Even the Thunderbird itself did not react, and stopped at the last second's movement.

Then Ye Ruo came to the thunderbird and opened its mouth.

I took out a series of props and stuffed them in.

Close your mouth again.


At this time, a spherical prop appeared in Ye Ruo's hand.

【Advanced Ball】

[A Pokéball prop from the Pokémon world, which is easier to catch elves than super balls, is a very good ball. ] 】

The treasure chest opened from before.

But looking at the current thunderbird, Ye Ruo put this away again.

Never mind.

Not used.

When to draw a master ball to play, that performance is stronger.

Although Ye Ruo didn't know what creatures he could use to subdue them, after all, the powerful creatures were almost the same at present.

The strongest nature is the Dragon King.

As a result, Inazuma did not.

Let's go to Meru in the future, maybe there is a grass dragon there.

So after getting it, Ye Ruo resumed his time here.

The thunderbird burst out with his power, not realizing that he was frozen for a moment.

But it soon stopped.

His eyes were full of doubts.

"Why am I alive? I remember that I was obviously dead, but I was still shot through by an arrow from Narugami. "

"Strange, really strange."

"Human oh, human, you are not human!"

It noticed Ye Ruo, and at first wanted to say something, but its pupils shrank.

This is a human with a hammer!

I can feel that this product is much more fierce than my own.

It was clearly an extremely terrifying demon god, and his body seemed to contain a terrifying power that even he trembled.

Nor is Thor face-to-face.

That being the case, where did this old monster jump from?

And why do you feel a sense of intimacy?

It feels like there is a very direct connection between the two parties, as if the other party is their own master.

But wasn't she a hostess before?

Or do you say that you have Alzheimer's disease and have a confused memory?

The Thunderbird fell silent.

However, Ye Ruo looked at the huge bird and looked at it.

"You're a little smaller, too big."

Thunderbird was stunned for a moment.

"You man, why should I become smaller, obviously this is very good-looking!"

But having said that, the Thunderbird obediently did so.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it changed from a giant bird to an ordinary size.

That is, birds that emit purple light.

Then it flew onto Ye Ruo's shoulder.

Curious voice.

"Who are you, and why do I think you're very kind?" Do we know each other? "

It stands to reason.

Replaced by the previous thunderbird, it has long been a violent thunder and lightning, and this place suddenly becomes the kind of thunder sea.

Then flutter your wings and fly away.

After all, it is a monster after all, and its character ignores and looks at all the development of the world without care.

Even those who are ignorant of human beings, the so-called prayer.

It is also dismissive.

The only songs that interest me are songs from all things in the world.

As a result, under Ye Ruo's props, it became very obedient to Ye Ruo's words, and it would not set off thunderstorms and get angry.

Instead, he was full of curiosity about Ye Ruo.

At this time, Ye Ruo did not answer it, but continued to ask.

"Do you remember your name now?"

"Abominable! Why don't you reply to my question. "

"But the name, I don't remember."

"In the past, she gave me a name, but I have long forgotten those things."

"It doesn't matter now anyway, it's the same whether it is the same or not." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even though he was a little angry at Ye Ruo's attitude of not answering his question, Thunderbird still raised his head and said smugly.

It replied to Ye Ruo's question.

"If that's the case, then call you Xiaozi."

"What the hell is ?!!?"

After hearing Ye Ruo think about a name coming out of his mouth, the thunderbird instantly exploded.

It is too much to dare to give it such an ugly and uninteresting name!

What a broken little purple!

Is it worthy of such a noble it?

Angry, it immediately wanted to peck Ye Ruo.

However, Ye Ruo touched its head, and then laughed.

"Okay, then use the previous cappachili."

"In the future, I will be your new master, just remember to call me Ye Ruo."

"I resurrected you, in the future, you will follow me first, let you see the present world, so as to integrate into it."

This made the Thunderbird's anger dissipate again.

It was as if Ye Ruo had a magical magic in him that could make it calm and obedient.

However, the Thunderbird himself did not notice it.

That's the power of props.

Changed to a thunderbird with no props, most of them have jumped their feet at this time and fought directly.

Now it is directly recognized by the owner.

It has no objection.

Ying and Aru's time has also returned to normal.

So when Aru saw the familiar thunderbird, she also shouted excitedly.

"Cappachili! You're back. "

This made the thunderbird look back, and it was also full of emotion.

Very happy.

"It's you, little man. Presumably, even you were resurrected by the way. "

"I used to say that the next time we meet, you will be allowed to sing to me."

"However, that group of ants let your blood flow into the earth in vain, it is really looking for death!"

"Now, you're finally resurrected."

This made Thunderbird Capachili also look at Ye Ruo seriously.

"Thank you, Ye Ruo."

"The power in you seems to make me feel a little familiar, but it feels a lot worse, just like the sister of the pair of sisters who inherited her power."

"But better than her."

"Strange, why do I say her power, who is she?"

"I don't remember, forget it. Anyway, in the future, I will follow you! "

Looking at this scene of Thunderbird and Ye Ruo, Ah Lu scratched his head a little.


Is Cappachilli's attitude towards people so good after her resurrection?

I am still worried about whether I will fight.

After all, Capachri never put everything in her eyes, and it was only because of her singing that it stopped.

Say your singing is funny.

Make an appointment to listen to it next time.

If this were to be replaced by someone else, it would not take it.

I didn't expect that the relationship with my big brother would be so good now.

Being able to get along so well is worthy of being a god-sama!

It's awesome!

Let Arudu envy and worship the bar.

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