"Aaru ?!!"

Seeing the teenager suddenly appear, Ying was taken aback.

Previously, she also thought that it might be Tsurukan who maintained Aru's existence.

Now, a more accurate statement should be the ~ power of thunderbird feathers?

So if you have this feather, you can - take Aru out?

The feathers are able to sustain his existence.

It should be understood this way.

"Big sister."

Ah Ru first looked at Ying happily.

"Are you coming to visit me?"

"And this big brother, are you going to take me to meet Cappachili, those just now should be Capachili's memory."

"It's a pity that I still don't know why the village and everyone became like this."

"It's because the festival didn't go well, so Capachili got angry, and it became what it is now."

Ying didn't know what to say for a while.

You can't tell him the cruel truths.

And the fact that the Thunderbird is dead.

Without thinking, Ye Ruo directly said it all.

"Because thousands of years have passed long ago, and they are all dead. Including you. "

"When they thought you were loved by the gods, they sacrificed your blood to the thunderbird."

"It can only be said that it is too foolish civilization."

"So when Capachri saw you dead, she destroyed everything in a fit of rage. As punishment, the image of the earth vein here was kept circulating, repeating the festival. "

"Wait, Ye Ruo!"

"Don't say these things, right?"

Ying and Paimon's faces changed drastically, and they quickly tried to stop Ye Ruo.

"Nothing, it's better to let him know reality than to keep it in the dark."

"You still have to face it after all."

After hearing this, Ah Lu's face turned pale.

But he still trembled with the last glimmer of hope.

"So, big brother, do you know where Cappachili is now?"

"Also dead. After all, with its behavior style, it was judged to be a monster in other places, once caused a lot of damage, and then was killed. "


After hearing this bad news, Ah Lu seemed to have lost all motivation and sat on the ground with a muddy butt.


Paimon: .......

It's cruel to say all this.

Ye Ruo, you big bad guy has started again!!

But Ah Lu heard the latter sentence,

"I'm going to resurrect the Thunderbird now, if you want to see it, come with me."

Renewed hope.

His face was full of disbelief.

"Really, big brother, being able to resurrect Cappachili, could it be that you are a god?"

"Oh, I'm just an ordinary person passing by."

"But my wife is a god."

Ying rolled her eyes.

Show you off!

And you are an ordinary person with a hammer.

What kind of humorous cold joke is this.

So at this moment, under the tornado, they disappeared here.

By the time they reacted, they had already arrived inside Sugana Mountain.

As a result, as soon as he came here, a purple monster roared and rushed over.

Thunder and lightning surging around, lightning and thunder!

It was a pure thunder elemental creature, which looked a bit like a pure water elf, but it had no intelligence or memory at all.

Some are just more primitive, purer anger.

This is exactly what the Ptarmigan was born from the remnants of its resentment after its death. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Thunder right now!

Paimon who watched was startled and shouted in horror.

"This thing, Tianyun Pass, didn't you fight one?"

"How come there is one here!"

"Be careful, it's coming, it's dangerous!"

As a result, as soon as Ye Ruo stretched out his hand, a force acted here, and then burst it with a bang!

Just for a moment.

The monster, which is quite tricky for Ying, was killed here in seconds.

It turned into a point of light scattered around the thunder element.

They were all stunned.

Then these points of light were collected by Ye Ruo.

Ying Du came over.

"Ye Ruo, you are so powerful! I've come across this stuff before. "

"In the Tianyun Pass where rubble and thunderstorms are scattered, why is there one here?"

"Because it is the resentment of that thunderbird, even if there are five at the same time, it is not surprising, this is only two."

"Even if you wiped out that one in Tianyun Pass. As long as the resentment in the land is not eliminated, the monster of Lei Yin Quan will continue to be born. "

"But I'll collect the power here, go to the most critical place."

Ye Ruofeng's power was activated again, and then Ying noticed that the surrounding scene changed again.

This time, the environment is familiar.

They were now in a relatively large air and land, surrounded by fragmented stones and debris.

The environment can be described as a piece of black oppression, and the raging thunderclouds can give people a heavy sense of oppression.

It can be described as quite harsh and gloomy.

It is also possible to detect the serious overflow of the surrounding thunder elements, which is by no means normal.

It's as if in the past, there was a big war here.

This is the place, it is the Tianyun Pass where Ying met the last Lei Yin Quanxian.

Ye Ruo didn't say much, and directly summoned a thunderous and dazzling divine sword, and once the amazing power appeared here, even those thunderstorms were dispersed.

Instead, even more amazing thunder lit up here!

Purple thunder light descended here, carrying the power of scorn and authority!

As if expressed.

Here, who is the real king!

As a sword with the power of thunder.

Naturally, the so-called defeated forces will not be allowed to occupy here, and they will directly crush here in an instant!

The power of those thunderbirds was suppressed to the center of the place, and then Ye Ruo also threw away the power he had collected in Sugana Mountain just now, so that the more this guy's strength returned, the easier it would be for him to revive.

There is no need to waste a lot of effort.

After all, this is Qingli Island, the place where thunderbirds died and were sealed.

Most of the remnants are here.

Facing the center here, Ye Ruo held the Excalibur and let the power of life linger here.

And then a sword chopped down!

For a time, the breath of life burst out, causing the originally bare ground to sprout green, and countless plants grew rapidly.

It directly changes the scenery here.

Left Aru stunned.

"Good, great."

"Is this the revival of all things, big brother, you really are a god, right?"

And Ye Ruo just swung another sword, so that the will of the thunderbird Capachri was pulled back and returned to the world of the living.

At this moment, its body began to reshape severally!

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