So fierce?

Ying and Paimon were dumbfounded.

Even the cat's tail on his shoulder almost fell off in shock, and he quickly grabbed Ying's clothes with his water lily cat palm, fortunately it was okay.

Otherwise, it will be disgraced.

They were all on the same mind at this time.

It's you, Ye Ruo!

How do I feel that he is getting more and more powerful, such an ability feels like a wind god.

I used to think he was very perverted.

Now casually, the fog of the entire island has dissipated.

What an island!

Is this human?

Oh, he seems to be an immortal, not a human.

That's okay.

However, Ye Ruo is getting more and more fierce, and it is true that Ying Du can't see Ye Ruo's level, and only feels that he is unfathomable.

It's incredible.

Even a thoughtless knife, he will.

What a god-like character.

And looking at the smoke here, Ying was curious.

"In that case, will the fog dissipate? It probably won't be in the future. "

"It is worthy of being a thunder demon bird, and it can make such an amazing movement and fill the mist of an entire island."

"You're wrong."


Ye Ruo showed surprise.

"The reason for this fog, you should be very clear."

"Many years ago, something fell from the sky, and one of them fell here. Then there was a fog like 413 on this island, which became a foggy island. "

"The Thunderbird can indeed repel this fog, but it doesn't feel necessary."

"Because it doesn't matter to it."

"On the contrary, the subsequent civilization regarded the thunderbird as a god and worshipped it, resulting in a series of misunderstandings and foolish acts."

"And the thing that fell, you experienced the things of Mond and Liyue, you should be able to react quickly."

"On this island, on a time scale, there are two before and after civilizations."

At first, Ying was stunned, what is this fog, I should be very clear?

She didn't do it.

How did she know.

However, after hearing the following words, she immediately understood.

Scales fall from one's eyes.

"So that's the case, that is, there was once an ancient civilization here?"

"Even older than their time? So that civilization was also destroyed like the snowy mountains and the stratum abyss. "

"Doesn't that mean there should be a nail here?"

After all, Ye Ruo said before, it seems that the Cold Sky Nail is a weapon specially used to target the earth vein.

Ability to have different functions.

For example, the two nails of the snow mountain and the stratum abyss have obviously different effects.

And the crane view here, is it to disturb the earth vein to produce this mist?

However, along the way, it seems that no obvious nail marks or fragments have been found.

In this regard, Ye Ruo only said that he didn't know where to go.

It may have been destroyed.

Or who took it.

After all, the nail of cold weather is easy to break.

It can have such power because it is beaten down from a very high heaven.

It is a space-based weapon.

It doesn't need anything complicated to explode, it's simple and straightforward.

For example, some space-based weapons are metal sticks.

It depends on the kinetic energy of the fall.

So the nail of cold weather is a pillar, which is normal.

And after talking about this.

Ying also quickly told Ye Ruo what happened here.

The cycle of Aru and the sacrifices, and the trees.

After all, since he used to be the Onmyoji of Inazuma's legend, maybe there is a better solution.

Ye Ruo nodded.

"Reed flute? I see. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"That writer is indeed right, and the wooden flute I wrote is indeed a tradition and habit that people on the Heguan side will have."

"Those descendants who come out of the crane view will actually make it."

"You should have seen it, just the one called Kama."

And this time, it's easy to end the cycle. Actually, I came to revive the Thunderbird and take it in. "

"Come with me."


Paimon: ???

What the heck.

Resurrection, resurrection?!

Ye Ruo said something very amazing in an easy way.

The thunderbird had died on Qingli Island a long time ago, and this was something they all knew.

Didn't expect that.

Can Ye Ruo still bring it back to life?

How is it possible!

This is a resurrected dead creature, and even the demon god can't do such a thing, right?

He's not going to be joking, is he?

In any case, this kind of thing is hard to believe.

This is Ying did not see the Shifting Xiaoxiao Guide Innocence Jun, otherwise she would not be as shocked and incredible as she is now.

And the thunderbird feels very strong, and casually blew up two islands.

If this is not contained, it will be terrifying, right?

After all, it sounds like a very grumpy creature.

However, since Ye Ruo dared to say acceptance, he must also have his considerations.

Maybe he can beat the other party with one move?

So you shouldn't have to think about this.

Then Ye Ruo stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

A special feather located on this island automatically flew into his hand.

In a trance, they seemed to see a memory.

It was the story of a boy and a bird.

While the teenager was singing, the thunderbird, which had been flying high in the sky, stopped.

"I've heard the song of trees, the song of clouds and the sea. As well as the distant chanting of the cyan flying dragon in the far north, and the concerto between many living beings, the natural symphony music that converges. "

"But, your song is special."

Such words surprised Ying.

Cyan wyvern?

It won't be Twalin, right?

Then I also saw that the boy made an agreement with the demon bird to listen to his singing next time.

Because ptarmigans are ancient creatures, the scale and concept of life are different from those of humans.

Maybe it slept, and the original human beings would have died of old age long ago.

Then the Thunderbird flew away.

The memory stopped.

After that, Ying already knows.

Aru dies, and the Thunderbird rages.

At this time, Ye Ruo's face was indifferent, and then he flicked this feather with his finger.

"The original wood reed flute was the feather of a thunderbird, and it is said that it can call the soul, and this effect is true."

"And the Alu you are talking about is actually part of it in this feather."

"That's why, relative to other people's phantoms, disappear. Aru's soul still exists, and will go to avoid those thunderbolts and find a safe place. "

"That is, the rest of the Tsurugan here are phantoms, but this child is unique, special."

"The Thunderbird itself also has the ability to influence the veins of the earth, as well as involve the soul."

When the words fell, Ah Lu also appeared here.

Ye Ruo touched his head.

"Let's go, kid, you've worked hard."

"It's time for everything to end here, let the cycle end."

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