar!

Even the sky is dark, and purple thunder explodes wildly here!

And accompanied by the proud voice of the Son of God.

"Hmm, in fact, I put so many killing cherry blossoms, and I didn't put them in vain."

"This can save the process of condensing the energy of the thunder element, heck, I'm such a genius."

She covered her mouth and snickered, and a pink tail appeared behind her.

That's when using this move, you need to reveal the certificate of the sky fox and order thunder!

So release the tail and come out.

On weekdays, she doesn't show her tail at all.

As a result, in the face of these thunders, Hanasari not only did not run this time, but summoned a wonderful weapon under the surprised gaze of Yae Miko.

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