At this time, due to the use of the power of life, the land that was originally floating in the air was covered with verdant grass and flowers, and the gloomy atmosphere brought by the original thunderstorm also disappeared.

Ah Lu also continued the agreement of thousands of years and sang a song.

Thunderbird Capachili also listened carefully.

The beautiful singing echoed here, and Ah Lu, as a child, was innocent and beautiful with life, and those cruel memories did not remain in his mind.

Instead, it also needs to be explained by Ye Ruo.

Ying and Paimon also clapped their little hands.


This time things can be regarded as coming to a very good ending.

It was Paimon who suddenly said, "Ying, this is much better than what you sing." "

"I remember the last time you sang to the glazed lily, you sang all the monsters out, and it took us a lot of strength to destroy them!"

A black line appeared on Ying's forehead, and she suddenly wanted to strangle this Paimon.

Obviously, her singing voice is also good, okay!

Those few deceptive flowers don't know how to lift up.

Besides, it didn't take a lot of effort to deal with it, and this was still to protect Mr. Zhongli at that time.

As a result, it was later learned that 713 Dao and Zhongli were the rock gods.

Protect a hammer.

So she glared at Paimon with disdain.

"I was fighting, not us. You clearly flew behind the tree, okay. "

"Hey!! Whatever, Paimon is also thrilling to remind you of the movement of monsters. "

"Let you be careful of other attacks, you must know that if the monster notices Paimon's location, it will be dangerous!"

"Just know that poor mouth, you won't have a share of the dinner you are waiting for!"

"Wow, Ying, don't do this."

Paimon suddenly became miserable, if she didn't eat, wouldn't this have taken her life?

Only cattail is snickering.

This is a daily bickering in life.

And Ye Ruo also looked at the thunderbird Capachili who flapped his wings and flew in the air.

At this size, it's a bit familiar.

So what's going on?

Oh, remembered.

The queen of sins and her dark night raven Oz.

In the past, Ye Ruo thought that there was something special about that Oz, but later found out that it was actually Fischer's fantasy friend, an elemental creature that appeared with the Eye of God because his wish was recognized.

(CJEB) is not surprising in what is now Mondstadt.

On the contrary, it was Cappachili, not a crow.

It is a thunderbird of real value.

Even if he has reduced his size, he can still feel the vigorous power of thunder in his body.

Once it breaks out, it's no problem to easily sink Qingli Island.

After that, the matter also came to an end.

The sudden thunderstorm startled the people living on the island, but it didn't take long for it to disappear.

The big stone in their hearts gradually fell.

At most, we'll have to wait and see after that.

And when the thunderbird burst out of power, the thunder movie that was dealing with affairs on Narujin Island noticed this situation and looked over.

Originally, she planned to come over in person.

After all, she recognized this force at once, it was the thunderbird she had killed.

However, she also noticed the power exuded by Ye Ruo, after all, the two of them have been discussing and studying the origin of life, and you have me and I have you, who have been close for a long time.

Naturally, it is easy to discern.

So the shadow didn't go.

She could guess at once what was going on there.

Most likely, Qingming resurrected the bird, maybe this is to subdue the other party?

Have they all started to make Demon God-level Shikami?

There really is his. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ideas are getting bolder.

As for the failure to accept and cause a series of disasters, the shadow does not care.

After all, that bird, that is, Qingming's sword thing.

Qingming is a very planned and considerate person, and will not do anything unsure,

Now he is ashamed of himself and stunned.

So the Thunderbird can't turn over much waves.

If you can't accept it, you will be slaughtered, how big a deal?

So it didn't take long after seeing that the thunderstorm subsided, and she showed her own look and continued to listen to the real teaching.

During this time.

Raiden is really teaching her all the experience of managing Inazuma.

It also made a lot of changes and new ideas in Ying's thinking.

Fortunately, this is a change in the general's law.

Otherwise, it will jump out and do things at this time.

And Ye Ruo's side, Ah Lu was resurrected by him.

Then Aru came to the side of Narugami Island, and now Tianling pursues a series of policies to protect the livelihood of the people and the elderly and children, and there are special personnel who will provide help in all aspects.

Not to mention that when Heguan was in the same vein, there were many people who escaped.

In Narugami Island, it has already taken root here.

It's all a long, long time ago.

Not to mention that Ye Ruo's identity is placed here, so as soon as Ah Lu came here, he received a house, and his life was also guaranteed.

No matter what you learn next, you can have a good life.

Then in the conversation with Ye Ruo, Aru's eyes lit up.

Because he heard Ye Ruo's Heguan redevelopment plan, the dense fog above had been expelled by Ye Ruo, and also let the thunderbird reorganize the earth veins and restore the normal island situation.

Therefore, in the future development of Inazuma, some people will go to the Tsurukan Island side to build cities and villages.

After all, the island is quite big.

If it is developed, many people can live in the future.

It started as a large city with no problems at all.

After all, Inazuma itself is an archipelago environment, relying on transportation on the water to move.

So Ah Ru said.

In this case, when I grow up, I will join this development plan.

As a person who came from Heguan, Ah Ru wants to re-establish it as a place full of people and humanities.

He already has his own ideals and goals in life.

Perhaps after that, in the redeveloped Tsurukan Island, marry a wife and have children, and live this happy life.

As for the Thunderbird Capachli, its concept of time is different from that of humans.

Even if it likes to listen to Aru's singing, the next time may be decades away.

Listen to it two or three times, and it may be that Aru's descendants sang to it.

As for whether it sounds good or not, then I don't know.

It is such a long scale, and their powerful elemental creatures are easy to be worshipped by humans and called gods.

Just like the time when the demon god walked on the earth.

Everyone shouted that it was the demon god.

In fact, those people who are sheltered by the demon gods and live under their command.

They are all called God, [our God].

So in history, it is described in the original era.

It was all used, [It was a time when the gods were still walking on the earth. 】。

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