Hearing this, Ah Lu was finally relieved.

After all, he was also worried about Cappachili's fate, and it would be too miserable if he was treated as a monster again.

And now, this god-sama is willing to teach it.

He also made it a dependant of Lord General.

That would be great.

Kapachili can live safely in Inazuma.

With the jurisdiction of the two gods, there will definitely be no more chaos and disasters.

This is a great thing for Cappachili.

Hopefully, Capachili will understand this too.

And next.

Ye Ruo gave Ah Luo a sword by the way, and this action scared Ying stupidly.

Frightened and wanted to stop.

It turned out that Ye Ruo moved too fast, and then the real texture began to appear on Ayu's body, which was the reshaping of the flesh.

By the way, Ye Ruo used his strength to help him make up a set of clothes by the way.

As for when he resurrected Raiden Zhen, why didn't Ye Ruo do this. 29 Don't ask.

The question is that his strength is too consumed.

Unlike now, resurrecting a Ah Ru is not a task at all.

No more.

Raiden really has such a graceful and slender body, and it is not bad to feast your eyes.

Even if I guessed a little, I could only be embarrassed and couldn't say anything.

It's too late to thank you.

How could she blame Ye Ruo.

At most, when I met Ye Ruo, it was a little embarrassing.


Ah Lu was resurrected on the spot, very simple and easy.

Ye Ruo also gave Ah Lu a cyan protective cover by the way.

"As a creature with a rich thunder element, ordinary people will cause harm and even endanger their lives if they stay for a long time."

"This protective cover will allow you to stay here longer."

After all, the humans of Tivat are like this.

Where the elements are a little thicker, it's best not to stay there often.

More elemental power, it is harmful to people.

Not to mention creatures like thunderbirds.

It does not converge a little power, and it is easy to let others die violently in an instant.

And feeling that his touch was completely different from before, Ah Lu was stunned for a moment and looked at his hands.

The body and tone are shaking.

"Am I and am I resurrected?"

"Oh my God, this is nothing short of miraculous."

Then he knelt down excitedly and saluted Ye Ruo for a while.

"Thank you Lord Shenming, for being willing to help Aru's affairs, and spending your divine power to resurrect Aru, obviously I am just an ordinary and insignificant human being."

It really made Ah Lu trepidation and grateful. I don't know how to repay you. "

Ye Ruo did not stop this action, because it was indeed what he deserved.

It is also normal to be revered.

In a moment, he also spoke up for Ah Ru to get up.

Ying Du opened his mouth wide as if he was watching something.

"That, that. Ye Ruo, can you even be resurrected by ordinary people? "

Paimon is also nervous.

"Yes, it's incredible that even Aru can be resurrected."

"Is it weird?"

Ye Ruo held the Tiancong Cloud Sword and glanced at them.

"I can resurrect any thunderbird, let alone mortal."

"But it's better to just die not long ago, like Ah Lu is already special."


Ying was sudden, feeling so stupid.

After all, it is simpler to resurrect people.

Then she was a little puzzled.

Mortals who have been dead for too long, can't they?

"Quite simply, because I am calling the will back from the past, powerful creatures or gods, whose will or divine consciousness can survive through distant time."

"You can see by looking at the remnants of those demon gods, as well as the grievances of these thunderbirds, which still exist for thousands of years and can continue to exist."

"But human consciousness is too easy to die out in a long time and melt into the earth."

"I can't get together, it's completely gone. There will also be that kind of pure memory in the vein, the image created. "

"Those memories are short-lived and will soon dissipate."

Therefore, humans who have been dead for too long, such as those of Aru's people, cannot be resurrected. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Besides, even if he could do it, Ye Ruo wouldn't do it.

Foolish fools.

What kind of blood sacrifice is still being done there.

Dead deserve it.

And Aru is different, his soul is preserved by the feathers of the thunderbird.

The constant cycle of those villagers disappears again, and this Aru has always been there.

Although they are all in a repetitive cycle, he is the most special.

So he was able to be resurrected.

Ying and Paimon also understood, so it was.

And at this time.

The Thunderbird was also completely resurrected.

It opened its eyes, and the power of thunder and lightning on its body burst out!

Once again, another terrifying and amazing impact was triggered, purple thunder light rose up into the sky, countless thunder was densely packed, and the power that shook the deep sea and the center of the earth was back again!

Even the air where this place is located is shrouded in a storm of thunder and lightning.

Wind and clouds change!

The sky has changed!

Can easily affect the celestial phenomena, blow up an island at every turn, and the power vented out can shake the sea, there is no doubt that the thunderbird is a proper demon god strength.

And Ye Ruo felt it.

Medium Demon God Peak?

It seems to have lived too long and been worn out too much.

530 This bird fell from the level of the High Demon God.

In other worlds, it may become stronger and stronger.

But here in Tivat, if you live too long, your strength will slowly decline and be worn away.

So the bird also forgot its past, both by its name and its hostess.

However, just when the thunderbird wanted to hisss and burst out with more powerful power, Ye Ruo snapped his fingers, and the time in this area was directly paused.

This is really big enough to get up.

This is still Ye Ruo got a protective shield for the people behind him.

Otherwise, the previous wave of impact, whether it was soul or body, would be wiped out in minutes.

In front of such creatures, mortals seem too small.

As for Ying?

Although Ye Ruo also got her protection, the impact of the thunderbird was actually not much of a problem for her.

Voyager has a very clear advantage.

Thick blood.

The defense is amazing.

Even if he was slapped to the ground by other powerful creatures, he could get up immediately like a nobody.

But since Ye Ruo was here, he gave defense together by the way,


Neither Ying, Aru, nor Thunderbird fell into a standstill.

Ye Ruoke is a person who has two ruling powers, and walks sideways under the ruling.

A thunderbird, naturally feel free to take it.

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