Countless thunder elemental energies frantically converged here.

Whistling, boiling!

For a while, the sky and the earth changed color, and the whole island had a siphon phenomenon!

The energy rushing from all directions was too thick, and even produced a violent and dazzling purple light scene.

It's all heading towards the center of the place.

It's like a giant funnel, instilling energy.

The whole island was shaken by such movement!

One sword out, one island moves!

No matter where you stand.

Even on other islands, you can see the wonders of Kiyo Island!

Wonders of heaven and earth!

This leads to both the adventurers who come here to venture or the people who already live here.

At this moment, their faces were full of shock and horror.

"What happened?"

"Such a terrible thunder "one one zero" electric element, oh my God, everywhere! "

"What exactly caused such a phenomenon, such a terrifying energy, made me tremble all over!"

"It seems to be heading towards Tianyun Pass, which is full of gravel and thunderstorms, which is an extremely dangerous area for ordinary people."

"Even if it is a senior adventurer, it does not dare to go deep, and it is easy to be struck by the thunder and lightning falling from the sky."

"Such a range and area, I am afraid that it has covered the entire island, right?"

"Could it be that some unimaginable terrifying monster has appeared? To be able to have such a momentum is simply numbing, I can't believe what it is! "

Those villagers living on Qingli Island remembered what they did.

Some elderly people shrank their pupils.

"Could it be that some terrible monster was born in the place where the thunderbird died?"

"But there should be a seal left by Hibiki-sama Asase there, it stands to reason that hundreds of years have passed, and it has been safe and sound."

"Why is this happening now?"

"Hopefully, it won't affect the entire Qingli Island." Otherwise, everyone living here will be finished

Because Asase Hibiki did not release the resentment of the thunderbird in the seal, there are still villages on Kiyora Island that have lived here for generations.

There are quite a few young people who are serving on Narugami Island.

And hundreds of years have passed since the seal, and the energy that spills out can still form thunder power, and then that one is killed by Ying.

The one in Sugana Mountain was killed by Ye Ruoshen.

After all, it's just a little strength and resentment, and it's not much stronger for him, that's how much it is.

And at the place of the incident.

At the moment when the thunderbird was resurrected, the impact of the minefield generated spread out instantly!

Ling Yingdu hurriedly blocked it!

However, she suddenly found that these shocks were all stopped by Ye Ruo, and she was shocked.

Looking at the long sword in his hand that radiated light, thus looking amazing, containing endless power, Ying Du sighed.

"Is this it, Tiancong Cloud Sword?"

"Inazuma's supreme artifact."

This is not the first time I have seen this Tiancong Cloud Sword.

Last time, Ye Ruo used it to cut out a thoughtless sword, causing that Thunder God to also backhand the same sword.

At that time, the martial arts trembled.

Even the bladeless sword in her own hand was trembling, which could be said to be impressive.

Didn't expect that.

In addition to the terrifying power of thunder and lightning, can this sword even be able to resurrect the thunderbird that has long died?

It's amazing.

Why, this is not written in that novel.

It's just that this sword stands on top of other weapons, and as a forged artifact, it has unpredictable and many powers.

It was also that Raiden Zhen who instilled strength and ore.

So that a lot of precious materials were gathered, so that this sword had a chance to be born.

The specific ability, but I didn't write it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But Ying thought about it, how could he say such a heaven-defying ability.

A simple summary can be skimmed over.

Actually, there is so much history in the past.

It is impossible to write all the novels.

Even a simple story, in which a lot of things and experiences can be expanded.

In a word, it seems simple.

Translated into history, that's years, decades.

And how much has happened in this.

Therefore, when converted to real history, it will naturally be automatically improved and supplemented according to logic.

And this sword has long implied that there are two abilities, one thunder for life.

It's just that few people can see it.

Unless they know in advance what the real power of lightning is...........

And looking at the center at this time, that is, in front of Ye Ruo.

With a huge thunderball.

There is a bird that is very different from Lei Yin Quan is rapidly condensing, and the appearance is completely different, more like a huge bird.

Those feathers also kept emerging, becoming clearer and more complete.

Be able to feel it.

The breath of life on this bird is getting stronger and stronger, and it has already surpassed other large monsters or others.

This shows that its state is getting better and better.

The moment of true resurrection is coming.

Such a scene made Ah Lu excited.

"Yes! This is indeed Cappachili, big brother, you are so powerful, you have really revived Cappachili! "

"Unexpectedly, is it really dead too?"

After thinking of this, Ah Lu became very worried again.

"Big brother, was Capachili killed as a monster because she was too tyrannical and destructive everywhere?"

"So now, what if everyone still thinks Cappachili is a terrifying monster?"

After all, Ah Lu is actually quite smart.

He knows that Capachili destroyed the entire civilization because of his death. And then it's a terrifying battlefield again.

You can understand that the destructive power of the Thunderbird is too great.

Even if it's just casual.

It may cause great disasters to the Pu 2.7 people.

Since Ye Ruo was able to do such a shocking thing, he must also be a god.

So Ah Lu subconsciously asked.

After all, as a mortal, it was normal for him to believe in God.

Ye Ruo also chuckled and gave the answer.

"With the character of Thunderbird Capachili, who never puts small things in his eyes, it is indeed easy to be attacked as a monster just like he was at the beginning."

"Presumably you don't want to see this scene, do you?"

Aru nodded frantically.

That's what worries him the most.

"So, I'll take it. Teach it normal notions and live in Inazuma as a dependant of Raiden Shogun. "

"For a while, it will naturally be by my side."

"Before this, you can also meet this side, after all, this is an agreement between you."

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