Thunder and lightning are really around, no matter how many birds there are, it is no problem.

His own beast taming props, for so long, there are several more.

After all, even the Sky Dragon can influence.

Don't mind adding another bird.

If it really doesn't work, slash it to death.


Just kidding.

It should be fine.

In fact, what Ye Ruo wanted to subdue was the Thunder Dragon.

The ghost is, what about the thunder dragon?

Where's it going?

The growth of the thunder dragon is obviously higher, but it is a pity that Inazuma has no trace of this thing.

Then you can only retreat to the second place, reluctantly resurrect the thunderbird and subdue this thunderbird.

This is still Ye Ruo's special ability.

The power is good.

It stands to reason that it should be a dependant of the Thor sisters.

The reason why it didn't work out may be that the shadow can't sing.

Fortunately, Ying didn't know Ye Ruo's idea at this time, otherwise he would have glared at him fiercely.

She herself is a military general, now Thor.

Can't sing?

So Ye Ruo's mind moved and disappeared here.

And at this time.

Ying has been running Tsurugan many times.

While in Inazuma Castle, she met a writer who had a lot of demands, that is, Miss Sumida.

This Miss Sumida had also read Ye Ruo's novel before.

She was very interested in the wooden reed flute, which Ye Ruo used as an item for dating and proposing, and she was once moved by this story and cried.

I also became interested in the reed flute.

But in this novel, it is only mentioned that the reed flute is a tradition of the past somewhere.

Giving the wooden flute he made by himself to the woman means proposing.

And then nothing else was spoken.

It didn't even unfold, just a brush stroke.

It's a pity.

And Miss Sumida felt a little familiar, she seemed to have seen this allusion there.

So after flipping through a lot of books, she suddenly realized.

It comes from the Heguan civilization that has long disappeared!

This civilization was destroyed many years ago, and now it is an island sunk in a sea of fog, with a very dense fog inside, and it is easy for ordinary people to get lost when they walk in.

And I heard that in the depths of that fog, strange monsters may appear.

Once discovered, they will come at you fiercely.

But Miss Sumida thinks that this is just the idea of her new novel?!!


Since the famous writer did not write this, he could just let himself unfold and describe a series of stories about the wood reed flute, the crane view civilization and so on.

Once such a story is born, it will definitely explode, right?!!

After all, it was stained with the light of that book.

What the hell, what is the relationship between that Mond writer and Lord Qingming, how do you know so much?

Even she had to go through the information for half a day as an Inazuma.

As a result, the Monds were able to learn about such a remote and distant Inazuma tradition.

It's not easy.

Perhaps, has Lord Qingming been to Mond before?

So the two got acquainted?

Of course.

Now Inazuma also has a saying circulating,

Say that the writer of Mond and Lord Qingming are actually the same person.

This made her feel inexplicable.

How is it possible.

One is the knight of the wind who has long been famous in Mond, and the other is the legendary Onmyoji who possessed the power of gods and demons five hundred years ago, how on earth is this strung together?

I don't dare to write that way in the novel.

Even herself, who writes novels, never came up with this idea.

Others really dare to think about it!

As for the wood reed flute, although the crane view is deserted there, there is thick fog everywhere.

However, there are occasional adventurers.

After all, this kind of place occasionally attracts the curiosity of adventurers.

It's an unknown place perfect for adventure.

So she went there with some people, hoping to find the reed flute, and those people found it.

But I couldn't bring it back at all.

It was said that it was clearly taken, but it turned out to be empty. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is a bizarre situation.

It's like, it's like a ghost reed flute!

So she found the famous adventurer, the legendary figure who dared to clash with Raiden General and has not yet been investigated.


I hope they can find the wooden flute and understand the mystery.

So Ying took Paimon and Cattail to Tsurukan and began the story with the Aru.

Then in a series of events, Ying discovers an amazing fact.

That is.

The villagers encountered at Tsurukan and what happened were all phantoms that kept repeating.

The real them have long ceased to exist.

According to the judgment and the meaning of the cauldron.

A large anomalous geodynamic phenomenon occurred here, which led to these effects.

It is the phantom of the past, the bubble of the past.

That is, this is the cycle of the sea of fog.

They have always been talking to a piece of history from a long time ago.

It should have been done by the Thunderbirds.

After noticing this situation, Ying intends to go back again to end this cycle and history.

At least that's too cruel for Aru.

Repeated sacrifices were given to thunderbirds.

So they plan to destroy the habitat.

Since this is the key to the festival, if it is destroyed, it will be able to have new changes.

And not a meaningless cycle.

At this time, Ye Ruo also came to the island of Heguan.

And came to them in an instant.

"It looks like your journey has been quite fulfilling."


Paimon was startled by this sudden voice and screamed.

Originally, the cat's tail grass was not frightened, but because of Paimon's sudden call, it was scared.

Then after seeing who is coming.

Cattail glanced at Paimon speechlessly.

What a fuss.

Dumb Paimon.

Ying was also vigilant and shocked, holding a bladeless sword in his hand and posing in a fighting posture, after all, there are indeed monsters in this place.

Just those pitch black hounds.

However, after seeing who it was, Ying was surprised.

"Ye Ruo?"

"Strange, shouldn't you be dealing with General Raiden now, how to run around."

"It's almost all right, and the rest is enough for them."

"I'm as free as the wind."

Hearing this familiar statement, Ying rolled her eyes.

You're fishing again, right?

From Mond to Liyue, from Liyue to Inazuma.

Yours is really there.

And Ye Ruo turned around and looked around, but there was fog at a distance.

The fog here is not made by the Thunderbirds.

It has long been.

However, the Tsurugan people who lived here at that time thought that this mist protected the Tsurugan and prevented anything from invading their sacred enchantment from the ground.

What a shake of the head.

So Ye Ruo blew it.

In an instant, a thousand winds that swept the entire island descended here, blowing all the mist away!

Such a sight made Paimon and Ying, and Cattail's eyes widen.

"Wow, the fog here is blown off!!"

"That's awesome!"

"Ye Ruo, did you blow away the fog in our area."

"No, I blew off the whole island."


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