Sky Port Subai Personal Office.

"Hey, let me see, who is here, it's really surprising, I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to find it."

At this time, Lei Movie looked at Su Bai's mocking expression, and it was a little unnatural.

In this place where only the two of them worked, the atmosphere was a little delicate.

Shadow is a little embarrassed.

But she still nodded slightly and whispered.

"After all, you are my friend, and I still owe you so much favor."

"I can't make you think that I'm cold and have no dealings with Inazuma all the time, so I came to you."

Even if Su Bai went to Inazuma last time and accepted the invitation of Lei Movie.

Actually, it didn't take long.

This time, though.

Ray Movie also took the initiative to come over.

Well, come to Liyue this time.

After Su Bai turned Hua Sanli into a real life in front of her, Lei Movie was greatly touched in his heart and made up his mind to resurrect Zhenhe and Fox Palace.

She knew exactly what she was doing.

Also remember the previous agreement.

So at this time, the two are here, and the shadow does have a very subtle sense of restraint.

At this time, Su Bai still did not open which pot.

"Shadow, I still have some business to approve, so I can't take you out for the time being. How about you adapt to your future life now? "


"As my shadow warrior, you said that idea before. Of course, it's okay if you don't want to, after all, I treat you as a friend and make you a shadow warrior, which is a bit of a feeling of being lower than me. "

Hearing this, Ying hurriedly spoke up.

"No, I can, then let me stand by your side, I hope it doesn't disturb you."

Facing Su Bai at work, Lei Ying also stepped forward and pursed his lips and stood next to him.

Her light purple beauty eyes are full of curiosity and novelty.

It's really not been an experience in years.

In the past.

That was when [really] was there.

You don't need to think about anything, everything is considered and implemented by the truth, all you have to do is to kill the enemy and swing the knife at the enemy who stands in the way.

Then [really] was gone.

Those days are gone.

So it's amazing these days.

As the Narugami of Inazuma, the shogunate's Raiden Shogun, Kage stood here very quietly at this time, and quickly threw himself into it and adapted to the role.

Or, let's go back to your old business.

She didn't say a word, so as not to disturb Su Bai, the so-called shadow warrior is a shadow-like existence.

Only Su Bai flipped the paper, 537 and scanned the sound of the virtual projection in front of him.

There were only two of them in this place.

There is a sense of tranquility and peace.

After signing the document allowing a project to run and put into construction, Su Bai turned his head slightly to Lei Ying's side.

Standing here in a beautiful outfit, her hands are naturally spread, and her slender and straight beautiful legs can also see the fair thighs and absolute fields between the long leg socks and the upper body clothing.

At the end is an idyllic beauty.

Especially the mole, it is a little more touching and delicate.

There is no sense of strength like a general.

It's more like a gentle woman.

Just now, she also poked her head curiously to look, but Su Bai inadvertently turned back, and the faces of the two almost collided.

Frightened, Lei Ying's eyes were flustered, and he quickly retracted back.

Lovely very.

It's like a frightened sparrow.

At this time, Su Bai had a smile in his eyes.

"Kage, are you still used to it, if this is seen by people outside, especially Inazuma, there will be a strong shock and shock, the God of Thunder who looks down on the world is obediently next to me at this time."

"Should I say, is it my pleasure?"

Shadow shook his head and spoke out with a serious look in his eyes.

"No, you are nobler than me, so it is my honor, after all, in terms of force, you are above me and the general, and we are still friends, you have helped me too much, and I owe you a lot."

"And when I think that I will owe you more next, I can't face you even more, I, faceless, ashamed, and self-contained."

"So by your side, it's nothing for me to say like this, it should be said, please give more advice in the future, after all, I may come to you often in the future, looking for: Find you to play. "

She lowered her head a little embarrassed.

But in this regard, her attitude is still very serious.

For her.

This is no less than that I will stay by your side often in the future, which is really difficult for her to say.

So, so.

Just think I'll come to you often and take me to play.

Slowly adapt to such a life first.

Su Bai let out a laugh.

"Don't be too inhibited, just work with me and relax."


Then the two got along like that.

The serious kind.

For Liyue, Ying is also very curious, even if he has already come to CEDA last time, or the gathering of the seven gods a long time ago, he also came with his sister.

But Liyue many years ago and now are completely two things.

And last time she also visited this huge sky city, and what she witnessed was only the tip of the iceberg.

There are so many amazing things that I have never seen.

Always able to give her new experiences.

And all of this is related to the man in front of him.

Regarding the matter of the alchemy ship, Lei Movie also discussed with Su Bai, and if she came over this time, she also wanted to purchase more, which was very useful.

And looking at the virtual screen in front of him, Su Bai pulled the list above.

The variety of equipment and items also stunned her.

Can a small alchemy ship add so many functions?

There are too many numbers and directions?!!

Moreover, it was even possible to pay the [Ship Division] to modify the internal environment and build a small ecological garden, with land and crops, various plants and fruits, and a series of small animals.

Chickens, ducks and geese are fine, and no one cares about you if you raise cattle in it.

Self-sufficiency can be achieved.

It can not only salvage the catch in the sea, but also grow vegetables and various crops in the boat.


She couldn't help but speak out.

"This, such an alchemy ship, if it is at sea, is not the same as home?"

"Then I'm afraid that many of them will directly build it into a home on the sea, right?"

Make the boat your home and drift everywhere.

Isn't Su Bai worried that there are too many alchemy ships, which will cause many people to choose to stay at sea all the time and not come back?

For this, Su Bai was surprised.

"No, there are more fun things on the shore, going to the sea is more similar to vacation, fishermen will often come back, in today's Liyue, all kinds of streets and shops, there are many new things."

"Are they willing to do it?"

The shadow is dumb.

Oh, yes.

Liyue is too prosperous, so that this kind of sea life cannot last long, and it is necessary to return to the shore often to purchase a series of things.

This side on the shore is the base camp.

As the subject.

However, in the case of Inazuma, Kage feels that there may really be many people who are willing to stay on this alchemy ship for a long time.

A carefree escape.

And Su Bai is still relatively open-minded and smiled naturally.

"Besides, if they develop into a group of alchemy ship families living at sea, it will not be bad, it is a kind of feature, and taking the ship as their home is not something that has never happened."

"And with the development in the future, Liyue will definitely build a second large sea port, and people's interaction with the sea will become more and more frequent."

For his self-confidence and various plans, Ying was envious and admired.

Much stronger than yourself.

All kinds of decisions and ideas are directly at your fingertips.

A series of plans that I think of casually, I am afraid that I can't think of one for a long time.

This gap is too big. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Those immortal boats alone are enough to make other countries bleak, Liyue, a ride to the dust!

And soon, Su Bai opened a spatial ring, threw all these documents over, and then clapped his hands neatly and sighed.

"It's over."

"Huh? That's it? "

Kagebo was dumbfounded.

It feels like you haven't worked for long, how can you finish it all at once.

So fast!

Although Su Bai was indeed very fast when dealing with each document, as for the place he opened just now, it was like a table working in a subordinate department, right?

I also saw many female secretaries like people.

It's just that it's closed again.

Is there a space connected there?

The power of space is easy to use.

She hadn't done that anyway.

"Of course it's gone, Shadow, how long do you think it's going to take? Most of the things are shared by the following women, I just deal with the key and responsible guidance. "

"You haven't been busy lately, have you?"

"No, no!"

Faced with Su Bai's suspicions, Ying sweated denials.

Although it is true that compared to before, in order to be able to manage Inazuma better, become better and learn more, she is indeed very busy, busy and not good.

So hearing Su Bai ask like this, she was a little weak-hearted.

But at least the past two days have been much better.

There are sensible and well-behaved flowers scattered in ah.

Now it has become.

Ray Movie: Help me, Hanasari!

Hua Sanli is also hardworking and very capable.

is a pretty good person.

It took her a lot of worries.

Although, Hua Sanli is also made by Su Bai, reflecting that her thunder movie seems to be useless, inexplicably embarrassing.

Before himself, there was only the crumb fox of the Son of God.

"Poof, okay, then I don't know."

"After work, Ying, do you want to come and try Liyue's new food?"

Lei Movie watched Su Bai clean up the table and restore it to a neat and advanced flat table, and then he brought out a large alchemy plate loading vessel with an oversized fish inside.

It has been processed, and a lot of spices and spices have been placed, which look like bright red peppers and a lot of vegetables.


It must be fish or some other sea beast, right?

The main thing is that it looks very large, as if a piece of meat of particularly good quality has been cut off and cooked here.

Su Bai also debugged the instrument below.

Immediately, the flame rose and began to heat.

The original fragrance began to become richer, making Yingdu's index finger move.

"This, this is?"

"Dragon Catfish, the new dragon fire element creature I introduced, was originally a very good tasting fish, and after a series of seasonings, it became quite delicious."

"It can be used as a signature delicacy."

"After all, several special sauces from Liyue were added to it, and I also put several immortal herbs and herbs into it to sublimate the taste again. The essence of our gastronomic culture makes it shine brightly. "

"Catfish? I didn't see it at all, isn't this thing very big? "

Oversized catfish?

And the dragon family's statement surprised her and didn't say anything.

Those sea beasts, in fact, can also be said.

But everyone should eat how they eat, it doesn't matter, it won't be because of this, they won't eat you.

Sandworms are still ancient dragon relics, still bred by desert tribes.

Become a food.

And in this process of heating and boiling, this fragrance makes Ying a little drooling, and she is also a little anxious.

When can I eat it?

I'm really not in a hurry because I'm hungry!

In anxious waiting.

Ying finally waited for the bowl handed over by Su Bai, which contained freshly cut fish meat and fish soup with fiery red and chili oil, which looked quite delicious.

Although she is a little silent.

Ah, I am here in Su Bai, is it eating at every turn?

Woo wouldn't be considered a foodie.

I feel that my face is lost.

But here in Su Bai, there is no need for those faces, and after she took a bite and tasted it, she made an excited whining sound, it was so delicious, it was great.

Taste buds explode just out!

It was so delicious.

This meat really melts in the mouth, with the smooth and spicy soup, it can be said that she trembles, Liyue's food is really powerful!

I feel more and more irresistible.

For Liyue's food, it is almost becoming more and more resistant!

One more bite, one more time!

She didn't think much about it, and Meimei immersed herself in it and ate it.

Woo-woo foodie is foodie!

No shame!

Soon, this bowl was swept by her, and she handed it to Su Bai with a blank eye.

Cute and loving.

"So, that, another bowl?"

"Sorry to let you see the joke."

Lei Ying's face was slightly red and he lowered his head, his eating appearance just now must have been taken in by Su Bai.

But, it's really good.

Shame on you too!

Su Bai chuckled disapprovingly.

"Nothing, that's your true temperament, isn't it, you don't need to suppress anything, come on."

Shadow is also grateful.

"Thank you, this dragon catfish, the taste is really good, although you said that it was introduced, but I have never heard of it, it is really incredible, many of your various items and resources in Liyue are unheard of."

"It's amazing, Su Bai, you are a magical person, Liyue, and also a magical country."

"I'm glad to meet you."

In fact, this dragon catfish is a monster from her world that was passed to Su Bai by the spider last time.

On weekdays, he lives in the magma in the middle of the Great Labyrinth of Elro.

It's a maze where spiders call it delicious!


On this basis, Su Bai once again combined the elements and species of Tivat itself to reconstruct a new creature.

Not to mention last time.

He also took the blood of those Shen He and them, the beast they defeated in the battle at the bottom of the sea.

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